logan durham and meratezatgh (european mythology and etc) created by sidj-6
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Relaxing Interval - by Clostridium ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/clostridium/ )

Summer, 1326

For the first time in a decade, Logan found time to relax. The Town of Stanton had been chastened by two defeats and things had quieted down. There was no political scheming or issues with Elder Potter, Lord Fairfax or the Guesters, and for once Sheriff Wilcox was also strangely silent. So Logan headed back into the mountains with Meratezatgh. The Southern Ranges were cool and beautiful in the high summer, and human and dragon would enjoy it throughout the long days, having long conversations while hiking through the wild mountains, drinking from crystal clear pools until the sun would set and fireflies began dancing in the evening. Nights were spent with wine and cards or just contemplating by the fire, Logan and Mera sitting side by side, the hunter smoking his pipe and the dragon just smoking contently, satisfied with just being with each other’s company.

“Isn't it beautiful? The flowers are blooming, the trees have grown thick and green, the sky deep blue, the grasses tall and thick.” The dragon leaned on his back, idly chewing on a twig as human and dragon sat on a perch overlooking soaring mountains, still snow-topped, all around them. “I love this feeling of tranquility. It makes me feel as one with the world.”

“It is nice here.” Logan muttered, taking a sip from his flask. “Makes you forget about all the drama below."

Still, that drama was always around lurking in the background, the hunter thought to himself. Mera seemed to be in a good mood, so Logan decided to assess the risk the dragon posed to the townsfolk.

"Out of curiosity, do you ever think about trying to retake the River Triangle?” The hunter asked.

The dragon gave his friend a look. “And why would I care about that? Become more powerful? Claim more land? Finding more riches?" The dragon placed a paw under his chin. "Well, that would actually be nice. But the people of Stanton are there. And anyways I like it here. At least I’m not getting shot at or fighting for my life.”

"The people of Stanton are always afraid that you'd descend upon the valley and the town and destroy it in an attack. That's why they want you gone from the mountains."

The dragon snorted. “Let them have the valley. I'm sick of all the humans there. This is what I fight for.” The dragon dramatically waved his forearms at the panorama around them.

Logan shrugged “Well, sometimes you need to suffer to remember how great these kinds of things are.”


The dragon frowned and changed the subject.

“You know, I’ve been trying to wrap my head around it, but I still cannot figure out how the townsfolk managed to find my cave.”

Logan nearly choked on his mouthful of ale. Mera scratched his head.

“I have been living here for five years; I’ve always watched my back when I entered the lee that is my landing site, I’ve scented the area for the presence of humans, and besides you, anyone who approached my cave before last fall was immediately killed. Yet last fall, they still managed to find me, and now they know where I live.”

The hunter froze.

Did the dragon suspect? Was he playing with him? It seemed his guilt was obvious.

Mera sighed, and finally shrugged.

“Ah. I guess someone was going to discover my home sooner or later.”

Logan quietly breathed again. The hunter took another swig of his flask and did his best to hide his worry when the dragon turned to him.

"So what are you going to do now? Stanton obviously didn't take up my offer, and you burned down your connections with them when you came to help me so dramatically. Where are you going to go?"

"I don't know." Logan said. "I'm considering staying."

"What? Why?"

“I think I’m in love with Sonia.”

Mera stopped and stared at Logan quizzically. “Now how did this happen so quickly?”

The hunter shrugged.

“I dunno. I guess that now that I’m not trying to kill you anymore, my schedule has suddenly opened up. I guess I just never noticed this before. How beautiful she is; how much her kindness and feistiness get to me.”

"You know the townsfolk will try to kill you now."

"I know."

“Well you’re a fool.” The dragon took another flask from Logan's bag, opened it, and emptied its contents in seconds.

“I am.”

The dragon took out a third flask. The two figures continued drinking.

“You know, I don’t know that much about women;” Logan replied, “I never had the time or effort.”

“Ah, bachelorhood, how much it gives, how much it takes away.” Mera mused. “I think my people have made things a lot simpler. You know the dragon’s hoard? That’s just us males collecting gold, silver and other shiny metals, then putting it all into a monumental pile, so that when a female comes we can try to buy her with it.”

“So that’s how it works eh?”

“Yah. Females dig gold. The more gold one has, the greater the chance someone wants your love.”

Logan chuckled “Unless we humans kill you and take your gold first.”

“Ach, so much for my love life. Of course, we also all love shiny objects; it looks nice anyways.” Mera took a deep gulp, finishing off the fourth flask. Logan's bag only contained six flasks.

“Out of curiosity, have you ever- you know, gone out with a well a female of your kind?” the hunter asked.

“Heck no. I’m only 42; I’m not wealthy or strong enough to even look at a girl dragon, ‘cause they’ll kick my scaly ass.”

“Great.” Logan joked, “Two dudes on a mountaintop drinking together; this can’t end well.”

Mera chuckled. Logan raised his flask in a toast:

“To women, the ultimate mystery in life.”

“Agreed to that.”

Sugar Ray- Someday

Admit I had some trouble writing the story here; may tweak it later.

Courtsey of Sidj-6 ! She does cute work!
Original: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/34554358/

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