delia and helios (nintendo and etc) created by d-6alaxy
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From best man to Best bride pt.4

Velvet cleared her throat and glanced down at her phone, grimacing at the rapidly escalating number of notifications. Word had clearly begun to reach the rest of the wedding guests that the blushing bride they had all just seen leaving with her new husband had apparently been posting images of herself with an entirely different person in a whole other part of the region. As usual, when something went wrong, she was the first one everyone turned to to resolve it, however, unusually she wasn’t around and able to handle things.

“I really should be back at the party.” The zoroark looked pointedly at her lucario companion. “You know, keeping your family from starting a riot when they find out their daughter eloped BEFORE they watched her walk down the aisle.”

“Oh I’m so sorry, are the consequences of your actions coming back to bite you?” Amelie asked, rolling her eyes. “That’s got to be terrible! Oh well, guess you shouldn’t have tricked Helios into marrying Dee instead of Delia! That might have solved this whole problem right from the start, but I mean, who couldn’t see that coming?”

Velvet bristled. The zoroark wasn’t used to people being so abrasive with her, at least not without having the private satisfaction of knowing she could always just curse or transform them later. Amelie, being both terrifying and utterly unimpressed with Velvet’s usual intimidating aura, was vexing Velvet to her core and it was all the frazzled wedding planner could do to contain her emotions behind a mask of professional indignation.

“I apologize,” Velvet began slowly, her voice icy cold, “That my solution to your sister's selfish and inconsiderate behavior has proved to be a little imperfect, but I wasn’t exactly given unlimited time to find the perfect work around! If she’d just… NOT post pictures of herself flaunting her new boyfriend on her wedding day, this whole thing could have gone much more smoothly!”

“By smoothly, you mean that Helios would have been tricked into sleeping with Dee and then… what?” Amelie asked, her voice soft, but with a dangerous edge that caused Velvet to shiver. “Would Dee change back and leave Helios even more confused and hurt than before when his ‘bride’ just vanished and started to gaslight him into thinking she wasn’t even with him on the honeymoon? Or would Dee have just kept sleeping with Helios until one day he discovered that his ‘wife’ was actually his transformed best friend this whole time?”

“Um…” Velvet opened and then closed her mouth, her cheeks burning. “I, well, didn’t… I mostly just focus on the wedding and the events around it. I just assumed that maybe they would fall in love and it would all sort itself out?”

Amelie shot Velvet a hard look. “You're serious, aren't you? Idiot…” She took a turn off the highway, a sign for the Golden Lake Lodge passing by as the pair's car sped towards the famed honeymoon location. “Trust me, the moment Helios learns the truth, he’s going to be heartbroken, furious or both!”

“I’m sure you're catastrophizing…” Velvet mumbled.

“If anything, I’m being optimistic.” Amelie’s eyes narrowed. “You’d better HOPE we get there first because if Helios learns the truth before we can get to them, Dee’s going to be in serious danger of being incinerated!”

- - -

“AH!” Dee gasped, her face beet red as her body arched. “OH GOD! OH GOD I’M ON FIRE!” She grabbed the bed sheets and shuddered, her knees trembling as smoke curled up from between her legs. “S-STOP! PLEASE!”

“Too much?” Helios asked, the charizard’s wet muzzle emerging from between Dee’s thighs, black smoke still curling from his nostrils as he spoke. “Do I need to get an ice pack?”

“N-No…” Dee took a deep, shuddering breath and allowed herself to flop back onto the bed, her fur matted with sweat as she ran a paw across her forehead. “Just, take it slow. I’m not that fire resistant.”

“Alright, but first, how about I get you a glass of water?” Helios offered, rubbing his snout with the back of his hand as he stood. Dee couldn’t help but blush and grin at the sight of his underwear, the only clothing he had on, tenting noticeably as he turned to walk to the small kitchen area. “I don’t want you suffering from a heat stroke on the first day of our honeymoon.”

“God, how did I get so lucky?” Dee asked, pushing herself up to a sitting position and looking with nervous excitement at her bare pussy, still dripping wet and steaming from her fire-type lover's attention. “I mean, just… wow…”

“I was going to say the same thing.” Helios grinned, filling a glass and carrying it back to Dee, who took it eagerly. “I was pretty nervous about tonight, things had been… well, not great with Delia for a while and I was sort of worried that this was going to be a total disaster.” He watched Dee drink, his smile growing. “Instead it's like, I dunno, it's like waking up from a bad dream and realizing, ‘Oh, THIS is what your life is supposed to be like!’”

Dee’s face burnt as she almost choked on the water before setting it down with a cough. “Oh come on, don’t tease!” The lucario woman giggled nervously. “I’m already going to have sex with you, you don’t need to butter me up.”

“I mean it.” Helios said, taking the glass back and setting it aside before kneeling once again between Dee’s legs. “I’m genuinely having the best time right now and I just hope I can make this even half as good for you too.”

“Helios…” Dee felt her breath catch in her throat as the Charizard lightly licked her slick lower lips. “Ah! Oh Helios I don’t even know what to-”

Dee’s words were cut off by a sudden loud banging on the door, causing both lovers to jump.


“I-Is that…” Dee began, her voice quaking.

“It sounds like you?” Helios’s eyes were as wide as dish plates as he looked from the door to Dee and then back again. “But that would mean…”

The banging paused for a moment, then suddenly a crack like a thunderbolt filled the room as the door was struck by a mighty punch, a dark-furred lucario fist bashing through the wood before being yanked out again. A second later a follow up punch knocked the door from its hinges, the wood crashing to the lodge’s floor as a furious lucario woman loomed in the doorway, her burning gaze locking onto Dee.

“YOU!” The lucario woman pointed, her fighting aura flaring to life as she took one step into the lodge. “EXPLAIN!”

“I-It’s complicated?” Dee crossed her legs quickly, all color draining from her face as she began to scoot back across the bed. “I-I never meant to- I didn’t- I just…”

“Delia!” Helios rose to his feet, moving between Dee and her identical twin. “After what you pulled, how DARE you-”

“How dare I!?” Delia snapped, cutting her ex-fiancee off. “That bitch stole my face AND my lingerie!”

“I-It was already packed and I figured…” Dee began sheepishly.

“Don’t explain yourself to her, Dee!” Helios huffed, flames flicking between his jaws.

“Dee!?” Delia demanded, her eyes narrowing. “Wait, isn’t that that one dude you…” She squinted. “Is… Dee a furry?”

“No!” Helios snapped. “Actually, uh, yes, but that’s unrelated! The wedding planner turned him into a copy of you because YOU ran off on our wedding day and SOMEONE had to fill in for you!”

“Did someone need to LITERALLY fill in for me?” Delia demanded.

“Wait, did you say ‘wedding day’?” A human man poked his head around the shattered door frame. “I thought you said you were blowing off your ex’s family dinner plans, not a wedding.”

“Who the fuck is this!?” Helios demanded, glaring at the man.

“Go back to the car, Bill!” Delia snarled. “I told you I’d just be a minute!”

“Hey, my name's Bill!” The man waved, giving Dee and Helios a cheerful smile. “Nice to meet you all!”

“Hi.” Dee waved awkwardly back as she tried to bury herself in the covers.

“Hey, Bill?” Helios’s eyes narrowed further. “No offense, but you’re fucking the woman I was meant to be marrying today, so can you please FUCK OFF?”

“Hey, you don’t get to talk to him that way!” Delia growled.

“Aw, thank you honey!” Bill beamed at Delia.

“BILL FUCK OFF BACK TO THE CAR!” Delia jabbed a finger back towards the parking lot.

“Okay, nice to meet you all!” Bill waved again before disappearing.

“Look…” Helios took a deep breath. “Delia, I… I didn’t agree to this whole ‘body double’ plan and neither did Dee. But the fact of the matter is, you stabbed me in the back and you're now trying to ruin the one thing that’s keeping this from being the worst day of my life, so I am only going to say this one more time.” He pointed to the shattered doorway. “Leave. NOW.”

“I’m not leaving till that imposter drops her disguise and stops trying to impersonate me in front of my friends and family!” Delia snarled, her fighting aura blazing bright as she dropped into a combat pose.

“Well, unfortunately for the both of us, the one person who can fix that isn’t here so I guess we're going to have to solve this the old fashioned way.” Helios’ wings flared and his flames roared to light.

Dee gasped, pulling the blankets around herself as she watched in sick horror at the scene unfolding in front of her. Everything had seemed so perfect and now it was all about to go up in smoke! How could everything have gone so wrong so fast!?

“God, could this day get any worse?” Dee moaned into her hands.

“STOP!” A voice suddenly screamed and all eyes turned once again to the door where a third lucario had suddenly appeared, a zoroark trailing just behind her. “Helios! That’s not my sister! KEEP YOUR PANTS ON!”

There was a long, awkward pause as Amelie slowly processed what she was seeing, the two copies of her sister, one prepared for battle and the other hiding beneath the sheets and between them, her almost brother in law wearing nothing but a pair of stained underpants still partially tented by a fading erection.

“Right…” Amelie said after the silence had dragged on for an uncomfortably long minute. “I think I might need someone to catch me up real fast.”

From behind her, Velvet caught Dee’s eye and gave her an apologetic smile. “I hope you’ve been enjoying the honeymoon?”

Dee shrugged and then with a small whimper, fainted.


A story I commissioned to the amazing Duhad and edited by UnsavoryRepute

based on the lovely works of ScissorsRunner

As the previous one, the real deal is in the story, so please, go give a look to Duhad's post when you have the time!

From Duhad's side

From my side

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