catstopher colombus created by kittykuscell
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This piece originally released to my Patreon three weeks before today, if you'd like to see WIPS for what's next, early releases, and sketches, please consider subscribing! It gives me support and allows me to continue making art, thank you! ^^

Catstopher Lore

An excerpt from the personal writings of Project Alice lead Dr. Frix Teufel --

Colombus came under our attention on 23/01/97 when it was reported to a wider medical body by a local physician that his person showed bizarre qualities. Objects would rattle or be knocked over in his wider presence, under the correct conditions those surrounding him would experience headaches, this among further anomalous activity brought him under our wheelhouse. Intelligence agents were on the scene to observe the subject as early as March, marking immediate strange presences and phenomena throughout the local area upon their arrival, especially as they grew closer to the subject. Paranormal activity seemed to heighten under moments of extreme duress for Colombus, such as when deadlines for local paper work was approaching, during moments of national tragedy, and other personal mental and familial episodes, implying the subject hadn't a conscious understanding of his latent psionic strength, releasing it in powerful outbursts during stressful periods in his life. Some of these psionic waves were intense enough that after periods of high readings agents could spot structural damage to the subject's home, as well as far-flung objects such as lawn ornaments and stones.

With our suspicions confirmed as to his aptitude for the extra-ordinary his retrieval was immediately code-named and his case assigned to Retrieval Team Delta, "St. Helens Irregulars", known for their quick response time and adherence to the book. In under 48 hours a plan of action was formulated with multiple contingencies, and the team was on their way. Retrieval was quick, on 04/09/97 at 02:13 the Colombus residence was entered, the subject quickly located, seized, and made unconscious, along with the other residents of the home. Under protocol 9A his immediate housemates and family were placed under memorial reconfiguration. The night of, all residents of the Colombus house were dosed with class V amnestics and left letters implying they had an upcoming doctors visit, in which one of our agents would continue their memorial reconfiguration. Multiple potential witnesses were identified in the neighboring house, with at least one phone call to the local sheriff intercepted. Following protocol 561D all witnesses were made unconscious, arranged into their beds, and administered high dosages until they were placed in a state of perceived dreaming, as well as similarly administered class V amnestics and placed under memorial reconfiguration treatment plans with their local physicians and agency plants.

All supplemental documentation regarding the subject, all personal photographs, and all personal affects were rounded into an on-site moving van and replaced with doctored replicas which excluded the subject from the material; including doctor's office papers, family photographs, and in some cases recordings. By 05:32 the retrieval team was once again on the move, those left behind following up on further measures to ensure the memorial reconfiguration of the town, including protocol 23B as well as continuing to scrub any and all local and surrounding community data on Colombus. State and federal level memory of Colombus was handled by agents within the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. By 09:58 Colombus had crossed border lines into Canada, and by 07/09/97 he had arrived at Institute Site Charlie, "Deep-Black" a secret research facility located in a Zone 1 Special Preservation Area within Nahanni National Park, Northern Territories, Canada. The subject was kept constantly sedated and unconscious through careful administration of drugs in order to prevent extreme panic in the subject. Colombus's vitals appeared okay throughout the trip, and intake was performed at 13:42 without trouble, with a preliminary check showing the subject to be physically well. The subject was placed within cell B-11, a jumpsuit left for him when he would eventually awake, his condition constantly monitored by nurses by way of electrodes.

When the subject came to consciousness an immediate rise in stress levels was observed by on-site psychiatric staff, with the Colombus clearly confused as to where he found himself, as well as why he wasn't in his bed at home. Before long he became aware of the CCTV in his cell, whose feed, despite thick encasing in attempts to prevent psionics interference, kept growing troublesome to read. Conscious sedation measures were immediately put into play, with a light dosage of Nitrous Oxide released into the confines of the cell. While still on edge, before long psychiatric staff could see a marked relaxation in the subject, who before long realized his nudity and dressed himself accordingly with the jumpsuit he'd been supplied. Though not too extraordinary of a retrieval, especially with the levels of panic and stress, what was odd was the levels of the psionic waves measured around his cell, with multiple neighboring cells complaining of objects shifting, falling over, and multiple staff as far away as the monitoring station complaining of mounting headaches. When measurements were read, the shocking conclusion of Catstopher's true psionic ability came to show; these levels being record breaking numbers at the time not only for Site Charlie but indeed for the entire Thouless-Wiesner Research Group. Immediately marked as an even more important subject than he already was, Colombus was quickly made once again unconscious and relocated to cell S-04, a solitary chamber with thick enough walls and enough stopgaps that the powerful waves emanating when he was fully conscious and not sedated would hopefully not affect the facility, its faculty, or other subjects.

From conspiracy website "" , Publication Date 05/11/2006 --

What are projects Pied Piper and Alice? Project Pied Piper is an advanced military research project with funding from NATO, the EU, and the CCP. Envisioned originally as a counter-measure to Warsaw Pact aggression, Pied Piper foresees a future fighting force that can instantly telepathically receive orders from one coordinating general. A fighting force without thought, without reservations, without anxiety. A direct continuation of project MK-Ultra, all scientists, funding, and data flowed immediately into Pied Piper. While MK-Ultra was largely a failure, its data was taken to develop much more matured testing measures and to envision a possible way to commit menticide. What to some is a science-fiction fantasy to others is cold hard reality, especially when the extraordinary is taken into account. Multitudes of different folkloric interpretations of a controlled person have been researched and tested and in some cases proven, from the Haitian Zonbi to the Pavlovian conditioning. This is what Pied Piper seeks. Not just a way to wash the mind, to clear out previous conceptions and change people, but to control them, to make them act on the actions of one.

Project Alice is vastly different in its aims, seeking to unlock instantaneous teleportation and similarly funded by NATO, the EU, and the CCP for its possibility of use for reactionary forces, subterfuge, and spycraft, as well as its other varying political and policing uses. After all, how many crimes could you stop if you were able to at an instant be before the perpetrator? Thouless-Wiesner is real. They are not a cover, they are not fictitious, they are bona-fide and actual. They have traceable funding from various U.S. and Canadian states departments and receive millions in grants from the western world, it just all goes to shell corporations that flow into it. If given more time, I could prove it deeper, I could show all the papers I'd taken, all the submissions and communications I'd gotten from my time as a physician, the kidnappings, everything. Furthermore, knowing a geologist, the quakes shaking the Northern Territories in 2004 are equally suspect. If you can triangulate their positions in relation to each other, you can see the tectonic plates don't add up. They don't make sense. None of it makes sense, it all behaves almost supernaturally. What was previously thought to be science-fiction nonsense has been brought to the forefront of technology, of our evolutionary development. A next stage for our world.

If you can seriously still believe that the quakes that shook the Northern Territories around the Nahanni National Park have nothing to do with any funny business you are not looking at things as they are. People are disappearing. Our local economies are drying up, and our small towns are growing smaller and smaller. They know that nobody will bat an eye at a boy or a girl disappearing from say Colorado City or Weed, that they would notice if city-dwellers started to up and poof into thin air. They are stealing our children and our spouses, our coworkers and our neighbors. If you don't believe me, you've already drunk the Kool-Aid, or rather the water. They are making you forget. They want you to forget. If you're from the city and think you don't have reason to be afraid you should be. The moment these projects come under way it's gonna be you too who'll begin to pay. It'll then be your sons, your daughters, your neighbors, your family, all brain-washed. And if you're like this old sap, and you're from the country too; for the love of God, secure your home, buy a gun, and organize. The people of America and Canada are under siege. Cherish the ones you love.

They're coming for me. I know they are. I've gone too deep.

They got everyone else, and now they're gonna get me.


A note from researcher MS Graduate Petr Navrátil, previous researcher under Project Pied Piper turned Head of Research on Project Pied Piper at the facility Deep-Black, dated 16/05/99 --

To date Subject-03α has made impressive and expedient development. It is without a doubt that without his finding both of our respective projects would be deeply screwed. Furthermore, without your insight Pied Piper would have been no doubt abandoned in '97 after that affair with the president. Of course it would make more sense to start with a subject whose acuity is already proven, and far easier to then replicate this subject and have him simply reach out to and commune with his other through extrasensory means. It was a challenge to get even half the way to where we find ourselves now, I can't even count the amount of failed replications of the original we made on our way here, but when we had that first copy of our subject staring down upon us, his hulking mass a stark difference, but all the rest rather similar... I knew we were on the right track. Besides, it would be prime that we keep replicants stronger than the original subject physically, for military testing means. The only issue has become training the subject to interface with this copycat without outright telling him what it is, after all... there's no doubt the realization that you're trying to control another you would be damaging.

It's been nearly a year but we've managed to get its digits wiggling, certainly a lot further behind than your tracker's reading of the subject's progress in teleportation. Where was it the retrieval team had to pick the guy up from again, Fort Simpson or Liard or something? I don't remember. Anyways, the point is, come with the guys and I tonight into town for some drinking, all the rounds are on me, especially after this pay raise and all you've done for me. My career was in shambles until I met you, especially with those accusations of sympathies to the Warsaw Pact. Not a lot of guys are like you Frix. Thank you.

Excerpt from an interview with Dr. Frix Teufel after the escape of Subject-03α, tape dated 14/9/04 --

I can't believe he did it. I seriously can't believe he did it still. It seemed like an impossibility to everyone, like something far too absurd, even with the inherent absurdity of everything that we'd been doing it just doesn't make sense. Sure, theories of multidimensional travel have been waxed on and off by philosophers and scientists for centuries but... it still just seems so bizarre... Tragically, it had to be at the impetus point of most of our most important projects surrounding him... Pied Piper was so far we'd managed to make some of his replicas walk and even fire their weapons, and the range we had to sweep Colombus up from for his work under Alice was growing ever wider... not to mention the sheer importance of the other tests he'd perform in, his showcase of ESP and telekinesis... all made moot. The facility panicked when the readings started to go as haywire as they had... they had to. We were built to withstand extreme psionic waves but those were unlike anything we'd seen before... then I remember when the ground started to rattle and shake, when walls buckled, boxes fell, hardly anybody could keep to their feet. I knew immediately the source of these waves, and against all better judgement, I immediately struggled to his cell. I felt pounds upon pounds upon pounds of pressure added onto my bones, buckling on my feet as I pressed onward, and then came the lights, I couldn't tell what was physical and what was unreal, bright dazzling flashes of purples, blues, reds, oranges, a kaleidoscope unfolding before my eyes... then there I was. My head was splitting in two, my insides felt like they were wrenching inward on themselves, but there I was, staring through the thick door to his cell, watching him struggling. He'd been so warm, so overexerted, sweat pouring down his form as he slowly tore a hole within dimensional space itself...

What will always stick with me... what I'll always remember, is how he looked back... that look in his eye as he stared back at me... one of determination, but also disdain... I know no matter what we try... no matter how hard we go... he'll just keep running...

Excerpt from tape of unknown source, date marked 19/02/08 --

It's been four years now since the escape of Subject-03α. A lot has changed since his disappearance. Using the data and progress made when we were still able to experiment on him and utilizing new advancements in the field we've finally made it past where we laid previously on Project Pied Piper. Whereas before copies of Colombus required his utmost attention to do much of anything, they have at last managed some form of autonomy, able to mobilize, perform finer motor function, and take care of themselves... the most important and fascinating development lays in what we did to control them instead of utilizing a subject such as Colombus though... we simply made our own. An almost exact copy, top to bottom, with a few adjustments for the purposes of identification... and of course a hefty upbringing on the importance of dedicating himself to furthering the aims of the upper echelons of our little... institution. Of course, his immediate cause is to find his brother and to return him to our custody, and he is to do this with the help of his siblings, all of whom left mentally open enough for him to control them. Yes, at long last, Project Pied Piper has been wholly successful. Our entire security detail, for the most part, has been replaced by these clone soldiers, who can be better armed, work longer. These soldiers who ask less, act more, who think not of the individual, but the whole. In short, a perfect fighting force, and a perfect fireteam to spearhead our attempts to get Colombus back.

We'll do what Teufel said we couldn't, what he and his cohorts who tried to tear down all we built up with that stupid attempt at whistle-blowing... Project Alice was mostly perfected by the time that subject left our hands, but by the time we'd completed his brother in 2006 we'd laid the last foundational bricks so he could learn the rest, so that he could figure out that same thing his brother had, and so that he could help his siblings to do it all the same. When he'd jumped between dimensions his tracker was still activated, for a split second we were able to gain the vaguest understanding of where he is... It's not long before his brother is to make his maiden voyage, to soar through time itself with his military body, and to track down and bring Colombus back to us.

Postamble birthday thoughts...

It seems this time of year always hits me out of left field. Just like that, another year has gone by, and I've now hit the biggest of big numbers, and one of the last celebrated milestones before often maligned numbers (30, 40, etc.) -- I was really scared to be here for a bit, but I think I have finally reached a bit of catharsis on it. It's like... I am now allowed to do whatever I want within the boundaries of the law and whatnot, and so long as I exercise moderation and just... enjoy myself, then there's nothing to be scared of about getting older, and it only opens up further doors. So I'm excited to dip deeper into my 20's, especially as I'm expanding my arts career and getting ever better at drawing and starting to return to my former work ethic and speed. Things are genuinely properly starting to look up, I'm starting to realize and figure things out about myself, and for the first time in probably a few years I genuinely feel a good bit more put together than I did before, and feel like I actually have some form of path forward in life that I actually want to do and want to progress down.

I have a lot of exciting plans for the future, from business plans to work plans to cool con related stuff that I'm starting to actually finally slot the pieces together on, and even though some of it may make me really anxious, I'm kicking down doors and taking names. Art is the shit, I'm gonna tackle more of my hobbies like music and writing and whatnot, and I'm gonna do my damnedest to be successful in all of it! And on top of all of that... if things go right and I play my cards correctly... I might be able to finally make or get a Catstopher partial! So I'm very happy right now, just full on mirthful, and I hope everyone else is doing well. I plan to do more drawing beyond commission work, but I also have my friend (and guest) for a little longer, so I'm going to just enjoy my time, keep chipping at things, and before long I'll have a lot more cool stuff to show you guys! Much love, much appreciation, and here's to 21 years!

Description from FA

Aaaand now you guys finally get to see the NSFW ref! I feel really happy with what I decided to do with him this year, I think Cat is in probably the most fun state he's been in for... a long time honestly, and it makes me really excited to work with him both in NSFW and SFW artwork. As you can see by earlier uploads, there's already some stuff to look at involving that~! What do y'all think of the big dumb wobbly boy? x3

Here's a track that I LOVE from the background of a CS:S level... well technically it's an older composition but you get it xwx


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