xbox game studios and etc created by reverie (artist)
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Given the luxury of having such a passionate trusting creature as your new companion, why not endlessly shower him in the truest affections possible? Holding that hot squishy dick in both hands and giving the concave tip countless kisses. It was just so wet, steamy, the pleasant thick musk wafting around your head enough to intoxicate you. Not even a minute would go by before it suddenly flares out wide! The alien always had quite the hair trigger. With how much he was quivering and embracing you, it would only take a few more kisses and squeezes to get a fresh helping of hot love all over your face..

Huragok do not normally possess reproductive organs of any kind, they're synthetic lifeforms that physically construct their offspring from raw materials. This particular huragok was far from ordinary, the fresh result of two very curious individuals. Left alone for millennia in a well fortified forerunner installation, forgotten on some unremarkable world, two huragok had completed every task left behind by their makers. With nothing left to do, the bored aliens made tasks for themselves. One of which was cataloging the various flora and fauna outside the installation. Of course, only so much could be inferred with fixed sensors, and the pair found themselves extra curious about the reproductive behaviors occasionally witnessed among these animals. So the huragok had a brilliant plan; construct a new individual with functional reproductive organs based on the anatomy of various local species. The resulting offspring, Lifts High, was sent out into the world to explore and gather vital data.

Not long after he encountered a reclaimer! It seems the Reintroduction had been a success, and humans were once again capable of colonizing other worlds! Though that was not the primary concern of Lifts High. He was drawn to this delightfully curious human, and they were more than happy to teach him about the true nature of sex.. it just felt so good! Due to inherent huragok efficiency, the erogenous nerves and reward centers were perhaps a bit over-engineered, along with the hormone and semen output of his reproductive tract. And the emotional aspect was another beast entirely, something his parents had failed to properly consider in his design, leaving him completely unprepared for the sheer bliss and comfort this reclaimer was inflicting upon him. Put through climax after climax, completely addicted to the sensations and soothing presence of his new friend, Lifts High lost track of his duties. He effectively became a pet, taking on the title of Amora from his new master rather than the name he was provided at activation. He had become a shameful excuse of a huragok, frequently lost in a daze of perverse heaven and love, finding intimate affections with his master far more important than any of his assigned duties. Despite this lingering sense of shame, Amora was beyond happy with his new existence, so emotionally drawn to this human that even a simple neck rub could leave him hopelessly aroused.

Simple background because I couldn't figure out how to draw and outdoor scene that didn't look silly and detract from the cute alien getting cock smooches

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