saichi and tamara fox created by alanscampos
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This incident takes place in future Earth, 3926 or 3927 C.E.

Since Tamara is highly visible in this image, which takes place months after the events of , we can plainly see several Warg left a bit of themselves in Tamara during her breaking.

And one of the reasons it is great is because we get to see what Tamara’s first Fenrir Master looks like, Jinyssa; the individual who ‘broke’ Tamara to obey Fenrir command. Part of the way he did that, of course, was to throw Tamara to his Warg Pack to enjoy; and here we see the result of those efforts.

The Warg (example: Saichi on the right in the above image) were the first attempt by the Japanese at anthro troops, and were very rough-and-tumble. So rough, with their low intellects and semi-feral nature, the Japanese eventually wrote off the species as a failed military experiment. The second attempt were the Wolves, which canid breed was judged by its Creators to be more successful.

But ‘military gear’ is often re-purposed to other things so the Warg continued to be utilized in the field for decades, which engendered the creation of the Fenrir. The Fenrir are a ‘bastard race’, created by male Wolf foot soldiers patrolling behind the lines with their leashed Warg bitch while she was in her season (it can get cold on patrol in the China of the far future).

The Fenrir race eventually expanded to create the Fenrir Sultanate, which presently extends from the western shores of North Africa, north through Turkey, up to include the now-vassal Wolf state of Azerbaijan, and east through Iran. In this Sultanate the Fenrir created a culture of their own, when they were not busy fighting each other.

In Fenrir culture pleasure slaves are highly valued, especially the former ‘bed pets’ of the Hume, the breed known as Kitsune. Also a part of this culture is the art of the dance, which has survived and thrived over the centuries; especially a dance known simply as “The Hunt”. Prizes are awarded at Festival time to those saray whose vixen slaves give the best performances of The Hunt.

Here Jinyssa is watching his recently-broken Kitsune pleasure slave as she practices The Hunt. Jinyssa’s dance instructor is not to be seen, he is off to the side, observing her performance and giving any needed correction. Saichi, a Warg, is present too, fulfilling the role of mostly feral Warg tracking down vixen whose scent he has caught on the wind.

Tamara is a quick learner, and looks to her Master for approval. Saichi, not so much. Mostly-pure-blooded Warg make for poor dance slaves. Saichi, for example, only endures the insult of being dancing puppet for Jinyssa by being promised Tamara to take for himself once a week, if only he makes the attempt to perform this role. Fortunately for Jinyssa the rival saray are in no better shape with their own dance teams.

Tamara looks a bit too far along with pup to grant Saichi his promised reward this week. One of the pups Tamara carries was given to her by her dance partner, during her breaking.

Jinyssa has developed a ‘master plan’ for the future. He knows Tamara is actually half-Kitsune; her mind the vixen inherited from the Raj bloodline, even if her body and her lusts are Kitsune. Jinyssa’s scheme is to begin to train the mongrel pups Tamara carries in the art of The Hunt in eight or nine years, so that they can expertly dance with their mother when they reach maturity; future replacements for Saichi. This plan was another reason Tamara was given to the Warg while in her season - to breed male dancers for the saray.

Jinyssa covets those valuable dance prizes; along with garnering fame for his name.

Tamara no longer claims to be Raj, having finally acknowledged the lusts she felt while underneath the heated Warg. She does not know that in seventeen years’ time she and her sons will have won every major Fenrir award given for outstanding performance in dance.

Jinyssa is owner of a saray, a place Fenrir males head to nightly for refreshment and entertainment. This means he is also an owner of numerous slaves. He is no natural warrior. He has taken a liking to wearing light armor, as he has observed it earns him heightened respect. He is comfortable in it. A good thing too, as Jinyssa frequently travels with caravans from one Fenrir Festival city to another, offering the services of his accompanying slaves to those imperial citizens who have gold to spend. In addition to offering his slaves' warmth to any wealthy caravan merchant who finds the chill of the desert air objectionable when the caravan stops for the night. Caravans are often set upon by bandits at such times, and sometimes even by semi-feral Warg who have escaped from their Master. Both would like nothing better than to capture valuable pleasure slave to carry off and later enjoy for themselves, within desolate camp hidden in some remote crag out in the desert’s vastness. Another good reason for Jinyssa having learned to wear armor comfortably, and for his carrying a sharp sword.

  • Comments
  • Werewolf: Can you do your little dance somewhere else, preggy? I just finished polishing this part of the floor!

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