grabbing calves

A character grabbing the posterior (rear/under) side of the lower leg for more than one leg of another character. Grabbing can be defined as applying pressure to something, usually while gripping it with their fingers. Although this tag also applies to characters who lack fingers that happen to be simulating a grabbing action.

For a character grabbing only one calf, use calf grab instead.

Not to be confused with

  • holding_calves, which applies to a character holding / grabbing their own calves.

Related tags

  • grabbing_shins, a character grabbing the frontal side of the lower leg for more than one leg of another character.
  • hands_on_calves, a character with more than one of their calves being touched by themselves or someone else.

See also

Leg anatomy terms
  • Leg - A limb designed to support a character's weight.
  • Fore leg - The front leg of a character with more than two legs, usually a quadruped.
  • Hind leg - The rear leg of a character with more than two legs, usually a quadruped.
  • Joints - A flexible pivot point between two anatomical regions.
    • Ankle - The joint between the lower leg, and the foot.
    • Knee - The joint between the thigh and the lower leg.
  • Upper leg - The part of the leg above the knee (if one exists).
    • Thigh - The thigh represents the entire area of the upper leg.
  • Lower leg - The part of the leg below the knee.
    • Shin - The anterior (front) side of the lower leg.
    • Calf / Calves - The posterior (rear) side of the lower leg.
Related anatomy
  • Foot / Feet - An anatomical structure that is attached to the end of the leg via the ankle joint.
Singular tags
Related anatomy
  • foot_grab - Currently used for both singular and plural grabs.
Plural tags
Related anatomy
  • foot_grab - Currently used for both singular and plural grabs.