@Fortheloveofyiff2018: Okay guys, I've had about enough. Can you PLEASE stop ridiculing me with r/wooosh? It's actually very annoying and it's increasing my depression even further. Pointing out my stupidity with jokes is considered cyberbullying.
@Fortheloveofyiff2018: Okay guys, I've had about enough. Can you PLEASE stop ridiculing me with r/wooosh? It's actually very annoying and it's increasing my depression even further. Pointing out my stupidity with jokes is considered cyberbullying.
@Fortheloveofyiff2018: I don't know if someone did that to you on the discord server cause after looking at your blips and comments and finding nothing of the sort, but saying r/woooosh isn't cyberbullying. Harness the power of technology to ignore them.
Fortheloveofyiff2018 said:
r/wooosh? It's actually very annoying and it's increasing my depression even further.
To quote a wise man:
"Hahahaha Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Close Your Eyes Haha"
Fortheloveofyiff2018 said:
it's increasing my depression even further
hard to imagine someone living with legitimate depression losing their shit over something as outrageously benign as getting woosh'd