In response to blip #105059
"the grass is never greener" is a fallacy. would you say that moving to Syria would just be "moving somewhere else on the globe"? there's no perfect or magical place on the map, that much is true. but to say "you wouldn't have pride/more happiness in this country if you moved there because things can only seem better somewhere else" can't be true unless the reverse is also true. which, it clearly isn't.
it's also a personal thing. the things here (like individualism, liberating and nondescript societal behaviors, and unchecked democracy) that really bother me are probably seen as boons by others around the glove. it's just really, really not my cup of tea; even on top of all the things that are indisputably fucked in our government/society. i can't bring myself to a positive or patriotic state of mind in this place.
also, the country i'm moving to doesn't deal with the globalist movement ๐