What website do people here use most other than this one?
What website do people here use most other than this one?
@Odisaodi: knifecenter
Odisaodi said:
What website do people here use most other than this one?
YouTube, e6, Bad Dragon. Those are the only sites I ever visit.
Speaking of, you see that new Sugar Star pillow? I'll take the entire stock pls.
Odisaodi said:
What website do people here use most other than this one?
since i started playing fallout 4 again — a lot of time spent on nexusmods ¬_¬
Odisaodi said:
What website do people here use most other than this one?
Youtube and funimation
Odisaodi said:
What website do people here use most other than this one?
Well, to name a few:
Youtube, 4chan, and Twitch.tv, along with GBAtemp from time to time.
@Odisaodi: Youtube, this, Furaffinity, Inkbunny, PornHub, Twitter, Twitch, Pictaro, Reddit, and Steam.
What website do people here use most other than this one?
Odisaodi said:
What website do people here use most other than this one?
Canvas and Google Docs