I was trying to study stuff for fun like I often do and decided to try learning about a new concept I've never touched before: Quantum Computing. And I can't for the goddamn life of me even get the slightest grasp. If it was a school subject, I'd be stuck at 1st grade level.

Strong grasps of the factors of it in S.T.E.M. are easy as all fuck to me; Quantum Mechanics? Great. Theoretical Physics? Nailed it! Computer Science? Talk to me about something I don't know like the back of my fucking hand. But combining all of that together to help me even start to fathom Quantum Computing? You'd have better luck fitting in me 2 Extra Large Stan toys simultaneously!

I mean honestly, why can't I understand it? I understand EVERYTHING easily in S.T.E.M.! Why not this? Is entanglement of a few concepts I know so much about really so impossible for my brain?


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