In response to blip #111119

KynikossDragonn said:
Well I just wasted a huge amount of time putting together the most important information on my PC, on my Twitch page.

I also have my murmur server configured anew so that's usable again. Too bad that people have to come up with millions of moronic excuses as to why they wont use Mumble.

I used mumble to talk to my gf in middle school lmao i forgot that it even existed until just now


In response to blip #111120

caveslimes said:
I used mumble to talk to my gf in middle school lmao i forgot that it even existed until just now

I primarily use it because TeamSpeak 3's licensing bullshit can fuck off. I can also precisely set a bandwidth limit for clients in the server so I don't bufferbloat while streaming.

I also use it because Discord is a shit service and I legit do not agree with their ToS.

Atleast with murmur I actually own and control the server myself and anyone who wants to while I'm streaming can come and voice commentate whenever they please.

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