In response to blip #112400
Railguns are the worst on red faction impossible difficulty
Railguns are the worst on red faction impossible difficulty
@Dragonlord2328: @SinHarvester:
I actually jus sold my pokemon stuff for lots of mons and spent those mons on some stuff my 1 wanted as well as some new tech parts fer myself.
myhaps i shuda waited a bit for moar mons, but i rather hav a bit o mons thatn extra clutter, especially wen i means i can help my 1 out rn.
Critical_Stiban said:
Guess I’m not only not a true furry but an anti-furry since I blacklisted Renamon, Krystal, and Lola Bunny.
gotta confess: I looked at the responses to this feat. the listed chars, and I got confused cuz I forgot wat Renamon looked like. I saw the char and was like "who the hecc is that?" only to realize that it was Renamon.
//i must b the wrst furry ever.