In response to blip #115035
W0LFB3AT5 said:
But if you have 1 flat tire, you have to replace the whole 4 tires for over $2,000.
I still maintain you were ripped off by that facility; remaining tread should always be the main factor in whether to replace (1) (2) or all (4) tires on a vehicle.
Say you have skipped a couple rotation intervals, and your tread readings are 4/32 4/32 front (with one front puncture) and 7/32 7/32 on the rear: I'd recommend replacing both fronts. If, however, your tires are newer and @ 8/32 all around, by all means replace only (1)
Any facility that requires you to replace all (4) tires as a matter of policy, not of wear, is a facility to not trust.