So my dad recently stumbled upon my YouTube channel since he’s trying to find other families out there who he can contact. (YouTube was one of them.) He then noticed my songs. And this is how it went down To. The. Letter:
Dad: “¡Mijo, ven aquí!”
Me: “Sup Papa?”
Dad: “…Did you…make these songs?”
Me: *sees my channel* “…yyyyyyes? Wait…how did you know that’s my channel?”
Dad: “I’m looking for our relatives through any social media out there. I then noticed yours on YouTube. Wolf…beats? That is you, right?
Me: “right… it’s my DJ name I’ve used since high school. My friends called me ‘beats’ since I tend to beatbox constantly in school, and wolves are just my favorite animal. So I just…you know…combined the two. ‘Wolfbeats.’
Dad: “Ooh…How long have you been doing these?”
Me: “About 12 years…since Germany.”
Dad: “¡Híjole, Mijo!” (Wow, Son!)
Me: “Heh! Yeah…”
Dad: *He then chuckles, nods and extends his arms out to hug me* “My boy…”
Me: 🥲