In response to blip #118972
Nathmurr said:
My mind is trying to recall a memory, but something’s very off.It’s a very fleeting moment of an event suddenly flashing halfway, then disappearing just as quickly. At first, I thought I was just trying to remember an interesting story podcast, or maybe a movie I watched a few Years ago. However, something just doesn’t feel right. The events are all different, and incredibly familiar, but also don’t match any feelings that reality (or fiction) have ever given me. It’s like a different energy and essence altogether. Even now, small chunks keep flashing across my mind, and it bothers me, since I can’t hold onto it. I could’ve just shrugged it off as one of those things where your mind almost remembers something familiar, then it never happens again for the next Month or so, but it’s been happening all Day and Night!
The Matrix has you ... follow the white rabbit