@somethingedgey: If you mean how to have the standard navigation tools at the bottom of the screen after page 750 do this:
Go to the last post on page 750 (in this example mammal) and copy it's ID.
Add that ID as an ordering prompt like so: mammal id:<3047889
You can now search the next 750 pages of results like normal.
Repeat for multiple uses. ;)


In response to blip #119042

DragonFox69 said:
@somethingedgey: If you mean how to have the standard navigation tools at the bottom of the screen after page 750 do this:
Go to the last post on page 750 (in this example mammal) and copy it's ID.
Add that ID as an ordering prompt like so: mammal id:<3047889
You can now search the next 750 pages of results like normal.
Repeat for multiple uses. ;)

whoops. figured out too late that i didnt edit the fast travel bit
but i still dont know why it stops after 750

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