In response to blip #122508

W0LFB3AT5 said:
Well that’s odd… and oddly enough, returning this call is obsolete now. So they just blindly look for people all over the world to find help for their business? If so, why in the U.S. specifically? 🤷‍♂️

Anyways, many thanks for the help, Furret. :v

Odds are they got your number from a 'number bank' they bought or skimmed off some retailer. Especially if your phone number was previously associated with a chat service or possibly registered with a business. That happened to me and my partner, three times between us. Mistaken identity every time, including one that hilariously assumed we were a cabaret club looking to 'import hostesses.'

You're welcome. Helpful noodle is helpful. :3


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