In response to blip #123209

peacethroughpower said:
This country sucks. What is there to celebrate? I hate how I walk down the street and there's like six flags flying, as though someone would forget where they currently are and would need to figure it out. So much gross nationalism.

Hail Satan.

As someone who now lives in Puerto Rico where everything is shit, I have to disagree. People really have to learn to have humility and be thankful for the rights you have. Be thankful that your weird somewhat atheistic satanic "religion" doesn't get fucked by the government (As it would in most places)

G-d IS good, hail Mary.


In response to blip #123214

Xappol-Dreamberry said:

That's just whataboutism. Someone somewhere is always going to have that worse. Someone with cancer who will die in three days doesn't have it as bad as someone with cancer and AIDS who will die in one day. That doesn't mean the first person has no right to complain, because then it's all down to omly one ever person allowed to complain. It's the ultimate pissing context.

I am an atheist. I don't believe in Satan as a literal figure, more an allegory for striving for freedom. It's also a great culture jamming technique to repurpose imagery foisted upon you by oppressors. (I should also note that I do believe in religious freedom, but not freedom from criticism or the freedom to oppress others.)

God's not real, piss on Mary.

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