
In response to blip #123300

Daleport996 said:
@Kemonophonic: @Lance_Armstrong:

Speaking of, have you heard of that one VR game where it's basically a furry sex simulator? I've only heard of it now because apparently Gianni Matragrano will be in it.

The books Ready Player One and Ready Player Two actually had an interesting vision on how technologies like VR are used to increasingly mask a collapsing society. This only gets more severe later on in Ready Player Two, when the protagonist releases a brain interface that allows full-dives.

Another book called The Unincorporated Man (which is set in a minarchist, ultra-capitalistic society 300 years in the future) has VR as one of the few things the government outright bans.

(I should note that I have a lot of problems with all three of these books and liking this one specific aspect doesn't necessarily mean I like every other aspect.)

Sword Art Online sucks.

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