Colorado problems. I can't get to the crates I need with my forklift because there is a five foot wide sheet of ice that hasn't melted in months because the crates are stored at the base of a hill in the shadow of a mountain where the sun will never reach.


In response to blip #125605

Doomguy666 said:
Colorado problems. I can't get to the crates I need with my forklift because there is a five foot wide sheet of ice that hasn't melted in months because the crates are stored at the base of a hill in the shadow of a mountain where the sun will never reach.

Bruh, I can relate! Since you’re a few miles away from where I live, my old job had the same issue at Fort Carson Main Exchange PX. The sun sets in the west right by the mountains. My building and a few parked trailers where I work casts a tall shadow. So it rarely melts it. When I drove the forklift to dispose the recycled cardboards, I would sometimes drift. What’s even worse is that the roads are a bit sloped upwards. So driving a forklift up on icy roads is not fun.

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