Lel, someone got mega butthurt over a simple question.

So this was this "trans catgirl" in a story, and I asked if it was a boy or girl originally (since you can't see the body type), you know just trying to imagine something.
And I got a ban and a record for it.

Apparently, I'm a transphobe for thinking that that person was cool and wanting a number :D


In response to blip #127608

AoBird said:
Lel, someone got mega butthurt over a simple question.

So this was this "trans catgirl" in a story, and I asked if it was a boy or girl originally (since you can't see the body type), you know just trying to imagine something.
And I got a ban and a record for it.

Apparently, I'm a transphobe for thinking that that person was cool and wanting a number :D

I uhhh… don’t think ranting about it in the blips is a good idea, yo.

In response to blip #127608

AoBird said:
I asked if it was a boy or girl originally

in any case, that could definitely be considered transphobic, although an instant neg feels a bit much... this was on Discord, huh? let me just...


way to leave out the rest of that conversation:

e621ReBot (this is AoBird) said:
Is that a boy or girl originally?

amber99 said:
amab it would appear

e621ReBot said:
English please.

amber99 said:
assigned male at birth

e621ReBot said:
So a guy with boobs, gotcha.

amber99 said:

rhapsody tenrai said:
boooo bad take 👎

e621ReBot said:
Is girl with a D better?

nah, mate that's fukken _hella_ transphobic.

In response to blip #127608

@AoBird: I'm really disappointed that instead of learning from your mistakes, or even acknowledging that you made one, you decided to die on this hill and double down. You've thrown away everything you worked for and have been digging yourself into a hole with this public display of a tantrum, sullying your own reputation along the way. You could of appealed it, explained yourself, asked why what you said was wrong and worked to improve how you verbalize things.. but instead you both denied all accountability and made things worse for yourself with this action. I really hope you reflect on all that's happened, and look into why no one is standing behind you on this.

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