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In response to blip #109269

G0wther said:
Is there a way to get what little I have left to shift there then? Or maybe a way to make any I gain back go there instead of elsewhere? (Got maybe 4% left whole-body RN and it's mostly on my ass/thighs.)

well i'm no expert, but i can read wikipedia
sounds like the two 'directions' for fat distribution are central/visceral (triggered by testosterone) and subcutaneous upper/lower-body (triggered by oestrogen),
so if you had more oestrogen you may gain fat in the chest/breast and surface areas in general, however your arse/thigh areas will also likely grow

i need a secretary for my emails
so much stuff i can't easily filter out because it might become important later

In response to blip #109071

Dragonlord2328 said:
i did wanna be in security but being aspergic its kinda hard

well security's a big field, are you sure there's nothing that you could get into?
you could be designing/installing/maintaining/selling physical security systems, consulting for software/IT/network security, penetration testing / auditing, investigating breaches/fraud, coordinating personnel …

In response to blip #109062

G0wther said:
Can anyone explain to me the appeal of gay people, or more specifically gay characters to wear rainbow colored stuff like rainbow stripped socks/stockings and underwear and stuff? I know it's representative of gay pride and all, but why is it seen as attractive to display it in such a blatant manner through sexy clothing?

i kinda feel like it's usually intended to be more 'stylish' rather than sexy
not to say that answers the question though

maybe throw some examples up

In response to blip #109021

~WolfyTheWolf~ said:
Sometimes I wonder about how some apps are neglected. Yet they are pretty good to use and chat on

probably because the current landscape is like this: https://xkcd.com/2365/
i.e. crowded; too many options with very little interoperability
to gain traction, a chat service needs some very compelling aspect(s) that sets it apart
(or force it upon captive users, in the case of MS Teams / iMessage)

In response to blip #108987

G0wther said:
I freaking love scammers and hackers that are stupid enough to use social engineering attacks and email or popup attacks instead of any real skill...

i've seen some really weak ones; a few words in broken english like "… something something business proposal something …" with no links or details
i can't imagine why anyone would feel compelled to respond

In response to blip #108881

G0wther said:
how come everyone is so down with incest?

well the reason it's frowned upon is obviously the adverse effects inbreeding has on resulting genes;
so if you put the reproduction matter aside there should be nothing objectionable about incest

if incest stories covered the whole timeline from conceiving to raising a child with birth defects, i'd guess far fewer people would be down with it; can't say i've come across any like that though