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Former Staff
In response to blip #66569

@TheGreatWolfgang: Seconding this. Everything on mine is just shit you can find on my FA profile. Living where I do, having a rat fursona, and being staff on here are not accomplishments.

I'm about 10% in this art textbook called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, and it's already telling me to do some sketch exercises.

I'll probably end up doing a face reveal sooner than initially expected.

Man, I beat Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward yesterday. There are so many revelations in that game that I never saw coming, and they all make total sense too.

Wonder what Zero Time Dilemma will be like.

i will never get over the fact that the asari in me:a is called peebee. i will be personally offended if theres no "haha, like piss bee?" dialog option when peebee introduces herself

In response to blip #66544

@Dr.myster: I honestly just wanted Fara to stay so I can hear what he/she would've said about my Krystal art.

And to answer the latest comments you've made, Alty and Nik have nothing to do with Starfox, they're just two different peoples fursonas.

I seem to have ended up in the middle of a workplace squabble, but I've never paid attention to gossip so I don't know what's going on.

In response to blip #66535

@Chameloshi: I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy it. It's more that the combat shot itself by not making guns consistent. When I shoot a super mutant point blank with a shotgun but still seem to miss then somewhere down the line someone fucked up.