In response to blip #66566
@GameManiac: Lol I seriously doubt WikiFur drives any sort of traffic for anyone. Who even goes to WikiFur and why?
@GameManiac: Lol I seriously doubt WikiFur drives any sort of traffic for anyone. Who even goes to WikiFur and why?
I was bored today. So I decided to wash up my baby girl...
So y'all think this is a good color for me? I was thinking of covering it with Carbon Fiber soon.
@TheGreatWolfgang: Seconding this. Everything on mine is just shit you can find on my FA profile. Living where I do, having a rat fursona, and being staff on here are not accomplishments.
@GameManiac: "accomplishments"
@GameManiac: They had consultation from Abstraction with PC version, so really enjoyed it both game and technical execution
Still remember VLR on 3DS, most awful stereo-3D and corrupted saves.
I'm about 10% in this art textbook called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, and it's already telling me to do some sketch exercises.
I'll probably end up doing a face reveal sooner than initially expected.
Still, can't hurt to have a record or something. Someone keeping track of your accomplishments. Brings attention and traffic to oneself too. I want that anyway.
Better WikiFur than...let's say Encyclopedia Drammatica.
@GameManiac: I don't know why I have one and the only reason I ever found it is because my name on e6's Wikifur page was blue instead of red. It's incredibly pointless, just like yours.
Yep. Officially going back into my old style of music aka punk rock and rock in general.
Tandem (1-2-Switch codemane?)
It's 0x01000320000cc000
NintendoSDK Firmware for NX 0.2.0-]
Seems like title id 0x01000220000cc000.
Man, I beat Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward yesterday. There are so many revelations in that game that I never saw coming, and they all make total sense too.
Wonder what Zero Time Dilemma will be like.
Someone must've made one about me a while back. A Furaffinity user told me about it.
Feels like advertisement.
Yep. Pointless.
Got a tissue, bro?
@Ratte: And I'm sure a lot of them jerk themselves off every time it gets updated too.
@TheGreatWolfgang: A lot of random people have a short, pointless article on Wikifur. You'd be surprised.
@Doomguy666: as a stocker, I'll bet you'll get paid TONS, bro! Lol
Can't wait to hear it, man.
@GameManiac: How come you get a WikiFur article? >.<
post #1121169 lmao
Also it's gotten ~1k favorites in three days time, is that a new record?
@W0LFB3AT5: nice, I got paid a $100 for my three days of orientation. I'm just dying to see what my full pay will be like this friday.
@Mothership: "FEEL MY LOVE"
i will never get over the fact that the asari in me:a is called peebee. i will be personally offended if theres no "haha, like piss bee?" dialog option when peebee introduces herself
This is probably my second highest pay I got. My number one amount of getting payed was $790.05.
I've been busy with stuff. Here, have some music
I wonder who'll update this when I reveal my face and announce being a proud owner of a Surface Book w/ Performance Base.
It's already been updated to include my apparent "plushophilia".
@Dr.myster: I honestly just wanted Fara to stay so I can hear what he/she would've said about my Krystal art.
And to answer the latest comments you've made, Alty and Nik have nothing to do with Starfox, they're just two different peoples fursonas.
Routganan said:
I need that. NOW!
Just hope they can be imported through Amazon.
yeah dispite of her hatred towards krystal i like how well she played the part of Fara
furballs dc said: nice. =^_^=
I need that. NOW!
I seem to have ended up in the middle of a workplace squabble, but I've never paid attention to gossip so I don't know what's going on.
God dammit, Sunibee. Had to search for that Nazi Mienshao pic elsewhere...
Very nice. =^_^=
@Chameloshi: I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy it. It's more that the combat shot itself by not making guns consistent. When I shoot a super mutant point blank with a shotgun but still seem to miss then somewhere down the line someone fucked up.
@TheHuskyK9: Indeed it is. I prefer doing that stuff for real, I may be "old" but I am very nimble.
@Eclipse_Lunablade: Well, it's just a case of personal preference, because I thoroughly enjoyed playing New Vegas. At least up until my Xbox 360 red ring'd and I had to get rid of the whole setup.
pro-tip: keep your meds on your fucking person
@Eclipse_Lunablade: which is why Obsidian needs to get their shit together and make another Fallout game
@Chameloshi: Fallout New Vegas flashbacks. I don't care what you say about Fallout 3 and New Vegas, the shooting sucked balls and aiming did nothing.
@Routganan: owo
Ratte said:
hello world!
What's this?
@Bobcat: Hope you're alright man
@Ryuzaki_Tritium: No, this was shortly after leaving Vault 111, when I had just the 10mm pistol and security baton.
@Chameloshi: Well that's what you get when you don't loot things properly and find the decent weapons rather than the pipe guns
I never would've thought that the first thing that would kill me in Fallout 4 was a big-ass mosquito.
Sweet! My comic got approved!
Notice I forgot to add Nick's tail.
The moment you upload something awesome till you notice your fuck-up...
@Sharp_Coyote: Can it wait for a bit? I'm in the middle of some calibrations.
Can't tell you how many times that adorable nerd shut down my male shep, when I just wanted to hang out with him. ;_;
Joseph Joestar said:
... im really gay for Thane ...
Okay, who else here is really gay for garrus_vakarian ?
@Emserdalf: It is the good stuff
@TheHuskyK9: Oh really? That's awesome! I've been doing parkour since about 5 or 6 years now. Fun stuff. :D
@MariaDevita: You're welcome, you awesome person
@Emserdalf: Yes, I have. I have also dabbled in parkour in RL also :p
@TheHuskyK9: @Mutisija: @Emserdalf: Thank you all lol for your response :D
@TheHuskyK9: A runner you say... Did you ever play Mirror's Edge perchance? :V
@Routganan: I work multiple positions. I'm usually a cashier/assistant, but this time I was a runner (the dude that delivers drinks to the peeps in their seats).
@MariaDevita: Yup, that's what I would do – or already did once, quite some time ago.
Edit: Now you have 3 answers! :V
@Joseph_Joestar: Drell have fused fingers?! I don't think I ever noticed. And I considered myself a big fan of Mass Effect... :')
@MariaDevita: You can leave it empty. Filling source field is not a requirement or anything.
@MariaDevita: You are the source :V
Ok so if I post art on here and it's the first place to post it, what do I put in source? Nothing?