Topic: Tag Implication: Meowser -> Super_Mario_3D_World

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Considering that this is apparently just Bowser, it should be either implicated or aliased to Bowser. If implicated, it could still be implicated to super_mario_3d_world, but if aliased, super_mario_3d_world would need to be added manually by a tagger.

Technically, Meowser also appears in Super Mario Maker 2 (that was actually the artist's inspiration for the pic I use as my avatar), but since Meowser's appearance is a very explicit callback to Super Mario 3D World (he only appears in the "Super Mario 3D World" theme), this is probably possibly not an issue for this implication. Mario Maker 2 could arguably be thought of as just a "crossover" of other Mario platformer games, in a sense.

clawstripe said:
Considering that this is apparently just Bowser, it should be either implicated or aliased to Bowser. If implicated, it could still be implicated to super_mario_3d_world, but if aliased, super_mario_3d_world would need to be added manually by a tagger.

Definitely implication. EDIT: The implication already exists.

EDIT from the distant future: I'm meh'ing this due to the Mario Maker thing


clawstripe said:
Considering that this is apparently just Bowser, it should be either implicated or aliased to Bowser. If implicated, it could still be implicated to super_mario_3d_world, but if aliased, super_mario_3d_world would need to be added manually by a tagger.

post #2438762 post #2425501 post #569567 post #516596
bowser meowser should be able to show images that have both forms. Do not alias, do not imply, remove bowser from images that are only of meowser.

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