Topic: Tag Implication: entwined_tails -> prehensile_tail

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

seems like a bad idea. like i dont think that we should tag stuff like two wolves with entwined tails as prehensile tail.

Updated by anonymous

I'm not sure if it'd work for tailjob/autotailjob. Since someone could be holding the tail and using it as a makeshift dildo.

...though I can't find any examples of that.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, I don't think this one really follows.

Looking through entwined_tails, most of the images *currently* tagged with it are also cases of prehensile tails, but it's not a guarantee. And if I had realized this were a tag there would be more in the collection that don't fit this implication.

These two:
post #97400 | post #219607
...are both images currently with the tag that I wouldn't consider prehensile.

Images found on first pages a few random searches:
post #653423 | post #473119 | post #449682

I'd consider those entwined but not prehensile. And those are just what I found in a few minutes looking.

Updated by anonymous

Qmannn said:
The last one, while definitely not prehensile, is debatable for entwined since one would argue that a bit of wrapping is happening there, but not to the extent that one of the tails is grasping the other.

You're making the argument that only if tails are grabbing each other are they entwined. Unless we're going to add a looser definition for lightly linked tails, I see it as tails that are having direct interaction beyond just laying on top of each other. This could mean tangled strands of tail fur/hair after a tumble, lightly twirled, grasping, or folded into each other.

I don't think there's enough need to be extremely specific about just how intensely the tails are enmeshed. You seem to be thinking "fully entwined" where I'm thinking "entwined in some way."

Obviously, that's just my opinion. Perfectly willing to hear what others have to say.

Updated by anonymous

but like prehensile tail is something you could use to pick up something. it seems to be quite rare in the entwined_tails tag

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
but like prehensile tail is something you could use to pick up something. it seems to be quite rare in the entwined_tails tag

Prehensile is simply the ability to grasp or hold. Doesn't have to be strong enough to pick up things - that would be "fully prehensile," but this tag covers the entire range. Much as I'm seeing entwined to cover entire range of that.

Updated by anonymous

They definitely have a lot of overlap but they serve completely different purposes as tags. The prehensile_* tags also tend to be a bit more strict about what counts and what doesn't. Therefore I'm going to have to deny this one.

Updated by anonymous