Topic: What makes you happy?

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As the title says, what makes you happy?

I love getting new diecast. Yes, I collect little toy cars. I started out collecting Hot Wheels, Matchbox and Majorette when I was still a little kid. Since then, I've gotten into the more detailed brands such as M2, Johnny Lightning and Auto World. I still collect Hot Wheels, but as I get older, I've started to really appreciate the real cars that the toys are based on. As part of my birthday, I went to one of my favorite museums, and while I bought Hot Wheels, I also purchased several more high-quality pieces. I know this seems odd, but it's just who I am. Real cars also make me happy, and if there's a diecast version of one out there, you can bet I'll find it.

Updated by Phylax

Skateboarding. I just love the mixed feels of adrenaline, relief, and the fun of it.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Skateboarding. I just love the mixed feels of adrenaline, relief, and the fun of it.

I can't think of skateboarding without thinking about this.

Updated by anonymous

What makes me happy? *shrug* I dunno, guess it could be listening to music, being alone (but not lonely) and minding my own stuff :)

Updated by anonymous

Don't want to sound cheesy, but I love being with my friends, the talks, the jokes, and how we try to blow each other brains (Figuratively of course) playing some videogames or at a lan party, of course, sometimes we just party (usually when we are more than 10).
Cooking it's my pleasure, I love cooking almost study that.

Updated by anonymous

Well sitting here for 10 minutes debating if I should say something sarcastic, or actually answer the question. I've decided my real answer is strange enough to say so why not.

Electricity. I can't explain it, I don't understand it. I'm working as an electrician right now for Ha, I'm not gana give a company name and since highschool electrical class idk. Doing my electrical work has provided me with happiness despite not knowing why.

I wish I could say art gives me some sorta happiness, as I have posted plenty of it. But anyone who takes a look at my posts see's how often I change style. That's a dead give away of how damn depressing art gets for me -_-

Right now I'm working as a graphics designer for Nebulous, a pixel based game the Studio9 branch of Again, no company name So the fairly simple pixel based work is nice for me, I'm apparently doing a good job? But all my pony art just makes me sad cause I can't make anything look good.

Anyway, back on the topic of happiness. I've been working for my electrical company for a while now, the work never gets boring and it's hard to find a time where I'm happy not on the job site anymore. My work in wiring. (Residential/commercial) Is at this point the only thing that's properly satisfying me. That, and occasionally my writing.

Updated by anonymous

Endorphin in my endorphin receptacles.

Thus, everything that causes my brain to create endorphin, like drugs, food, dead people,...

Updated by anonymous

The word "vagoo." I love it so much. Vagoo.

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JoeX said:
The word "vagoo." I love it so much. Vagoo.

That sounds like some kind of lube

Updated by anonymous

I have another: right now, sleep. It would make me hella happy...

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Former Staff

Hiking alone. Wilderness at night, away from civilization.
No schedules and no hassles.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Hiking alone. Wilderness at night, away from civilization.
No schedules and no hassles.

Agreed. I think it's nice to just not know what time it is while outside. Nothing but the sounds and sights of nature.

Which makes it a little saddening to see everyone listening to music in the woods, in my opinion.

Updated by anonymous

Jeff Dunham, especially when he's with Peanut, Walter and Bubba J.

Updated by anonymous

Video games. I'm sure this is true for most people, but whenever I'm having a bad day I pick up a game that let's me vent and I always feel better after a half hour of playing around.

Updated by anonymous

Traveling away from town to do... pretty much anything that isn't work or sitting at home. Friends make it all the better.

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That's right. The things that bring pain to so many of you fill me only with glee.

Updated by anonymous

Hentai_Boy said:

That's right. The things that bring pain to so many of you fill me only with glee.

Puns are awesome.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
Half Life 3.

You must live a drab, boring life then.

Updated by anonymous

When i am very sad and start crying. That kind of makes me happy again.

Or going to bed, ending negative effects, yawning, stretching, interacting with animals, music and some other things...

I can be happy on command. Whenever i want. Something i learnt through all my depressions, since the meds werent working as supposed.

Updated by anonymous

I am most happy when I play bush paintball. Its the adrenaline, the excitement and the suspense since you never truly know where the enemy is.

Updated by anonymous

Super_Hornet said:
I never actually went paintballing. However, last time I went airsofting, this one guy had only a paintball gun. For some reason, my friends decided it was okay for him to shoot us with it (I was not with them when they made this decision) when nobody had any kind of protective gear other than eyewear.

I stepped around a corner wondering why everyone was hiding and I got shot in the ass.

This was at nearly point-blank range. And the paintballs were frozen.

It was pretty exhilarating though.

Where i am from its called assault with a deadly weapon

Updated by anonymous

anex said:
Where i am from its called assault with a deadly weapon

No kidding. That shit hurt.

Updated by anonymous

Working out a few times a week, continuing to write FanFiction, playing video games, spending time on e621, collecting Pokémon cards, and continuing to sketch as part of my recent art hobby.

Updated by anonymous

Knowing that, in the end, humanity is destined to go to the stars, and that, if I continue with my intended major, I will help get us there.

Oh, and browsing through e621, you guys are freaking hilarious!

Updated by anonymous

BanzaitheEngie said:
Knowing that, in the end, humanity is destined to go to the stars, and that, if I continue with my intended major, I will help get us there.

I was thinking the exact same thing

Updated by anonymous

Qmannn said:
Do you see yourself living long enough to experience it yourself or is the mere thought of others doing it and having a hand in making it possible enough for you?

Even at the rate that technology is expanding, I don't think I will be joining the ranks of pioneering astronauts anytime soon. For me, simply knowing that one day, possibly due to my help, we will be racing around our solar system and others, possibly even interacting with other space going species!

However, I would like to go up to low earth orbit once in my life, just to see what it looks like from there.

Updated by anonymous

to Not have a Girlfriend, simply it causes drama in the end for me.

to have a simple life instead of making it so hard enough for me.

to draw everyday, trying different techniques (I love perspectives the most, so I'll also use a camera to take some pics as well)

that's what makes me happy,

Updated by anonymous

Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.

Updated by anonymous

To spend time with the person that means the most to me in this world.

I don't have a bf or gf but I have a really good friend that I love above all else and just gaming online with him and talking over TS makes me happy.

Most other things in life only seems out to make me miserable so it's nice to have that one thing in life that counters it all.

Updated by anonymous

Archer. I fucking love this show.

Updated by anonymous

Finding a girlfriend who enjoy's these sites and loves gaming

Updated by anonymous

Well, as I said in the first post, diecast vehicles make me happy. Especially a diecast model of a fire truck from the town I live in!

Updated by anonymous

Creating and that slap in the face when someone finally somehow expresses that they care about you in a way you can actually feel. A hug that you actually feel in your heart from someone you love that loves you. Someone who's heart is just as naked and full as yours.

I recently wrote a short story but ended up going on and on with it because I didn't want to stop. I just wanted to keep spiraling out in it. It's amazing when you're writing a story and telling it to yourself at the same time. It's like the emotion you feel from it pours out into the story and it really comes alive like it's writing itself and you're just along for the ride.

I get excited about certain things but seeing beauty in others, and myself, makes me feel like I'm soaring.

Updated by anonymous

A shared pot of coffee, a decent jog, silly read alouds of books, sightseeing adventures, guitar and making music I can't take seriously, understanding and appreciating demonstrations of skill and experience in any competitive environment, having a clear head, returning smiles, knowing when I can say something that will make people laugh, sleeping near someone who won't hurt me, my curly hair, and browsing through here. Something about e621 just fascinates me.

and puns

Updated by anonymous

There are a lot of things that make me happy, but I'm going to mention one, and I apologize because it'll probably offend someone.

It makes me happy when I am open about my sexual orientation with someone, and they react in a non-negative way. I'm a zoophile, so... yeah, I get a good amount of negativity sometimes from people. Though, all things considered, many people have a more positive attitude towards the subject than you might expect, so this source of happiness is easier to come by than you might think.

Updated by anonymous

Video Games, Being with friends and hanging out with them (especially when we play video games), Hugs, Music, Singing, Reading Books, Walking with my dog, being with my family to name a few =)

Updated by anonymous

Walking in the woods and just looking at nature. Seeing all the trees, grasses, lichens, crawfish, rodents, mites, rock formations, and everything is just... well, it gives you an appreciation for the world. I live by a very picturesque creek, and it's very nice.

Updated by anonymous

I picked up a vintage Matchbox vehicle from the 1960s today. That was back when they were made in England.

Updated by anonymous

Playing and talking with my friends.Very simple things like building a model gundam or throwing a ball with my dog.Watching a movie with my Family.Sitting back and just zoning out to music.Playing a game that is actually fun and not effort or overhyped.

Updated by anonymous

Reading the Bible.

Yes, I'm being serious, it brings me comfort in an otherwise horrible world.

Updated by anonymous

Garrett said:
Reading the Bible.

Yes, I'm being serious, it brings me comfort in an otherwise horrible world.

I feel that way with the dictionary. I really have no idea why this is.

Updated by anonymous

Being told by a department head that a new job position is being posted on Monday, and said position is (4) paygrades higher than my (last) job, and a fortnight position at that.

Updated by anonymous

Garrett said:
Yes, I'm being serious, it brings me comfort in an otherwise horrible world.

There's nothing wrong with that. Whatever works for you!

Updated by anonymous

Life is nothing but money, fucking (or getting fucked,) and getting high.

Updated by anonymous

I picked up Starbound the other day, and it has one of the best OSTs I have ever heard. I love it's kind of light, happy, uplifting and calming music.

Updated by anonymous

Ozelot said:
getting high.

Assuming you mean that literally, I agree.

Updated by anonymous

Poutine pizza.

Who knew gravy and french fries on a pie would work?

(p.s. spring for the stuffed crust; what's one more nail in the coffin?!)

Updated by anonymous

I found a kitten today. The thing survived enduring several days without a mother and a violent encounter with my dogs- who she approached. I went back for her and managed to bring her to the camp office. I was thinking that she'd die before anyone adopted her. Couldn't take her with me and the dogs, she was too vulnerable. But the woman working at the camp office said her granddaughter would love the cat and took her in.

Sometimes, things work out after all... Unfortunately, I found no trace of her littermates. That is one lucky cat.

Updated by anonymous