Topic: Multi-colored Fur

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I noticed we don't seem to have a concise manner for tagging characters with multi-colored fur. Right now, when I tag images that contain characters with multiple fur colors, I separate them into the separate fur tags (white_fur, brown_fur, black_fur, etc.).

To me, fur is multi-colored when it's three or more colors; have have two_tone_fur for those characters with only two colors, and obviously characters with only one color are tagged with *_fur tags.

multi-colored_fur is the most used tag at 20 posts, but it's far from being widely applied especially considering the abundance of posts with multi-colored characters in them, and using that as a standard would fit the theme of multi-colored_hair, imo.

My only question is, is it possible for it to be aliased to when there's 3 or more fur colors tagged in a given image? Or is that beyond the realm of the system's capabilities?

Updated by null0010

That wouldn't work, because what if a picture had six different people each with different single-color fur?

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
That wouldn't work, because what if a picture had six different people each with different single-color fur?

I'm not sure what you mean by this. If you have multiple characters in a picture with multi-colored fur, then the picture requires the multi-colored_fur tag. If there's also a character in the picture with just white fur, then you add the white_fur tag as well. You're tagging on a per-character basis.

Updated by anonymous

You said you want it to imply the muti-colored_fur tag when there're 3 or more fur colors tagged in an image. Because tags are per-image and not per-character-in-image, if you have one blue guy, one white guy, and one green guy, that's three fur colors, but no multi-colored fur. So the implication can't work.

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
You said you want it to imply the muti-colored_fur tag when there're 3 or more fur colors tagged in an image. Because tags are per-image and not per-character-in-image, if you have one blue guy, one white guy, and one green guy, that's three fur colors, but no multi-colored fur. So the implication can't work.

Ahh, I understand what you're getting at now. So maybe the implication won't work; I was suggesting it more as an easy way to clean up tags so we don't have to go through and manually clean things up, but you're right, that'd cause chaos.

So nix the implication idea, but I'd still like to see a cohesive means of tagging multi-colored fur.

Updated by anonymous

Implications don't work like that anyway. It's one tag -> one other tag only.

Updated by anonymous

Digital_Kindness said:
I noticed we don't seem to have a concise manner for tagging characters with multi-colored fur. Right now, when I tag images that contain characters with multiple fur colors, I separate them into the separate fur tags (white_fur, brown_fur, black_fur, etc.).

To me, fur is multi-colored when it's three or more colors; have have two_tone_fur for those characters with only two colors, and obviously characters with only one color are tagged with *_fur tags.

multi-colored_fur is the most used tag at 20 posts, but it's far from being widely applied especially considering the abundance of posts with multi-colored characters in them, and using that as a standard would fit the theme of multi-colored_hair, imo.

My only question is, is it possible for it to be aliased to when there's 3 or more fur colors tagged in a given image? Or is that beyond the realm of the system's capabilities?

And then we have the horrifying rainbow_fur

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
Implications don't work like that anyway. It's one tag -> one other tag only.

Yeah, I'm seeing that. Sucks, but oh well. :(

Akkira said:
And then we have the horrifying rainbow_fur

Which I'd be in favor of aliasing to multi-colored_fur.

Updated by anonymous

Digital_Kindness said:
Yeah, I'm seeing that. Sucks, but oh well. :(
Which I'd be in favor of aliasing to multi-colored_hair.

Slow down.
There is a difference between hair and fur. At least to me.
I consider the stuff on heads hair if it looks somewhat distinguished from the fur and everything else fur.

Updated by anonymous

Akkira said:
Slow down.
There is a difference between hair and fur. At least to me.
I consider the stuff on heads hair if it looks somewhat distinguished from the fur and everything else fur.

Just going to share this.

Updated by anonymous

Akkira said:
Slow down.
There is a difference between hair and fur. At least to me.
I consider the stuff on heads hair if it looks somewhat distinguished from the fur and everything else fur.

I'm sorry, that's my bad, I meant multi-colored_fur. I've been mixing the two up all day, and one finally slipped through my filter :(

I edited the original post to be correct.

Updated by anonymous

Digital_Kindness said:
My only question is, is it possible for it to be aliased to when there's 3 or more fur colors tagged in a given image? Or is that beyond the realm of the system's capabilities?

The system doesn't allow for that sort of implication.

Updated by anonymous

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