Topic: Windows 10

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Dogenzaka said:
When I search for my specific error code, I get a few people asking for help, but with no answers.

What's the error code?

Jade_Angel said:
I didn't have a temp folder... I don't think anyways... Everything seems to be in its place.

Just to be safe, it's called Windows.old inside the main hard drive(C:).

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
What's the error code?


Updated by anonymous

Dogenzaka said:


Never seen that b4, seems like nobody online has resolved it yet either.

You might want to check your update history to see if this is the only error. If it is, then you can only wait for Microsoft to resolve it.

Updated by anonymous

pardon my necro but i wasjust looking around (just seeing if there were any more issues and whatnot or complaints) and it looks like the privacy issues may be a bit worse than expected in regards to microsoft gathering info on users.

Even when told not to, Windows 10 just can’t stop talking to Microsoft

Windows 10 sends data to Microsoft, despite privacy settings

Windows 10 still contacts Microsoft even when told to stop

Windows 10 can still connect to Microsoft's servers, even if users enable privacy features

looks like making use of the privacy settings still lets microsoft gather info. i'd say i'm surprised but i could smell the BS oozing out of windows 10 ever since the privacy related sections of the EULA and other stuff was revealed. that and when they claimed "it's all being used to bring you a better user experience". >.> pfft

Updated by anonymous

Apparently in windows 10 eula there's this section:

We may automatically check your version of the software and download software updates or configuration changes, including those that prevent you from accessing the Services, playing counterfeit games, or using unauthorized hardware peripheral devices.


If that's true then for the first time I may seriously consider using something other than windows as main OS when windows 7 will not be supported anymore.

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
Apparently in windows 10 eula there's this section:

If that's true then for the first time I may seriously consider using something other than windows as main OS when windows 7 will not be supported anymore.

Are you shitting me? I'm sure at one point, someone will find a way to circumvent that measure but not for some time to come. Microsoft douchebags. -_-

Updated by anonymous

"playing counterfeit games"

ROMs/ISOs/etc. (bet those are included as "counterfeit games")

i don't know who you think you are microsoft but it's my computer, not yours. I decide what i can or can't do with it, not some big company.

i don't care who they are, they are NOT going to dictate what i can or can't do with something i bought and own.

edit: looks like some torrent websites are banning users who use W10

though i suppose it probably doesn't take much to spook owners/hosts of torrent sites, them being paranoid can sometimes save them.

Updated by anonymous

I had a few people tell me that I was being paranoid when I was worried about the privacy issues of Windows 10. By making use of a liberal amount of confirmation bias, I can feel vindicated about this situation, while unintentionally ignoring and forgetting other scenarios in which I was paranoid but said paranoia was never vindicated.

Take that!

Updated by anonymous

Jesus fucking Christ. Windows 10 is just the beta version of Skynet.

Updated by anonymous

I don't have a name to recommend, but I'd be very surprised if there wasn't a Windows equivalent of Little Snitch.

That being said, I don't personally believe that Microsoft is doing this intentionally. When a piece of software is as complex as a modern operating system, disabling and enabling things cleanly becomes increasingly tricky. Also, dev/pre-release copies may have been designed to send more detailed information to use for troubleshooting, and it's very easy to miss a line of code or flip all the right switches when preparing everything for general release.

As a rule of thumb I generally assume that all .0 releases will have bugs and stuff like this filtering through, and forgo the tin foil hat until it's been out for a few months to a year. If I am really concerned about privacy in Windows/OS X/Android/etc., 3rd party software (like Little Snitch) is always going to be a more sane solution regardless of what Microsoft/etc.'s intentions are.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I don't have a name to recommend, but I'd be very surprised if there wasn't a Windows equivalent of Little Snitch.

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It looks like you are using counterfeit software called Little Snitch. I disabled and uninstalled this potentially dangerous software for you. If you're going to cause trouble again I might check whether you hard drive is legit, and format it if it's not.

  • I'll obey.
  • I want my hard drive formated.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
"playing counterfeit games"

ROMs/ISOs/etc. (bet those are included as "counterfeit games")

i don't know who you think you are microsoft but it's my computer, not yours. I decide what i can or can't do with it, not some big company

You gave up your freedoms the moment you used Windows.

Updated by anonymous

I'm currently running Windows 8.1, and I'm simply waiting a few weeks before installing Windows 10.

That's what the person who repaired my laptop strongly suggested to me anyway.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
You gave up your freedoms the moment you used Windows.

Windows 7 doesn't seem to be giving me any problems however. Windows 10 can suck it.

Updated by anonymous

I tried Windows 10 out for a few weeks. It booted just a little faster, but other than that and a couple of small hiccups, nothing really changed functionality-wise.

And then a few days ago, I ran into a guy that claimed that the FBI paid him a visit shortly after he had pirated some things, asked to look through his computer, then told him to wipe the harddrive. My BS alarm was trying to go off when he told me that, but I also kinda didn't want it to go off, ya know? So I decided to drop my laptop back to 8.1.

But then Microsoft, being a pissy little bitch, decided that Windows 8.1 just won't work for me anymore and will boot me back out when I try to log in. My restore points were also wiped when I reverted. It still works just fine in safe mode, so I got my stuff backed up. Until I get around to doing a factory reset and reinstalling things, I'm back on my desktop with Vista. :D

Updated by anonymous

I already have Windows 10, it sucks balls in my opinion!

Every time I close the lid on my laptop windows 10 crashes, and on the off-chance it doesn't I have to restart my laptop because the login screen has stopped working. I would fix these problems, but HP hasn't made drivers for the new operating system available for my model of laptop.


Microsoft edge the browser that replaced IE: Still slow, not user friendly. Basically just an IE clone.


Cortona, don't get me started on this bitch. Sure it's funny when you ask her to play "I wanna fuck a dog in the ass" by Blink 182 but most of the time she needs an internet connection to do the simplest of things like waking you up in 45 minutes or telling you a joke.


The Start Menu, takes me 45 minutes to navigate to the startup folder to remove an annoying video file that one of my friends put there or find a program.

The only good thing I've found about the Windows 10 update is that it now supports .gif files in the default image viewer.

Updated by anonymous

​​​​​​​ said:The only good thing I've found about the Windows 10 update is that it now supports .gif files in the default image viewer.

didn't XP do that too? i know i used to have .gif animations set as my wallpaper back when my last computer used XP.

i'd look up how to do that on 7 here but...i can always find a nice video, mute the audio, and set that as a wallpaper via VLC. shame it blocks all the icons and stuff on the desktop. maybe if i could find a way to do that and set it as a background wallpaper like normal pics.

this video of the teemo login screen background for LoL is pretty nice as a video wallpaper like that.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
didn't XP do that too? i know i used to have .gif animations set as my wallpaper back when my last computer used XP.

I know not even 8.1 supports .gif files in the image browser. Always opens them up in firefox. :P

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
didn't XP do that too? i know i used to have .gif animations set as my wallpaper back when my last computer used XP.

i'd look up how to do that on 7 here but...i can always find a nice video, mute the audio, and set that as a wallpaper via VLC. shame it blocks all the icons and stuff on the desktop. maybe if i could find a way to do that and set it as a background wallpaper like normal pics.

this video of the teemo login screen background for LoL is pretty nice as a video wallpaper like that.

It was supported in XP but after that 10 is the only one that supports .gif.

Updated by anonymous

​​​​​​​ said:
It was supported in XP but after that 10 is the only one that supports .gif.

:/ yeah and i ain't going near 10 for nothing.

Updated by anonymous

I just got updated to 10 today, and honestly, I find it to be much better than 8.1. For me, 8.1 was laggy when opening dumbass screens just so I can search for things on my computer. Now there's a search bar.
Oh, and uh...
I guess Windows is trying to be smartasses?
When you open the search bar for the first time, it says "Hi, my name is Cortana."
For those that understand that, good for you.

Anyways, other than that, I can now browse my files easier and it looks slicker. I don't have any complaints, especially since it was free.
But I definitely understand why people hated 8 / 8.1

Updated by anonymous

Well, would you look at that.

The short version: Windows 7 and 8 got updates that give both OS the data tracking capabilities of Windows 10.
They can be uninstalled, though.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Well, would you look at that.

The short version: Windows 7 and 8 got updates that give both OS the data tracking capabilities of Windows 10.
They can be uninstalled, though.

Thanks for posting that, dude! Now I'll go to check if I have those installed and take them away

Edit: Nope, I'm glad those weren't installed

Updated by anonymous

Windows 7 is still far superior than that shit pile of an OS that is Windows 10. Fact.

That site doesn't say how to uninstall though.

Updated by anonymous

fox_whisper85 said:
Windows 7 is still far superior than that shit pile of an OS that is Windows 10. Fact.

That site doesn't say how to uninstall though.

Start > Windows update > Installed updates, or something like that (At the bottom left). Everything should be easy from there

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Start > Windows update > Installed updates, or something like that (At the bottom left). Everything should be easy from there

Gotcha, and I looked, they're not installed, thank goodness, that, and I turned off Windows update, heh.

Updated by anonymous

fox_whisper85 said:
Windows 7 is still far superior than that shit pile of an OS that is Windows 10. Fact.

If you mean it eats up memory like a whore in comparison and so it isn't nearly as good an OS for gaming then sure..?

Updated by anonymous

aurel said:
how okay are you with the crap that comes with it?

When you can disable pretty much all of it... I'm okay with it. Besides, Microsoft isn't the only one that tracks your data. Google Chrome, Safari, pretty much any browser will do that. Apple devices, android devices, anything owned by Google, etc. I personally don't give a fuck, if they want to know I look at furry porn and buy dragon dildos, then they can enjoy my data.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Well, would you look at that.

The short version: Windows 7 and 8 got updates that give both OS the data tracking capabilities of Windows 10.
They can be uninstalled, though.

good thing i almost never touch system updates then, i guess. don't remember when i last did any of those come to think of it.

Updated by anonymous

aurel said:
Windows? not a resource whore? HA!
Hold on for a month, and SVChost will suck on 100% cpu, all of RAM, and windows defender will read itself (and something else I was never able to find) until your HDD shrieks for mercy.

Or a miracle will happen? will something change..? windows 10 wont be like every windows since XP?...
Thats silly.

/ of course windows 10 is new, improved and superior. It is very much out of the question. They question is, how okay are you with the crap that comes with it?

Using a microsoft built switch to prevent it from installing microsoft built software... You sure?

I double checked all the installed updates, didn't find either one of them. Microsoft can suck it for all I care. Not updating to 10, sounds like a piece of shit.

Updated by anonymous

Hey dudes, if you don't want the forced telemetry updates and have checked that they're not installed, check again. I just did it (because winupdate was bugging me to restart) and they were installed. The log said that they were installed on August 20 (20 days ago, my time; right now September 9, 5 Am). As you can see in my last post, I checked 7 days ago and they weren't there.

Here's the command line to quickly uninstall them: (source)
wusa /uninstall /kb:3068708 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3022345 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3075249 /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3080149 /norestart

wusa /uninstall

command is so you don't have to go all the way from Control Panel to the list of installed updates (pointed out in forum #170215) and the /norestart should be fairly obvious. Though, you may want to know when it was forced into your computer installed.

You have to run one after another, though. Also, you may have to check your Windows Update settings too. Mine got changed from "Search for updates but allow me to choose if I want to download and install them"1 to "Install updates automatically"1.

1 My laptop's language is Spanish so the labels may not be exactly the same, but I hope you get the idea.


Updated by anonymous

gods damn you microshit!

Windows 10 downloaded to computers automatically

attention windows 7 & 8 users: you may want to disable windows auto updates now or you risk letting microshit FORCE the windows 10 upgrade onto you.

they really are trying everything in they're power to force that OS on people whether they want it or not, huh?

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
gods damn you microshit!

Windows 10 downloaded to computers automatically

attention windows 7 & 8 users: you may want to disable windows auto updates now or you risk letting microshit FORCE the windows 10 upgrade onto you.

they really are trying everything in they're power to force that OS on people whether they want it or not, huh?

Something's wrong here, Microsoft is forcing Windows 10 into everybody's computers!

Could this be a sign?

Updated by anonymous

Honestly the only thing I hate about Windows 10 is the forced updates. Other than that I am pleased and I find it to be a more better OS than Windows 8 (which I previously had).

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
Something's wrong here, Microsoft is forcing Windows 10 into everybody's computers!

Could this be a sign?

I bet on political reasons.

Updated by anonymous

I've never really had much against Windows even if I only marginally use it, but the recent years changes and events kind of makes me glad I'm mostly on Linux and OS X...

Got no problem with OSs doing daily nagging about that one should update, but they shouldn't force updates.

Also I don't really see what there is to gain from predownloading such a massive update that may or may not be installed? I also hope Windows doesn't suddenly decide to do a major OS update without user input? Hm... Maybe I should check my virtual Windows copy for these things...

Updated by anonymous

I had a huge problem back with Windows 8.1 where my PC would crash during games or from watching videos on Youtube in HD. It would crash every once in a while while playing a game, and crash every single time watching an HD video, sometimes not even hd. I kept googling the Blue Screen error and everything was telling me it was my hard drive, that I needed to uninstall the updates, and then update it again. I would do this over and over again but it would keep happening and happening. I updated to Windows 10 and the problem went away entirely :I Fuck you Microsoft.

Updated by anonymous

Apparently they only push the update if you fall into one of two categories:

  • Have reserved a copy of Windows 10
  • Have automatic updates enabled

Even if the second category is somewhat dubious, from a mass deployment perspective this would make sense as these would be the most likely people to not mind a seamless upgrade. Anyone that doesn't fall into these categories would be much more likely to prefer manually upgrading on their own time (particularly business customers, who may be upgrading hundreds of computers all at once).

Seeing as a lot of newer Windows 10 devices are kind of "hybrid" between desktop and mobile, I'm not surprised that Microsoft would find this worth considering. On other mobile devices (especially iOS) this strategy has been extremely successful in increasing adoption rates.

I know that pushy updates like this can be a pain for users, but there are good reasons for doing it, and I don't mean just for marketing. From a developer perspective, having everyone on the latest OS is extremely desirable. Much more than most people realize.

For 3rd parties, this means less time and work is needed to test devices and software, and bugs are easier to track down and fix. For companies like Microsoft, this means that there is less need to try to keep dozens different codebases (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and all the different versions [server, home, premium, business, etc.]) of each working properly. Even just considering the extra work needed to write and push important security/stability updates for each of these, you will see that this quickly becomes a massive headache. Other companies with a cleaner codebase (think Chrome OS, and OS X to a lesser extent) have a lot less less of this to worry about, and with some solid planning can easily outshine and overtake a bloated codebase like Microsoft has had to deal with.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Seeing as a lot of newer Windows 10 devices are kind of "hybrid" between desktop and mobile

that's one reason i never liked windows 8 much. i prefer having a desktop myself, not some hybrid thing. :/ closest i've ever had to a mobile device would probably be that bluestacks.

come to think of it...what was windows 9? or whatever counts as that. 8.1?

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
come to think of it...what was windows 9? or whatever counts as that. 8.1?

There never was a windows 9, simple as that. Software versioning doesn't always make sense to the end users.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:

come to think of it...what was windows 9? or whatever counts as that. 8.1?

Avoid being mistaken with Windows 95 or 98.

Updated by anonymous

I really hate these tracking shit by is Microsoft forcing on people also

Kida said:
...Microsoft isn't the only one that tracks your data. Google Chrome, Safari, ...

just because other people is being assholes does not mean the rest of the people has to be more of an asshole you know?

now it's would be hard to buy a new computer because they could just force that tracking fuck into it

it's there anyway to remove the tracking thing?

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Apparently they only push the update if you fall into one of two categories:

  • Have reserved a copy of Windows 10
  • Have automatic updates enabled

Even if the second category is somewhat dubious, from a mass deployment perspective this would make sense as these would be the most likely people to not mind a seamless upgrade. Anyone that doesn't fall into these categories would be much more likely to prefer manually upgrading on their own time (particularly business customers, who may be upgrading hundreds of computers all at once).

No, it doesn't make sense. At all.
Downloading files that takes from 3-6GB size, without even mentioning it to user, is not something that can be described as "make sense" in any possible context.

I know that pushy updates like this can be a pain for users, but there are good reasons for doing it, and I don't mean just for marketing. From a developer perspective, having everyone on the latest OS is extremely desirable. Much more than most people realize.

Having "updates" that makes annoying adware-like popup to appear (and apparently is the cause of downloading installer files) as recommended (not optional) updates results in people disabling updates making them more vulnerable.

And I thought that I'm Microsoft apologetic. (Visual Studio, and One Note are still great.)

Updated by anonymous

Meanwhile the Navy is still using Windows XP on its nuclear-powered aircraft carriers

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
No, it doesn't make sense. At all.
Downloading files that takes from 3-6GB size, without even mentioning it to user, is not something that can be described as "make sense" in any possible context.

It's how OS and app updates are usually handled by default on mobile devices. They still give an option to turn it off, but most people don't care one way or the other.

Granberia said:
And I thought that I'm Microsoft apologetic. (Visual Studio, and One Note are still great.)

I primarily use OS X, but I also keep Ubuntu in a VM for dev. I do have Windows 8.1 in a VM as well in case I need it, but it seems like every week there's ~200 MB of security updates that I need to apply, so I tend to leave it off and apply them in batches (a habit I picked up from using Linux).

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
It's how OS and app updates are usually handled by default on mobile devices. They still give an option to turn it off, but most people don't care one way or the other.

yeah...i wonder how many updates until those settings work as good as the privacy settings. the privacy settings that let W10 STILL gather and send info on you despite having opted out of such things.

Updated by anonymous

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