Topic: Tag Implication: lemon_bread -> amalgamate

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating lemon_bread → amalgamate
Link to implication


reaper_bird -> amalgamate, possibly also avian
endogeny -> amalgamate, possibly also canine
memoryhead > amalgamate)

Lemon Bread, Reaper Bird, Endogeny, and Memoryhead are all Amalgamates. (If the fifth one gets an official name, it should also be implicated to amalgamate.)

EDIT: The tag implication lemon_bread -> amalgamate (forum #174029) has been rejected by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

For explanation's sake: we typically don't imply characters to species, due to them possibly being drawn as an alternate_species. Lemon Bread doesn't have to be drawn as an amalgamate to be identified as Lemon Bread, and et cetera for the other characters.

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