Topic: Toned, What to do?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag toned has the description:

Toned describes characters that have visibly defined muscle structure, but the overall topology of their body is still relatively smooth and within "normal" proportions.

Not to be confused with muscles. A character may be toned but not muscular, muscular but not toned, or both.

But I managed to come across images like:
(most are nsfw)
post #279739
post #279746
post #279742
post #276651
post #276652

I'd say many pictures under this tag fails the "within "normal" proportions" criterion.

This is just an observation and I would like to be able to search for the given definition. What are your suggestions on what to do with this?


I understand that, I'm just asking what to do about it. =P

Updated by anonymous

Are we just to do a whole-tag clean-up, or is there some easier way to get the wanted results?

-and I would want to know if there is someone against people removing all them there tags that could undo the work put into it...

Updated by anonymous

We might have to do a tag cleanup on it, because even a cursory glance over the images tagged toned certainly are more cut than what's required for that tag.

post #277660

The above image definitely qualifies for the toned tag, while the below image does not.

post #277701

And I'm seeing a lot more of the second type of image than I am the first.

Updated by anonymous

I'd say the latter is borderlining it (Just my personal opinion and I am aware that most disagree with me on that xD), but the first one is definitely what we are going for.

I thiink the rule of thumb could be:
"A character that would be seen as muscular IRL should be tagged muscles. If otherwise fit but not bulky, tag toned"

Is that Ok or does it need tweaking?

Updated by anonymous

I agree that the second one is borderline, but I wanted to find the bare minimum for the tag muscular; there are far worse offenders tagged as toned right now.

The problem is what you consider toned may be someone's muscular; someone who is not themselves muscular may think toned is muscular simply because it's a greater amount of muscle and tone than they themselves may possess.

I think the current definition is fine, people just need to start using it properly. I understand that's expecting a lot from some of our users, but I don't think changing the definition is going to help, unfortunately...

Updated by anonymous

I was thinking for the people potentially reading this xD

all both of them... :3

Updated by anonymous

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