Topic: Anybody else feels guilty at drawing porn?

Posted under Art Talk

Hello everyone,

I have this thing that struggle me since months.

I've started making artworks since two years so far, and since few months, from time to time, I come out with some explicit content, that I only post around with this name.

My problem is that I'm not supposed to do this kind of stuff. My family knows me for drawing cute animals, Manga girls, and other stuff. But they have no idea that I also have this... hobby.
I usually draw this stuff at very late night or early mornings, when I'm sure everybody is sleeping, and I make sure that my PC does not come out with ankward shortcuts of compromising files that could be seen or clicked accidentally.

My thing is... I'm really afraid of what would happen if I get busted. They already know I use softcore porn for anatomical reference for my "official artworks", but they have no idea of "the other stuff".

I'm not asking if it is wrong what I am doing, but I would really know other artists stories about this and how they live their "secret life", if they have a similar situation like mine. ;)
Thank you. :)

Updated by user 144118

you are doing literally nothing wrong by any rules unless you are underaged

Updated by anonymous

I'll discuss your problem in aurel form :D

  • 1 - If your family does not care about softcore then they should be cool enough to not care about hardcore too.
    • 1.1 - My family say "In the name of God" before everything plus they're gibberishly abusive so I have no luck
  • 2 - You can ask your family by a joke.
    • 2.2 - "Momma what do you do if you found rabbit porn??? LOL" is a not-bad joke.
  • 3 - you can draw porn in college
    • 3.1 - AND STUDY AT HOME  XD XD XD
  • 4 - draw porn on your bus/metro to university.
    • 4.1 - Unless the university is near to you.
  • 5 - My porn is on my Downloads folder.
    • 5.1 - I haven't even dared to hide them.
    • 5.2 - My parents are uncivilised camel jockeys which don't know how the internet works
      • 5.2.1 - It's a benefit for me LOL
      • 5.2.2 - Sometimes my fucker mother jumps into my room and shouts: "WTF IS THIS BLUE PAGE YOU'RE ALWAYS ON IIIIIIIIT??

Updated by anonymous

If you are trying to be in the closet forever, somebody could recognize your art style between the regular and porn works, even if you try to change it. Even software could do it.

It could be too late. The more porn you upload, the more your "style signature" is betrayed.

^ Has anybody seen this happen in the furry porn community?

Updated by anonymous

alirezatm said:

  • 5 - My porn is on my Downloads folder.
    • 5.1 - I haven't even dared to hide them.

folder named furry...right there on the desktop in plain sight. but...around here, my aunt and uncle don't like it when i so much as touch they're computers and they tend to leave mine alone just as well. i do keep the nsfw stuff marked as hidden though so i could just set it to not show hidden folders at any time if necessary.

kinda off topic (probably wouldn't be the best way to let them know you draw nsfw stuff) but if you happen to have a tv with a place to plug-in a usb flash drive. be careful what pic you leave visible on the tv. lol only happened once >.> and that's the end of that story.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:

alirezatm said:

  • 5 - My porn is on my Downloads folder.
    • 5.1 - I haven't even dared to hide them.

folder named furry...right there on the desktop in plain sight.

My porn folder is named "If you wish to stroke your dick, hover here then double-click". It's on the desktop.

I thought that was an appropriate name for it.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I tried to draw explicit content once upon a time. I felt disgusting after making it. For me, it was less about being discovered and more about finding explicit content generally...wrong? I guess that's a way to put it.

Needless to say I don't draw porn and have no intention of starting again.

Updated by anonymous

I drew porn once.

It was awful.

alirezatm said:
I'll discuss your problem in aurel form :D


Needs more ellipses.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
I tried to draw explicit content once upon a time. I felt disgusting after making it. For me, it was less about being discovered and more about finding explicit content generally...wrong? I guess that's a way to put it.

Needless to say I don't draw porn and have no intention of starting again.

you are too pure for this sinful site

Updated by anonymous

I struggle with this a bit personally, but mostly take the attitude 'I'll just stand here, ignore any feeling of embarrassment, look at you, and say nothing. You will shortly become embarrassed enough that you leave. If you bring it up later, I'll comment honestly on it until you either change the topic or accept it.'. In short, if they are taking meaning X out of it, it is up to them to justify the accuracy of that interpretation to me, not to me to 'prove I'm not guilty of X'.

My approach to username stuff is similar: I post my main stuff on a SFW tumblr, but also include clear links to my NSFW tumblr on there. My family know the main tumblr exists -- I sent the URL out -- but I really haven't heard anything much from them about anything on it.

I'm not worried about people getting into my files because first they would have to figure out how to operate my computer (mostly keyboard operated WM (QTile), no 'desktop' hence no icons to be clicked on, the keyboard layout is Colemak not QWERTY, some of the important directories are named in Lojban for brevity.)

TBH 'manga girls' (or boys) make me more uncomfortable than drawing porn. It feels like a pile of (admittedly varied) sexist memes, whereas drawn porn can be more straightforward/honest than that.

Ultimately I guess you need to get definite about what your family's reaction might be. If they're not crazy puritans, I would guess a bit of embarrassment and teasing is the worst you'd get. I'd consider that definitely worth the trade (for one more secret off your back).

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Fenrick said:
you are too pure for this sinful site

I'm here because I like to help, not because I have interest in the content.

Updated by anonymous

Outside of drawing the occasional dick during my childhood, I've yet to draw porn "professionally". And long story short, I definitely see myself doing so, alongside drawing a near equal balance of anything else (though I might lean more towards fight scenes than anything else). In short, I want to be one of those "jack-of-all-trades" artists, the kind that will allow all kinds of commissions. Doing so benefits me both economically and in terms of overall experience.

My only quip is if I draw poorly, which is exactly why I'm doing anatomical exercises in my spare time, and NOT drawing crappy sketches that somehow make it onto e621. I've already drawn eyes, ears, mouths, noses, and hands (not uploaded yet onto my art accounts, mind you). I've yet to draw feet, wings, tails, etc.

And OBVIOUSLY, I'll draw breasts, butts, dicks, and pussies. I would've stayed COMPLETELY away from all manner of pornography about 4 years ago. But little by little, I "broadened my horizons" through Lucario and Renamon R34, and realized that I'm just limiting myself.

This is coming from a person that was raised Jehovah's Witness by the way. This also means that I "question" my beliefs, but e621's not the place to speak about my thoughts on religion.

If I'm willing to draw pornography, then I might likely follow suit with my fanfiction hobby. But with the plans I have with my writing, I only see myself writing something erotic if I choose to write something new.

Updated by anonymous

notbad621 said:
My problem is that I'm not supposed to do this kind of stuff.

This is the most important sentence in your post. Why do you say this? It sounds like you're letting others define you :|

It sounds like you've adopted their ideology that "porn is bad". Have you questioned this for yourself, and you agree with that concept? If you can shake yourself free if that stigma, I think you'll be better off for it.

Updated by anonymous

Terraraptor said:
It sounds like you've adopted their ideology that "porn is bad". Have you questioned this for yourself, and you agree with that concept? If you can shake yourself free if that stigma, I think you'll be better off for it.

Or, if you do agree with it... then just don't do it anymore.

Updated by anonymous

It's personal life, and like all personal lives, you need your space. Just got to make sure your family or friends get that. If they're curious, secure whatever you have and show your serious about it. If it slips out, then A. they have to deal with it...or B. you might have to change (A or B, but most likely B). Either way, it's invasion of privacy if someone you know is pulling your plug. Which nobody is too fond of. However, there are times for these things and not.

Updated by anonymous