Topic: MCS3 - Viscous Mission, Part 2 (Cum Tag Clean-Up)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Back to Mission Debriefing

Snake, you may be wondering why the Cum Tag Clean-Up thread is now Metal Gear Solid 3 themed. Well, to tell you the truth, I have no idea. Just go with it.

Batch 2 (Rescue Sokumlov)
Battle of the Cum Floods

I think it's well established that excessive_cum isn't going anywhere, as it's been used quite a lot, and it explains the concept well. Question is, what to do with the other three tags? Should we alias them to excessive and not have to worry about different amounts of ejaculation, or should we attempt to salvage these tags and give them a purpose?

FurryPickle suggested cleaning out the tags and resorting them under excessive_cum and hyper_cum

Yellow Cum

I've been planning on using this for a little while to describe yellowish cum that was meant to be normal, so one should be aliased to the other, to ensure that we don't have two of the same tag. I suggest aliasing to yellow_hued_cum, but what do you think?

On Swallowing

This one has two options right now: Either alias cum_swallow to swallowing_cum, or alias both to drinking_cum. What's your opinion?

FurryPickle suggested invalidating the swallow tags, and sorting through the drinking tags

Metal Gear Acid

One of these need to come out on top (and be implicated to unusual_cum), and personally, I'd rather it not be acid_cum. Out of acidic_cum, caustic_cum, and corrosive_cum, which one should reign supreme?

Enemies Neutralized (Tags That Have Been Managed)

After understanding that it may be a little hard for anyone to sift through it all, I've created a voting ballot with a comments section, to make it easier to share your opinion, instead of having to wade through some of the crappy design decisions I made for the second batch. Remember to align your bullet holes evenly, so we know exactly what you're voting for.

Voting Ballot Code
[section=Voting Ballot]
[section=Battle of the Cum Floods]
[ ]: Alias [[superfluous_cum]], [[hyper_cum]], and [[infinite_cum]] to [[excessive_cum]].  We don't need them.
[ ]: Restructure the "cum flood" tags to make them more useful and appealing to tag, following FurryPickle's suggested course of action.

Comments: [/section]
[section=Yellow Cum]
[ ]: Alias [[yellow-hued_cum]] to [[yellow_hued_cum]].  We don't need hyphens AND underscores.
[ ]: Alias [[yellow_hued_cum]] to [[yellow-hued_cum]], because for some reason, I think that will be easier for everyone involved. (Explain reason below, please)

Comments: [/section]
[section=On Swallowing]
[ ]: Alias [[cum_swallow]] to [[swallowing_cum]].
[ ]: Alias [[cum_swallow]] and [[swallowing_cum]] to [[drinking_cum]].
[ ]: Invalidate [[cum_swallow]] and [[swallowing_cum]].

Comments: [/section]
[section=Metal Gear Acid]
[ ]: Alias the other three tags to [[acid_cum]], and alias the username of the voter to "DisregardThatISeemToBeOutOfIt".
[ ]: Alias the other three tags to [[acidic_cum]].
[ ]: Alias the other three tags to [[caustic_cum]].
[ ]: Alias the other three tags to [[corrosive_cum]].
[ ]: Alias all four tags to something else (Please write below).

Comments: [/section]

Updated by user 59725

ShylokVakarian said:

Try 'SICUNT'. That's all I could come up with.

Updated by anonymous

I miss when people used to know how to make a descriptive thread title for site related things instead of trying to be funny.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
I miss when people used to know how to make a descriptive thread title for site related things instead of trying to be funny.

Then stop being so harsh and try to awake your zany side.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
I miss when people used to know how to make a descriptive thread title for site related things instead of trying to be funny.

Parasprite didn't comment on it, so I presumed she was alright with it. You might have to talk to her and solve that among yourselves.

And you hardly even touched the flavor text in the actual post. :P

Kyubii said:
Try 'SICUNT'. That's all I could come up with.

I thought of that, too. Then I quickly dismissed it because I'm gay, and usually want nothing to do with vag. I'll probably leave it as is, as I personally like SIGINT a lot. The meaning of the acronym may change a little, though

Anyways, the current cast is as follows:

Naked Snake -> e621 Snake
Sokolov -> Sokumlov
Major Zero -> Major Zero Chance At Getting Laid
Para-Medic -> Para-Medick
The Boss -> The Booze
ADAM -> STEVE (Based off of the common anti-gay protest "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve")(Yes, I'm aware of the fact that ADAM is Major Ocelot)
EVA -> STEVA (A combination of STEVE and EVA, because I'm tired of trying to come up with names)
Major Ocelot -> Major Frotalot
Granin -> Grabin (As in "grabbing him by the balls")
Colonel Volgin -> Colonel Vulgar (I don't have a sexual pun for this)
The Shagohod -> The Shag-0H0D

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
And you hardly even touched the flavor text in the actual post. :P

Someone has to touch the cum to clean it up.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
Someone has to touch the cum to clean it up.

Not if Postal III has anything to say about that. :P

I said:

Idea! We should call him Probably SIGINT! :D

Anyways, enough chit-chat, we have a Russian scientist to extricate, and we can only do that by cleaning up all these cum tags, er, I mean, hostile enemies.

Updated by anonymous

The main post has been updated to be more descriptive of what needs to be done with the tags. The rest is up to you, e621 Snake.

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
Parasprite didn't comment on it, so I presumed she was alright with it. You might have to talk to her and solve that among yourselves.

And you hardly even touched the flavor text in the actual post. :P

Flavor inside posts themselves is fully okay with me! I just really dislike thread titles that say absolutely nothing about the thread itself.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Flavor inside posts themselves is fully okay with me! I just really dislike thread titles that say absolutely nothing about the thread itself.

Can we compromise by having the flavored title first, and then the descriptive title in parentheses?

i.e., Metal Cum Solid 3: "Snake" Eater: The Viscous Mission, Part 2 (Cum Tag Clean-Up)

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
Can we compromise by having the flavored title first, and then the descriptive title in parentheses?

No, because too long.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
No, because too long.

I agree, it is pretty long. Can we still compromise if I can make it shorter? For example, "MCS3: Viscous Mission, Part 2 (Cum Tag Clean-Up)"

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
Parasprite didn't comment on it, so I presumed she was alright with it. You might have to talk to her and solve that among yourselves.

Nimmy's got override powers. :P

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Nimmy's got override powers. :P

Little late to the party, para. :P

Updated by anonymous

Okay, people, time to get serious. In order to encourage discussion of the topics that need to be discussed, I have updated the OP with a voting ballot, complete with comments sections. You may copy and paste that into your message and adjust according to your opinions.

Updated by anonymous

...Do I have to hold your hands and walk you all through this step by step?

Updated by anonymous


cum floods

I'd be fine with aliasing superfluous_cum and infinite_cum to -->[excessive_cum]]. I'm a little less sure if there's some value to keeping hyper_cum. Since the hyper_* tags are well understood as being an extreme of an extreme. And I could see the possibility that there's a difference between "more than is normal or necessary" = excessive_cum vs additional "lakes and floods and enough cum you could drown in it" = hyper_cum. It might be worth keeping, sort of like hyper breasts notably more than just "larger than usual".

Yellow cum

I honestly don't see any reason to have "yellow-hued_cum" or to differentiate between "meant it to be yellow cum" vs "meant it to be normal cum but it looks kind of yellowish". I think it's best to keep it simple with this one: if it looks yellow, tag it yellow_cum. It's a lot more TWYS and straightforward that way, plus the tag is simpler and more consistent with all the others. So I'd vote to just alias both of those to --> yellow_cum instead.

battle of orgasms

I think simultaneous orgasms sounds good. Using the word cum in this sense is pretty slang and would be problematic since actual cum may or may not be shown. And 'ejaculation' would seem like it's requiring some visible cumshot and that's too narrow.


I thought cum_drinking was meant for more stuff like this: post #765179 ?
Though it looks like the tag usage for cum_drinking is all over the place between: cumming-in-someone's-mouth/throat-during-oral vs cum-not-directly-from-the-source-being-consumed (aka from a cup or condom etc) vs cum_in_mouth or on tongue no matter how it got there. So looks like some clarifying and cleanup might be needed with this set of tags anyways.

But back to topic: for cum_swallow/swallowing_cum I'm not actually sure what it's supposed to be used for. A lot of those images are either cum_in_mouth, neck_bulge, deep_throat, swallowing, etc so are better tagged with other existing tags. And in some of those images cum isn't even visible so it's a leap to know if cum has even happened yet or not as well. So I think invalidating cum_swallow and swallowing_cum probably makes sense. Unless I'm missing something. Admittedly it's not a tag I'm too familiar with.

Suggesting Aliasing cum_licking and cum_lick to --> licking_cum -- that sounds good.
Suggesting Aliasing holding_cum to --> cum_in_hands -- that sounds good. However right now it only has one image and that's of mistagged orgasm denial. Probably a one-off occurrence but wanted to bring it up. At the very least it will need moved before it's aliased.
Suggesting Aliasing vomiting_cum to cum_from_mouth -- that sounds good. Even though the wiki for vomiting_cum tries to differentiate them, I think an alias for these two would be best.

acidic cum

If it was shown having a corrosive or acidic effect on something, I could see this. But honestly, all it's being tagged on is neon green cum. No sizzling, no eating through anything, no pain, no rashes or wounded skin, no sound effects, nothing at all to suggest it's anything other than weirdly bright green. So while I like the idea of acidic or corrosive cum, I don't think it's even accurate for the pictures this is currently tagged on. Which makes renaming it a little moot right now. *shrug* This one might have to wait until it actually has any images it would fit.

implicate these to unusual_cum

Metal Gear Acid tag -- if there was any cum demonstrating corrosive or acidic properties, then hell yes. But I'm not sure we have anything like that (yet). And the way that looks when drawn could help narrow down what the best name for such a tag would be. So this one should probably wait until we have any images which show such a phenomenon.

Implicating all of these to --> unusual_cum sounds really good.

And I'm honestly surprised there's not a chocolate_cum. I'm hungry now though.

Updated by anonymous

I'd be fine with aliasing superfluous_cum and infinite_cum to -->[excessive_cum]]. I'm a little less sure if there's some value to keeping hyper_cum. Since the hyper_* tags are well understood as being an extreme of an extreme. And I could see the possibility that there's a difference between "more than is normal or necessary" = excessive_cum vs additional "lakes and floods and enough cum you could drown in it" = hyper_cum. It might be worth keeping, sort of like hyper breasts notably more than just "larger than usual".

We may need to sort these out some. I do agree that some form of tiered ejaculation system is useful. I would recommend not actually aliasing these, and merely resorting into excessive and hyper.

I honestly don't see any reason to have "yellow-hued_cum" or to differentiate between "meant it to be yellow cum" vs "meant it to be normal cum but it looks kind of yellowish". I think it's best to keep it simple with this one: if it looks yellow, tag it yellow_cum. It's a lot more TWYS and straightforward that way, plus the tag is simpler and more consistent with all the others. So I'd vote to just alias both of those to --> yellow_cum instead.

Looking back to our original thread, we came to the conclusion that having a tag that is for cum that is anywhere from off-white to practically light yellow would be useful for blacklisting, for people who'd rather not look at non-white cum. yellow_cum isn't exactly very well tagged for that sort of thing, and if the person wants to look at cum that was actually yellow, they'd have to turn off the blacklist for it and sift through yellow_cum to find it.

In short, we're doing it for convenience, and to make people want to use the blacklist more, meaning less stupid rants about having to see something they don't like, which I'm sure pisses you off to no end.

I think simultaneous orgasms sounds good. Using the word cum in this sense is pretty slang and would be problematic since actual cum may or may not be shown. And 'ejaculation' would seem like it's requiring some visible cumshot and that's too narrow.

Vote counted.

I thought cum_drinking was meant for more stuff like this: post #765179 ?
Though it looks like the tag usage for cum_drinking is all over the place between: cumming-in-someone's-mouth/throat-during-oral vs cum-not-directly-from-the-source-being-consumed (aka from a cup or condom etc) vs cum_in_mouth or on tongue no matter how it got there. So looks like some clarifying and cleanup might be needed with this set of tags anyways.

But back to topic: for cum_swallow/swallowing_cum I'm not actually sure what it's supposed to be used for. A lot of those images are either cum_in_mouth, neck_bulge, deep_throat, swallowing, etc so are better tagged with other existing tags. And in some of those images cum isn't even visible so it's a leap to know if cum has even happened yet or not as well. So I think invalidating cum_swallow and swallowing_cum probably makes sense. Unless I'm missing something. Admittedly it's not a tag I'm too familiar with.

We may need to clean these up. They're messy.

Suggesting Aliasing cum_licking and cum_lick to --> licking_cum -- that sounds good.

Vote counted.

Suggesting Aliasing holding_cum to --> cum_in_hands -- that sounds good. However right now it only has one image and that's of mistagged orgasm denial. Probably a one-off occurrence but wanted to bring it up. At the very least it will need moved before it's aliased.

Duly noted, I'll move that out. Still would like to alias it anyways.

Suggesting Aliasing vomiting_cum to cum_from_mouth -- that sounds good. Even though the wiki for vomiting_cum tries to differentiate them, I think an alias for these two would be best.

Vote counted.

If it was shown having a corrosive or acidic effect on something, I could see this. But honestly, all it's being tagged on is neon green cum. No sizzling, no eating through anything, no pain, no rashes or wounded skin, no sound effects, nothing at all to suggest it's anything other than weirdly bright green. So while I like the idea of acidic or corrosive cum, I don't think it's even accurate for the pictures this is currently tagged on. Which makes renaming it a little moot right now. *shrug* This one might have to wait until it actually has any images it would fit.

Well, considering a few more tags of unusual cum popped up after I started this, I would say it's a good idea to establish which one to use beforehand.

Metal Gear Acid tag -- if there was any cum demonstrating corrosive or acidic properties, then hell yes. But I'm not sure we have anything like that (yet). And the way that looks when drawn could help narrow down what the best name for such a tag would be. So this one should probably wait until we have any images which show such a phenomenon.

Implicating all of these to --> unusual_cum sounds really good.

Duly noted.

And I'm honestly surprised there's not a chocolate_cum. I'm hungry now though.

Added to the list. It's going to happen eventually, and we'll be prepared when that happens.

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
Looking back to our original thread, we came to the conclusion that having a tag that is for cum that is anywhere from off-white to practically light yellow would be useful for blacklisting, for people who'd rather not look at non-white cum. yellow_cum isn't exactly very well tagged for that sort of thing, and if the person wants to look at cum that was actually yellow, they'd have to turn off the blacklist for it and sift through yellow_cum to find it.

In short, we're doing it for convenience, and to make people want to use the blacklist more, meaning less stupid rants about having to see something they don't like, which I'm sure pisses you off to no end.

Ok, I can see that as a consideration. Though wouldn't beige_cum be a better fit for that? Because I've seen some images like what you're describing where the cum almost looked "dirty". Sort of an off-white, peach-like, cream or even slightly greyish funky 'white' color. And I don't think yellow-hued_cum would cover all of those types equally well. But beige_cum would fit perfectly while still leaving actually yellow_cum separate. What do you think?

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
Ok, I can see that as a consideration. Though wouldn't beige_cum be a better fit for that? Because I've seen some images like what you're describing where the cum almost looked "dirty". Sort of an off-white, peach-like, cream or even slightly greyish funky 'white' color. And I don't think yellow-hued_cum would cover all of those types equally well. But beige_cum would fit perfectly while still leaving actually yellow_cum separate. What do you think?


Updated by anonymous

Do you people just not care anymore? Is that why hardly anyone is replying?

Updated by anonymous

I've made the following changes:

Updated by anonymous

Okay, I'd like to know why people are so burnt out on this thread. Please, I'm genuinely confused.

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
Okay, I'd like to know why people are so burnt out on this thread. Please, I'm genuinely confused.

I'm gonna guess no one really cares that much about it.

Updated by anonymous

Blind_Guardian said:
I'm gonna guess no one really cares that much about it.

I need more than just para's input when it comes to all of these tags. Do you know how many cum tags I've found just 8 days ago? About 475.

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
I need more than just para's input when it comes to all of these tags. Do you know how many cum tags I've found just 8 days ago? About 475.

People care about when they find aliases than are wrong, but for the most part don't give a rat's ass about most new aliases so they don't bother commenting on the suggestions (I have a whole of them, some very basic, and no comments or action whatsoever.)

Updated by anonymous

Circeus said:
People care about when they find aliases than are wrong, but for the most part don't give a rat's ass about most new aliases so they don't bother commenting on the suggestions (I have a whole of them, some very basic, and no comments or action whatsoever.)

So I pretty much have to sort through these solo? Ugh.

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
So I pretty much have to sort through these solo? Ugh.

You don't have to do anything, lol. Just sort through a few in your spare time instead of making it a chore when the problem isn't that large in the first place.

Updated by anonymous

Blind_Guardian said:
You don't have to do anything, lol. Just sort through a few in your spare time instead of making it a chore when the problem isn't that large in the first place.

What I mean is "I'm going to do this because I want to, and none of you are going to provide your input? You guys know this site is for all of us, right?"

Well, don't come crying to me if the tags don't turn out the way you want them. Everybody had their chance to provide their input.

Updated by anonymous