Topic: Tag Alias: copper -> copper_(disambiguation)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing copper → copper_(disambiguation)
Link to alias


At least five elements using copper tag:
1) three characters
a) disney char
b) mlp fan char,
c) three of vkyrie's copper char(move to copper_(vkyrie) )
2) copper_(metal)
3) copper_color

EDIT: Remove one image from copper {already tagged with copper_(zedd)}
Changed tag of one image from copper to copper_metal

Updated by ShylokVakarian

Fenrick said:
Tag implication: bronze --> copper

Surprisingly, bronze is not actually similar in color to copper, just like it's not similar to it in composition. Bronze is a bunch of tin with some copper evenly dispersed throughout, and it's grey.

Updated by anonymous

It's the other way around. Bronze has far more copper than tin (note: for the C95200 aluminum bronze, the numbers got shifted one cell to the left. Proper composition is 88% Cu 9% Al 3% Fe).

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
It's the other way around. Bronze has far more copper than tin (note: for the C95200 aluminum bronze, the numbers got shifted one cell to the left. Proper composition is 88% Cu 9% Al 3% Fe).

Huh. Then why is it grey?

Updated by anonymous