Topic: It would be good to have a reason for a piece not being approved

Posted under General

The phrase, "not up to minimum quality standards" is very vague and open-ended. How does one know what was wrong with it if no one explains what the problem is? Should not the issue be discuss so it can be avoided in the future? It's problems like this that make me wary every time I submit something for approval on here, I see two pieces that have a similar feel to them, one gets accepted, and get an okay score, but another piece that gets rejected, but a higher score and even several comments. I don't get it, like, at all.


fox_whisper85 said:
How does one know what was wrong with it if no one explains what the problem is? Should not the issue be discuss so it can be avoided in the future?

There's a lot of images that admins have to approve/deny, in addition to plenty of other demands on their time. I doubt they have the time to write up a why for each one - especially since (to them at least) it may seem obvious. But you can message the admin that deleted an image to ask them why if you'd like clarification.

Just remember to be polite and include the post number. Don't just say "Why was my recent post deleted?"

If they have to take *extra* time trying to figure out what you're talking about, a reply could get delayed to varying degrees depending on how busy they are.

Updated by anonymous

Wodahseht said:
There's a lot of images that admins have to approve/deny, in addition to plenty of other demands on their time. I doubt they have the time to write up a why for each one - especially since (to them at least) it may seem obvious. But you can message the admin that deleted an image to ask them why if you'd like clarification.

Just remember to be polite and include the post number. Don't just say "Why was my recent post deleted?"

If they have to take *extra* time trying to figure out what you're talking about, a reply could get delayed to varying degrees depending on how busy they are.

I did PM a couple of mods, actually, and hope one of them gets back to me. What I don't get is I've been having a streak of pics being approved without a hitch, but this one was the unlucky one, I don't even know what was wrong with it. If I don't know what the issue was, how can I possibly avoid it with future submissions? I'm gonna have to hold off uploading at all, until I can get a clear response on why that happened, assuming they have the time to reply to PMs at all -_-

Updated by anonymous

fox_whisper85 said:
I did PM a couple of mods, actually...

Approval can depend on which mod looks it over. Some will pass what others won't, though they try to be as consistent as possible. Messaging multiple mods just wastes time though, you should only message the one that denied the image.

In this case I'm guessing you mean post #775954 - in which case NotMeNotYou is who you want.

Updated by anonymous

I answered your dmail, do be aware that we have a life outside of e6, so please give up to 24h for anything non-critical to get answered. I saw your dmail as you sent it, but I generally dislike answering simple questions at 3 in the morning.

Also, the given reason on the post itself is more for the administration team than it is for the user; if you'd like an elaboration you will need to contact us directly.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
I answered your dmail, do be aware that we have a life outside of e6, so please give up to 24h for anything non-critical to get answered. I saw your dmail as you sent it, but I generally dislike answering simple questions at 3 in the morning.

Also, the given reason on the post itself is more for the administration team than it is for the user; if you'd like an elaboration you will need to contact us directly.

I didn't know what happened, my apologizes for the inconvenience :( I got your message and replied. Sorry....

Updated by anonymous

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