Topic: Rape

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lots of things

I'm sorry that I have upset you. I probably haven’t explained the intentions of my post better.

We don't base these emotional decisions on cold hard logic but evolution does. Evolution has determined that women control sex. Men more successfully pass on genes if they are in a stable relationship with a woman (to ensure childrens are his and she is healthy). Evolution doesn’t care where the fuck she got the genetic information from, because hers will always be passed on. Evolution has set this double standard.

Semantically rape is exactly what you say. However solecisticly (the actual relevant definition) rape takes on a whole different meaning when we are talking a male or female victim. This is because of the "biological costs" I outlined in my last post.

e.g. You say tomato is a fruit because it is a fleshy tissue that surrounds a plant ovum. I say it is a vegetable because everyone refers to it as a vegetable.

You say rape is "unwanted sexual intercourse against the will of the victim; and I say society defines rape differently based on the gender of the victim (which you seem to also agree with)

As for my "fucked up logic"
Can you rob a person with an unloaded gun? Then I guess you can rape someone with an unloaded penis. Most men are fertile, some guns are loaded. Evolution does not give a shit about exceptions only probability"

Updated by anonymous

Waba_Grill said:
Or you know, a female with an STD/HIV can rape a male and give him the incurable disease.

The rapist could also contact from the vitim. Regardless STI/D(s) are more effectively/commonly passed from male to female. Therefore the outcome is still worse for the women.

Updated by anonymous

Slowdive92 said:
God-dammit, no. Fuck this shit. CuteCough, AKBAR, do not turn this very serious issue into some idiotic fucking pissing contest between different sects of 'fedorable' cults. No victim of sexual assault has it "worse" or "better" than any other, regardless of their gender. For fuck's sake. Each one is a victim of a violent sexual crime and each has their own different obstacles in the justice system and in the world around them in general because of current-day societal norms.

Let me make something very clear for the both of you:

You DO NOT diminish the suffering of any victim regardless of their gender, race, whatever. If you do, you are fucking useless to the entire cause of prevention, public education and law enforcement when it comes to the problem of rape as a whole. While one gender may be much more predominantly affected (and that is true), you DO NOT divide the struggle against it for any reason or you are complicit in its perpetuation by your own petty, selfish attempts to keep primary focus on whomever you feel is "more important". In even thinking that way to begin with you work against everyone. While many experiences vary, everyone who experiences rape suffers. Nearly every one of them (including myself) has felt that lingering and harrowing shame, heard doubters that accuse them of lying, and are scarred mentally and, in some cases, physically. Yes, there are many unfairnesses levied against men and women respectively. But that is why we can't fucking afford to separate them as somehow being different struggles when they are one and the same. If you can't see that, then god help you. Just stay out of the way of the people who are actually serious about all of this.

It's quite clear to me that barely any of you can even make the attempt talk about this in any sort of adult fashion, so after this post I will not be visiting this thread again. All it's done for me so far is make me angry at most of you for your immaturity, cognitive dissonance and general ignorance. In hindsight, I don't think I should've expected much more and the fact that I did is my own failing.

Though I communicate harshly, try not to kneejerk too hard that you can't at least ponder the point I'm trying to convey.

You're right, when it comes to this topic I tend to get heated. Yes, both male and female rape victims have it equally bad. However, females do get more support. I think that's what my rant was supposed to be about, but I worded it retardedly bad. I apologize for not making my stance clearer, it was my fault.

Updated by anonymous

CuteCoughDeath said:
Regardless STI/D(s) are more effectively/commonly passed from male to female. Therefore the outcome is still worse for the women.

Where's your evidence to support that claim? Just because it's more common doesn't mean it's more effective.

Updated by anonymous

CuteCoughDeath said:
I'm sorry that I have upset you. I probably haven’t explained the intentions of my post better.

We don't base these emotional decisions on cold hard logic but evolution does. Evolution has determined that women control sex. Men more successfully pass on genes if they are in a stable relationship with a woman (to ensure childrens are his and she is healthy). Evolution doesn’t care where the fuck she got the genetic information from, because hers will always be passed on. Evolution has set this double standard.

Semantically rape is exactly what you say. However solecisticly (the actual relevant definition) rape takes on a whole different meaning when we are talking a male or female victim. This is because of the "biological costs" I outlined in my last post.

e.g. You say tomato is a fruit because it is a fleshy tissue that surrounds a plant ovum. I say it is a vegetable because everyone refers to it as a vegetable.

You say rape is "unwanted sexual intercourse against the will of the victim; and I say society defines rape differently based on the gender of the victim (which you seem to also agree with)

As for my "fucked up logic"
Can you rob a person with an unloaded gun? Then I guess you can rape someone with an unloaded penis. Most men are fertile, some guns are loaded. Evolution does not give a shit about exceptions only probability"

Are you equating guns to penises and vaginas to stores? Is that the analogy you're trying to make? Seriously, you could do better. That's a terrible analogy. And what about male-on-male rape, or female-on-female rape?

Also, let's just google the definition of rape.
Oh, what's that?
"Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration perpetrated against a person without that person's consent."
Well whadya know, I'm right! Rape is rape. A guy getting raped is no different than a girl getting raped. In the end, they both get fucked (yes i made that pun so fucking deal with it XD). Just because it hurts to get a dick inside you physically and mentally doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt physically and mentally to get a pussy slammed onto you when you don't want it.

Updated by anonymous

Waba_Grill said:
Where's your evidence to support that claim? Just because it's more common doesn't mean it's more effective.

1.9x more trasmittion

BMJ. 1992 Mar 28; 304(6830): 809–813

Updated by anonymous

CuteCoughDeath said:
1.9x more trasmittion

BMJ. 1992 Mar 28; 304(6830): 809–813

A source from 23 years ago. That's a bit outdated don't you think?

Updated by anonymous

Are you equating guns to penises and vaginas to stores? Is that the analogy you're trying to make? Seriously, you could do better. That's a terrible analogy. And what about male-on-male rape, or female-on-female rape?

I think this is a discussion that will go no where as there seems to be a disconnect between what i'm trying to write and what you interpret from it.

Also, let's just google the definition of rape.
Oh, what's that?
"Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration perpetrated against a person without that person's consent."
Well whadya know, I'm right! Rape is rape. A guy getting raped is no different than a girl getting raped. In the end, they both get fucked (yes i made that pun so fucking deal with it XD). Just because it hurts to get a dick inside you physically and mentally doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt physically and mentally to get a pussy slammed onto you when you don't want it.

I think it would be better if we just disagree and leave it at that. I tried to explain the difference between some things technical definition and the actual meaning but I have failed. My only regret is another student, another mind lost to the madness of semantics and bureaucracy, correctness; like a plague saps life on all it's meaning and leaves withered is its path not souls but hollows, ready for the system to add them as a cog.

Updated by anonymous

Waba_Grill said:
A source from 23 years ago. That's a bit outdated don't you think?

OK, Now I know your trolling.

so here is this

Boily M-C, Baggaley RF, Wang L et al. Heterosexual risk of HIV-1 infection per sexual act: systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2009 Feb;9(2):118–29.

Updated by anonymous

I'll just throw in my 2 cents and be done. and I may go "Off topic" but it seem this thread in nature had already done it with underlying political views of Men vs Women.

See the very bottom of this post for TL;DR

Oh and

This post will hold materiel that BOTH Agrees and largely disagrees with most groups, and some "bashing" on the vast majority of those groups, NOT ALL member of those groups are held in the same light in my eyes.

Hello target on my back

Rape IN ALL FORMS is bad. And should be punished by jail time with possible rehabilitation followed by life in prison should that fail. However not at the expense of innocent people, of which there are many, which is what as evidence will show is what MOST feminists are pushing for, with Guilty until proven innocent, which also advocate forced castration. Now then I know NOT ALL of them push for this, BUT MOST do, just as MOST ARE white hating misandrists.

TL;DR rape is bad, Actually guilty need to go to jail.
There thats my view on the original question not address the political vibe I'm getting.

Now I want to make mention that I am an egalitarian or more common term, humanitarian. I believe all people of all genders, and ethnicity SHOULD BE TREATED EQUAL IN BOTH RIGHTS AND PUNISHMENTS, and so I think we should do away with groups like Feminist, MRA, and MGTOW, as at least ONE of them is EXCESSIVELY exclusive, and and another partially though I can not say for sure as I do not necessarily support those groups and thus don't dig to deep into the members themselves, only the topics I find and research. And instead work on all problems AS A WHOLE Instead of cutting them into sections and never getting anything fixed.
"Oh no rape is terrible, 1 in 4 women are raped every so and so" No, no that a lie, it more like 1 in 40 WHICH IS STILL BAD, and also I can point to a feminist saying the statistic is 1 in 40.
"Oh men can't be raped, is practicall impossible, sides he had a boner that means he enjoyed" Again lie, I have read at least 2 bit where a man had been raped, fault awful, and violated like any rape victim, it is possible for a woman to rape, they may be fewer then men but they still exist. And that boner comment, the same could be said then about women as some lubricate, and climax right? NO Natural bodily reaction DOES NOT EQUAL CONSENT OR ENJOYMENT.
I was going to make a third point but in my rage at this stupid separation of problems and segregation of genders, has made me forget.

TL;DR Stop picking and choosing problems, making excuses, or what have you and recognize and fix them as a whole, stop separating the genders, and stop making stupid arguments about the same fraking problem.

And one last note. STOP THE FRAKING GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT STUPIDITY. I know some or most of you don't don't think that way but seriously, stop, and stop making gross over generalizations, Okay? See how every time I refereed to a group I said some or most? Thats me not generalizing a WHOLE group and instead targeting the ones that are actually like that.

TL;DR Rape bad, Punishment prison, Innocent=innocent, accusers get the same punishment as the falsely accused, fix the problem as whole, stop disregarding the issue by breaking it into section. I think I'm done. I'll try to hold civility should anyone want to discuss these view points.

And I probably went WAY off course with what I was actually saying... but oh well...

Updated by anonymous

Slowdive92 said:

which is why i typically say little to nothing and remain little more than an observer on such hot topics. either nothing particularly useful to add or if i did have something theres the chance i'd word it poorly and...well, depending on the topic, it can sometimes be much easier to earn salt than have a peaceful discussion. :/

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
which is why i typically say little to nothing and remain little more than an observer on such hot topics. either nothing particularly useful to add or if i did have something theres the chance i'd word it poorly and...well, depending on the topic, it can sometimes be much easier to earn salt than have a peaceful discussion. :/

True, while making my post and after making it I keep thinking I should have just kept my mouth shut. However its also a double edged sword because if you don't offer a view point that is somewhat or extraordinarily valid, then nothing is learn and nothing will change.

So yeah kinda damned if you do, damned if you don't. I guess for you damned if you don't is better, which is perfectly okay, and I understand the reasoning behind it.

Updated by anonymous

CuteCoughDeath said:
OK, Now I know your trolling.

So wanting accurate and current information is considered "trolling"? I don't you know what that word means...

Updated by anonymous

It's unclear whether CCD understands what trolling is. But over time it's become quite clear to me that CCD is overall committed to trolling, while carefully maintaining the superficial appearance of a reasonable debater. I suggest not feeding the troll.

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savageorange said:
It's unclear whether CCD understands what trolling is. But over time it's become quite clear to me that CCD is overall committed to trolling, while carefully maintaining the superficial appearance of a reasonable debater. I suggest not feeding the troll.

Fair enough

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savageorange said:
It's unclear whether CCD understands what trolling is. But over time it's become quite clear to me that CCD is overall committed to trolling, while carefully maintaining the superficial appearance of a reasonable debater. I suggest not feeding the troll.

Too true, heed this man's advice.

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
It's unclear whether CCD understands what trolling is. But over time it's become quite clear to me that CCD is overall committed to trolling, while carefully maintaining the superficial appearance of a reasonable debater. I suggest not feeding the troll.

I don't understand why people think I'm a troll. Is it because I disagree with you and can make a well constructed argument? In every discussion on this forum when I've been asked to provide citations, I actually have. I've always remained very civil, despite people basicly telling me to GGF. I understand my ideas could be considered extreme but I hold them for good reasons which i do try to justify with logic and reasoning. I respect other peoples opinions and understand that I might be wrong and this is the reason I argue with people.

The reason I think "Waba Grill" might be trolling is because the transmission discrepancy between men, women, gays and straights has being well known since the 80s'. Anyone who has had sex Ed or seen a PSA in the last 30 years should know this as common knowledge.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Please keep responses relevant or simply do not bother posting. Personal conflicts between users have no place here.

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Also, for the record, receptive is always going to be more easily transmissible than insertive.

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