Topic: Tag Implication: angry_sex -> angry

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Is angry_sex even worth having at this point? They may just be making the face from the intensity of the sexual activity.

There's also less than 140 tags for it.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

GameManiac said:
Is angry_sex even worth having at this point? They may just be making the face from the intensity of the sexual activity.

If that's what it looks like (intense instead of angry), the post shouldn't be tagged as angry sex. But the tag itself should be kept, it's such a common kink that I expect a lot of users to search for it.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
If that's what it looks like (intense instead of angry), the post shouldn't be tagged as angry sex. But the tag itself should be kept, it's such a common kink that I expect a lot of users to search for it.

mrnotsosafeforwork said:
we do have happy_sex

Alright then. I stand corrected.

Updated by anonymous