Topic: fixing youtube's broken features (or overriding stupid features)

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i was just wondering if anyone knew of a greasemonkey script for firefox or something that would fix the, now unclickable, "all comments (numbers here)" link in the comments section of youtube. it seems, like with several other things, they either broke or blocked it at some point for whatever reason. this is just the latest issue i've come across.

a few other things i've already seen and fixed include the copy/paste feature of the comments section. YES, you CAN bypass that dumb block with this script (firefox greasemonkey script). oh and yes, this includes being able to copy/paste URL links without getting some kind of error.

another one which can...somewhat be blocked is that irritating video quality auto adjust feature which is SUPER annoying. youtube high definition plugin for firefox usually overrides that annoying "feature". i say "usually" as i have seen it fail on occasion with some videos. typically though it'll force the videos to whichever #p you set it to and keep it that way until changed manually.

Updated by NotMeNotYou

Personally I use youtube control center for Firefox to fix some issues with the player, mostly the fact that I can now preload the entire video again, but otherwise I haven't seen any of your copy paste issues at all.

Also, if something doesn't work be sure to clear your browser cache, sometimes there are old script snippets inside the cache and they fuck up the rest of the page.

Updated by anonymous

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