Topic: Theory about Chrysalis(mlp) (religion-sensitive people beware)

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What if Chrysalis was the Satan(Christian verersion) of MLP? There are facts(and general assumtions) that point to this.

-All canon aliorns have been seen as divine beings. Notice how Chrysalis and the changeling race all have wings and horns, just like alicorns, but more corrupted. Satan was an angel of God's.

-A transformation can not only show a shift of physical appearance, but also phsychological condition(HULK SMASH). Chrysalis shifted from the kind and loving Candence to Big-bad-queen-of-all-things-evil. This might represent Satan turning corrupt and rebelling against god.

-Canterlot is positioned on a mountain. Being the highest community known in the kingdom, as well as its capital, and the most prosperous, and ruled by goddesses, this could be represented as heaven. Notice at the end of Chrysalis' invasion, she was cast off the mountain and into the distance. This could be an example of when God threw Satan and the rebels out of heaven.

-The changelings biggest weapon are illusions, deception, and overall playing dirty. Satan is known for playing tricks as well(Adam&Eve, etc)

I know that was a lot of interpretations most of you would just exploit things I forgot to mention, but it is an interesting idea I came up with. Thank you for reading this far, have a nice day.

Updated by SirAntagonist

There is the other side. "It's just a show. Don't look too much into it."

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
There is the other side. "It's just a show. Don't look too much into it."

Or just don't over-think about it.

Updated by anonymous

Eeerm, Lucifer was the one leading the rebellion.
Satan was merely sort of a "test" against man, challenging him and tempting him with the 7 deadly sins. [Incidentally the 5 other princes of hell along with Satan (wrath), Lucifer (pride), Leviathan (envy) Beelzebub (gluttony), Belphegor (sloth), Mammon (greed), and Asmodeus (lust)]
As for the corruption aspect, Lucifer didn't really get "corrupted" more of just "fed up". Of course, rebelling against god is the ultimate sin, thus he was cast from his position of Archangel and into hell, where he remained, torturing Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. (according to Dante).
The other problem with this is the nature of Lucifer, if that's who you mean, and the nature of Satan. "Lucifer" means "Morning Star" which is reminiscent of his status as archangel. Chrysalis was never in a position of divine power given by Celestia or Luna. As far as I can tell, she was always evil. And the problem with Satan lies within her nature. Satan never rebelled against god, or even attempted too. He was pretty much just the troll of the biblical world. He was also created by god, in a way, to test the resilience of man. I will say that her ability to shapeshift does parallel with the story of The Apple of Eden and The Serpent and The River, but she seemed too intent on taking over Celestia's empire to be Satan.
It was a pretty cool theory, though.

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
Eeerm, Lucifer was the one leading the rebellion.
Satan was merely sort of a "test" against man, challenging him and tempting him with the 7 deadly sins. [Incidentally the 5 other princes of hell along with Satan (wrath), Lucifer (pride), Leviathan (envy) Beelzebub (gluttony), Belphegor (sloth), Mammon (greed), and Asmodeus (lust)]
As for the corruption aspect, Lucifer didn't really get "corrupted" more of just "fed up". Of course, rebelling against god is the ultimate sin, thus he was cast from his position of Archangel and into hell, where he remained, torturing Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. (according to Dante).
The other problem with this is the nature of Lucifer, if that's who you mean, and the nature of Satan. "Lucifer" means "Morning Star" which is reminiscent of his status as archangel. Chrysalis was never in a position of divine power given by Celestia or Luna. As far as I can tell, she was always evil. And the problem with Satan lies within her nature. Satan never rebelled against god, or even attempted too. He was pretty much just the troll of the biblical world. He was also created by god, in a way, to test the resilience of man. I will say that her ability to shapeshift does parallel with the story of The Apple of Eden and The Serpent and The River, but she seemed too intent on taking over Celestia's empire to be Satan.
It was a pretty cool theory, though.

There's always one little thing that derails my entire theory :/

Updated by anonymous

You mean Princess Celestia killed thousands more than Chrysalis?

Though I admit, that PC is acting like psychotic moron in season 3, but up to now I've thought that this is because of crappy writing. Maybe it's indeed because they want her to be like Cristian god.


All canon alicorns have been seen as divine beings.

Maybe by fandom. Maybe I don't remember correctly, but in canon they're rather look like powerful leaders / superheroes like Superman.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
I am baffled as to why anyone would care about something like this.

It's because Princess Luna was sent to the moon for our sins.

Updated by anonymous

the1andonly said:

a bunch of stuff

What if Chrysalis was the Satan(Christian verersion) of MLP? There are facts(and general assumtions) that point to this.

-All canon aliorns have been seen as divine beings. Notice how Chrysalis and the changeling race all have wings and horns, just like alicorns, but more corrupted. Satan was an angel of God's.

-A transformation can not only show a shift of physical appearance, but also phsychological condition(HULK SMASH). Chrysalis shifted from the kind and loving Candence to Big-bad-queen-of-all-things-evil. This might represent Satan turning corrupt and rebelling against god.

-Canterlot is positioned on a mountain. Being the highest community known in the kingdom, as well as its capital, and the most prosperous, and ruled by goddesses, this could be represented as heaven. Notice at the end of Chrysalis' invasion, she was cast off the mountain and into the distance. This could be an example of when God threw Satan and the rebels out of heaven.

-The changelings biggest weapon are illusions, deception, and overall playing dirty. Satan is known for playing tricks as well(Adam&Eve, etc)

I know that was a lot of interpretations most of you would just exploit things I forgot to mention, but it is an interesting idea I came up with. Thank you for reading this far, have a nice day.

Jungian archetypes motherfucker, do you understand them?

SirAntagonist said:

even more stuff

Eeerm, Lucifer was the one leading the rebellion.
Satan was merely sort of a "test" against man, challenging him and tempting him with the 7 deadly sins. [Incidentally the 5 other princes of hell along with Satan (wrath), Lucifer (pride), Leviathan (envy) Beelzebub (gluttony), Belphegor (sloth), Mammon (greed), and Asmodeus (lust)]
As for the corruption aspect, Lucifer didn't really get "corrupted" more of just "fed up". Of course, rebelling against god is the ultimate sin, thus he was cast from his position of Archangel and into hell, where he remained, torturing Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. (according to Dante).
The other problem with this is the nature of Lucifer, if that's who you mean, and the nature of Satan. "Lucifer" means "Morning Star" which is reminiscent of his status as archangel. Chrysalis was never in a position of divine power given by Celestia or Luna. As far as I can tell, she was always evil. And the problem with Satan lies within her nature. Satan never rebelled against god, or even attempted too. He was pretty much just the troll of the biblical world. He was also created by god, in a way, to test the resilience of man. I will say that her ability to shapeshift does parallel with the story of The Apple of Eden and The Serpent and The River, but she seemed too intent on taking over Celestia's empire to be Satan.
It was a pretty cool theory, though.

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
You mean Princess Celestia killed thousands more than Chrysalis?

Though I admit, that PC is acting like psychotic moron in season 3, but up to now I've thought that this is because of crappy writing. Maybe it's indeed because they want her to be like Cristian god.

Maybe by fandom. Maybe I don't remember correctly, but in canon they're rather look like powerful leaders / superheroes like Superman.

I always thought that alicorns (e.g Celestia) were just magically acended once-unicorns that just modified their magical abilities (and bodies) in order to get to 'the top of the pile' , as it goes.

Updated by anonymous

MaShCr said:

I'm well aware that holding Dante's Inferno as doctrine is like holding Mother Goose rhymes as religious mantra. The only reason I described Lucifer the way I did was because I've met theists that honestly believe Dante's description is exactly what hell is like.
Same thing applies to scientology.

Updated by anonymous


While on-screen she is only introduced as "queen of the changelings", she is named Chrysalis in the episode's script and iTunes and Netflix summaries, as well as in merchandise, including trading cards and the comic book series. The episode's script describes her as "QUEEN CHRYSALIS, a GANGLY BLACK PEGACORN with a gnarled black horn." She and the other changelings were designed by Rebecca Dart, the main character designer for season two. Rebecca was inspired by the work of manga artists Junko Mizuno and Hideshi Hino after reading the name "Chrysalis", and "figured she should be insect-like."

Depiction in the series[/b][/i]
Impersonating Princess CadanceQueen Chrysalis first appears impersonating Princess Cadance in A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1, looking and sounding like her, but acting different enough to raise Twilight Sparkle's suspicions, though Twilight's friends, Shining Armor and Princess Celestia, don't buy Twilight's story. Chrysalis walks on-screen right after Twilight's flashback and description of her memory of Cadance as a beautiful, loving, and kind pony, from when she foal-sat Twilight. Chrysalis doesn't recognize Twilight, which unsettles her and raises her suspicions. When Chrysalis comes to check the menu for the wedding, she insists on being called "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", and even though she politely compliments Applejack on her baking, she throws away the food Applejack offers her, again raising the ire of Twilight. When she comes to inspect the dresses Rarity is sewing for the wedding, she sneers at her bridesmaids who praise the dresses and asks Rarity to make the dresses a different color. She sarcastically remarks on Pinkie Pie's party plans that they're "perfect... if you were celebrating a six-year-old's birthday party." Twilight sums up Chrysalis's behavior to her friends as "an awful pony who doesn't deserve to even know Shining Armor let alone marry him." When Twilight tries to discuss the matter with Shining Armor, Chrysalis interrupts them before Twilight has a chance to say anything; Twilight comments that "she sure has a way of sneaking up on people." Chrysalis asks Shining Armor to go into the other room, where she casts a spell on him that makes his eyes roll. Twilight spies on them through the door and runs out after seeing Chrysalis cast the spell.
At the wedding rehearsal, Twilight accuses Chrysalis of being evil and levies some accusations on her. Chrysalis tears up and and runs away, and Shining Armor confronts Twilight and dispels her accusations, saying "Cadance" is using her magic to heal the migraines he receives from his protection spell. All the ponies leave the room, and after a short reprise of B.B.B.F.F. Chrysalis returns and stomps on the figure of Twilight that's left over from the song. At first she looks down at Twilight with a compassionate face, but then her eyes glow green and engulf Twilight in green flames that sink with her into the ground down to the caves beneath Canterlot.
The next episode, A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2, begins with Chrysalis, still under the guise of Cadance, taunting Twilight through apparitions in an underground cavern's crystals, and telling her that she's using Shining Armor for her own benefit. Twilight shatters the crystals and uncovers a path to the real Cadance, also imprisoned by the changeling queen. A song sequence follows featuring Chrysalis and Cadance singing about the wedding. After outwitting Chrysalis's three bridesmaids who were guarding the cave, Cadance and Twilight manage to confront Chrysalis right before Princess Celestia weds her to Shining Armor.Queen of the changelings[/b][/i]
Princess Cadance proclaims that the impostor is a changeling, a creature that takes the form of those that are loved and gains power by feeding off the love for them. After that, the imposter transforms and introduces herself as queen of the changelings, who is named Chrysalis in the episode's script but not on-screen. [3] She keeps Cadance at bay by threatening to send her back to the caves, and explains that she's been feeding on Shining Armor's love for Cadance, which weakens his protection spell that keeps the changelings out of Canterlot. Princess Celestia confronts her and attacks her with a beam from her horn, but Chrysalis fires back and, thanks to the power of Shining Armor's love, overpowers Celestia and knocks her to the ground, much to the surprise of everyone, including herself. Celestia urges Twilight and her friends to get the Elements of Harmony and use them to defeat the queen.
Queen Chrysalis with the changelings. The changelings break through the magical barrier protecting Canterlot and capture Twilight and her friends, bringing them back to the wedding hall, where Celestia finds herself encased in a chrysalis hanging from the ceiling. The queen sends her subjects to feed, and sings a reprise of This Day Aria, which allows Twilight to free Cadance when Chrysalis is distracted. Cadance's magic breaks the spell over Shining Armor, and gives him strength. The Queen mocks this sentiment but quickly finds that Shining Armor's spell repels her and all of the changelings out of Canterlot, flying into the distance.Physical appearance[/b][/i]
Queen Chrysalis spends the entirety of A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1 and the beginning of Part 2 disguised as Princess Cadance, with her eyes occasionally flashing green and her magic glowing green instead of Cadance's blue.
After she is confronted by the real Cadance, she transforms into a creature that looks like a pony with a twisted unicorn horn, a pair of tattered insectoid wings, and stands as tall as Princess Celestia. Unlike a pony however, she has a sharp pair of fangs and dark green eyes with elongated oval pupils. She has a teal mane and tail, blue-green chitinous plating over her midsection, and she wears a small, black crown tipped with blue orbs. Her voice has a distorted echoed quality, as if two voices are speaking slightly out of sync. Her legs, mane, and tail are full of holes and her limbs and torso are very slender. Like other non-pony characters, she has no cutie mark.

Updated by anonymous

This is a children's show. For little girls. Ages 5 to 10. There is no complicated religious symbolism in this show.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
For little girls. Ages 5 to 10.




Updated by anonymous

Chrysalis wasn't even evil in the Christian "devil" sense, either. She was evil in the D&D self-concern sense, where she's willing to do anything to anyone for the good of her people, and happens to take pleasure in the act. Don't let the term "sadistic" fool you: It doesn't mean now what it meant then.

Updated by anonymous

titaniachkt said:



You made me lol'd.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
This is a children's show. For little girls. Ages 5 to 10. There is no complicated religious symbolism in this show.

I heard most of the fanbase was made up of teenage boys and grown men

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
I heard most of the fanbase was made up of teenage boys and grown men

I heard the show was targeted at young girls and those teenage boys and grown men liked it ironically because they are all hipsters.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
I heard most of the fanbase was made up of teenage boys and grown men

its about 45 vs 55%

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
This is a children's show. For little girls. Ages 5 to 10. There is no complicated religious symbolism in this show.

How do you know?
You're a toaster.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
Dear Princess Celestia, I heard the show was targeted at young girls and those teenage boys and grown men liked it ironically because they are all hipsters.

I liked it because Rainbow Dash looked like this

MLP is for anyone and everypony who has an open heart and an open mind.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYouMobile said:
You people will discuss about anything.

And just saying, you should copypasta this thread over to , I'm sure the ponyfolk would enjoy this one too.

There is anyone on that site? O_O I mean first page of posts have average number of comments way lower than e621, and order:score gives best result 24 compared to e621's 362 (or 164 for fim order:Score). I only go there occasionally to see if there are pics to repost here.

Also, couldn't we have have a thread about how season 3 sucks? Posting this at fanbase, which created site that posted this:

[EDIT: The followup has been amended to remove any criticism of the ending. My basis for complaints was based on a misinterpretation of a scene and was factually incorrect.]

may result in lethal injuries.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
I heard the show was targeted at young girls and those teenage boys and grown men liked it ironically because they are all hipsters.


We like it because it's a good show.

Updated by anonymous

Step 1: Watch the show, and decide you like it.
Step 2: Feel a deep longing for companionship and social validation, and begin to call yourself a "brony".
Step 3: Realize that you actually do have self-esteem and don't need to be a part of an artificial social substratum, and go back to just liking the show.

Updated by anonymous

the1andonly said:
What if Chrysalis was the Satan(Christian verersion) of MLP? There are facts(and general assumtions) that point to this.

-All canon aliorns have been seen as divine beings. Notice how Chrysalis and the changeling race all have wings and horns, just like alicorns, but more corrupted. Satan was an angel of God's.

-A transformation can not only show a shift of physical appearance, but also phsychological condition(HULK SMASH). Chrysalis shifted from the kind and loving Candence to Big-bad-queen-of-all-things-evil. This might represent Satan turning corrupt and rebelling against god.

-Canterlot is positioned on a mountain. Being the highest community known in the kingdom, as well as its capital, and the most prosperous, and ruled by goddesses, this could be represented as heaven. Notice at the end of Chrysalis' invasion, she was cast off the mountain and into the distance. This could be an example of when God threw Satan and the rebels out of heaven.

-The changelings biggest weapon are illusions, deception, and overall playing dirty. Satan is known for playing tricks as well(Adam&Eve, etc)

I know that was a lot of interpretations most of you would just exploit things I forgot to mention, but it is an interesting idea I came up with. Thank you for reading this far, have a nice day.

You make an interesting point there but to tell you the truth when I was reading this I was thinking of the Russian Revolution. Chrysalis feeding off Royalty and letting the lower class starve to death but that is just me :/

SirAntagonist said:
Eeerm, Lucifer was the one leading the rebellion.
Satan was merely sort of a "test" against man, challenging him and tempting him with the 7 deadly sins. [Incidentally the 5 other princes of hell along with Satan (wrath), Lucifer (pride), Leviathan (envy) Beelzebub (gluttony), Belphegor (sloth), Mammon (greed), and Asmodeus (lust)]
As for the corruption aspect, Lucifer didn't really get "corrupted" more of just "fed up". Of course, rebelling against god is the ultimate sin, thus he was cast from his position of Archangel and into hell, where he remained, torturing Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. (according to Dante).
The other problem with this is the nature of Lucifer, if that's who you mean, and the nature of Satan. "Lucifer" means "Morning Star" which is reminiscent of his status as archangel. Chrysalis was never in a position of divine power given by Celestia or Luna. As far as I can tell, she was always evil. And the problem with Satan lies within her nature. Satan never rebelled against god, or even attempted too. He was pretty much just the troll of the biblical world. He was also created by god, in a way, to test the resilience of man. I will say that her ability to shapeshift does parallel with the story of The Apple of Eden and The Serpent and The River, but she seemed too intent on taking over Celestia's empire to be Satan.
It was a pretty cool theory, though.

So the Satan of Mlp is Discord? Discord did what you just said on the premere of Season 2 after all yet even the most evil can change their ways.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
This is a children's show. For little girls. Ages 5 to 10. There is no complicated religious symbolism in this show.

titaniachkt said:



Wait what? XD Never underestimate the power of My little Pony same goes for Seseme Street

Updated by anonymous

TwilightSparkle said:
You make an interesting point there but to tell you the truth when I was reading this I was thinking of the Russian Revolution. Chrysalis feeding off Royalty and letting the lower class starve to death but that is just me :/

So the Satan of Mlp is Discord? Discord did what you just said on the premere of Season 2 after all yet even the most evil can change their ways.

I guess :I

Updated by anonymous

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