Topic: is blocked in Russia

Posted under General

According to Roskomnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media) must be blocked by russian ISPs starting from today.
I think, admins doesn't really care about this, so i'm informing you just for lulz.

Updated by JohnBrain93

It's probably their insecurities about child porn again

Probably 99% of child porn on the public Internet is hosted in Russia, yet those sites never go down and they rather focus on blocking videos on Western sites.

Updated by anonymous

Putin can now add furries to his list of things he hates.

Updated by anonymous

Putin might be the new Hitler, just think of how Hitler took over Austria, Putin is taking over Ukraine

(unless something has changed about the Whole Crimean takeover thing!)

Updated by anonymous

Wouldn't be surprised if it happened because of post #478913, their favorite excuse now being "preventing propaganda of suicide" (sic!).
Oh well, I've prepared a safe tunnel just for such an occasion.
Wish actually moving out was that easy.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Yeah, let's not post IP's

Other than that, wow

Was it our server IP? That thing is public anyway because it is a /ping away.
(Also still not the correct one because it will just be a cloudflare node)

But yeah, IP's of users would be uncool, but IPs from public servers are okay.

On topic: Took them long enough.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
lol, gonna be fun to see how this'll be handled.
If E621 will actually remove posts to make sure the website will be accessible in Russia, won't be long until all posts with "gay" must be removed.
Also, CDN?

Content Delivery Network. The site itself opens, but all styles, scripts and images (which cause the biggest load) are dead. And site is designed in a way so it can't really be used without JS.

Honestly, I kinda hope e621 team does not remove those images. People should learn how to bypass this idiocy, and porn is a nice incentive. ;D

Updated by anonymous

Pages will be blocked as "childporn" content. Images with gay or other themes not interested for Roskomnadzor.
But many providers blocked not a single pages but whole site. Problems with accessing their fault only.
Not a problem. We have a VPN, proxys and anonymizers

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Was it our server IP? That thing is public anyway because it is a /ping away.
(Also still not the correct one because it will just be a cloudflare node)

But yeah, IP's of users would be uncool, but IPs from public servers are okay.

Oh alrighty

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Peekaboo said:
lol, gonna be fun to see how this'll be handled.
If E621 will actually remove posts to make sure the website will be accessible in Russia, won't be long until all posts with "gay" must be removed.
Also, CDN?

I'm pretty sure the reason why we ended up being blocked is because we stopped deleting posts that they wanted deleted. We deleted a few over several months just to see if that would satisfy them; deleting a few posts so an entire country can continue accessing wasn't seen as too terrible. But yeah, obviously we wouldn't just keep doing it forever, so Russia blacklisted us.

It really sucks for our Russian users, but they're just simply going to have to find a way around the block themselves. Or get the government to stop stupid shit like this (shouldn't be too hard, right?).

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
It really sucks for our Russian users, but they're just simply going to have to find a way around the block themselves. Or get the government to stop stupid shit like this (shouldn't be too hard, right?).

Sadly, by now it's impossible without repeating the Ukrainian scenario.
But I fully support your decision. Don't let some third world country dictate you what to do.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Peekaboo said:
Will E621 be hurt by this in the long run? Is a significant amount of the sites browsers and users Russian?

Depends on your definition of significant I suppose. I'm not sure that I can give out exact numbers, but it's less than 5% of our traffic, according to the reports available to me. It's probably higher up on the list of countries than you might expect, though.

Updated by anonymous

It would be nice if e621 admins contact with developers of fri-gate browser addon and add to its whitelist ( [email protected]). It's nice and comfortable way to avoid blocking.

Updated by anonymous

I'm russian.. checked that block bill..
Seems they block it for containing child porn also allowing access to porn without measures to restrict access by minors

Using proxy to in Russia is legal offense.

Updated by anonymous

We could make a e621 clone (kinda like e926) that autofilters the gay and other material Russia doesn't want.
Like or something.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
We could make a e621 clone (kinda like e926) that autofilters the gay and other material Russia doesn't want.
Like or something.

actually nit should require registration to browse content. Plus, they sheem aimed at this picture (it was claimed illegal)

As that one was deleted , it's possible to contact Roskomnadzor about lifting block (I suppose it was some real life porn?)


Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
We could make a e621 clone (kinda like e926) that autofilters the gay and other material Russia doesn't want.
Like or something.

May be we just remove all non-furry pics? There are enough hentai boards in net.

Updated by anonymous

They block by IP-range, so using different portal doesn't really work..

apparently proxy doesn't allow to see pictures.. (I tried few proxies). They just don't load, like in that well known problem with not loading. In this case about 99% of images unaccessible

"I'm pretty sure the reason why we ended up being blocked is because we stopped deleting posts that they wanted deleted. We deleted a few over several months just to see if that would satisfy them; deleting a few posts so an entire country can continue accessing wasn't seen as too terrible. But yeah, obviously we wouldn't just keep doing it forever, so Russia blacklisted us."

Well, that's law in Russia since of 1998 that they either demand deletion of illegal content or block. Just now they started do checks more thoroughly
CHild porn illegal. Those post were ones, and if you decided not to delete it, they blocked. Also anyone who try access OR accessed that is considered criminal. SO you made all those former users criminals? WHat I wonder about... it's illegal in USA too, but e621 seems break some federal regualtions either (not only content-wise, but also by allowing free, unchecked access)

Updated by anonymous

Because edf deleted the original "this cause blockage in Russia" post... we have other Russians thinking; yaaay we can cause things to be deleted by saying its blocked in Russia.

Case in point, (dude cant even engrish right)
post #166302 " This post was flagged for deletion by WolfreD. Reason: because of this gif in Russia blocked website. "

WolfreD said:
because of this gif in Russia blocked website

Anyone else hear Yoda when they read this?

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
Don't think there's no need to worry about that, the mods would never accept that as a FFD.

Refresh that page, I edited it at the bottom for lols.... xD

Updated by anonymous

Not entirely sure what people are saying I've done, but I'll see what I can do to clear up confusion.

As with any legitimate request, we consider it and the impact accepting or denying the request will have. In this case, we wanted to be nice to Russia and do as they asked, so long as they followed a few rules. Push came to shove, and things escalated. We (Dasa, Varka, and I) got together and decided that, as a business, we couldn't allow this to continue.

So we allowed Russia to do what they had to do, in order for us to do what we have to do.

We do not host child pornography, at all. Not only is it illegal in the United States, we at Bad Dragon/Dragonfruit do not condone violence or abuse of anyone, especially minors.

That being said, we understand that this is drawn art and have a mission to make sure that we bring furry-centric good-quality art to our users. If you have any questions about this, please let me know and I'll be happy to explain our stance on this.

We do apologize if this offends anyone, and we hope our Russian viewers will be able to browse the content they enjoy.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, but artwork isn't actually child porn since it isn't an actual person and no one is harmed in the process. (Otherwise e621 would have to remove all the cub stuff too, then they'd go after the gay stuff and lesbian, ect eft.)

As for what you did. Not saying you where wrong, just pointing out that the 2nd ffd happened shortly after the first got deleted.
The original post that got flagged as having caused the blockade was deleted for being irrelevant to site, while the child post remains no less. After it got deleted. Wolfred flagged the next in line to have "blocked" Russia from viewing. There are a lot of posts on here that Russia can block and I imagine if that happens e621 will get a "Russian" flagged image untill they get knocked off or the images poof.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
Not entirely sure what people are saying I've done, but I'll see what I can do to clear up confusion.

As with any legitimate request, we consider it and the impact accepting or denying the request will have. In this case, we wanted to be nice to Russia and do as they asked, so long as they followed a few rules. Push came to shove, and things escalated. We (Dasa, Varka, and I) got together and decided that, as a business, we couldn't allow this to continue.

So we allowed Russia to do what they had to do, in order for us to do what we have to do.

We do not host child pornography, at all. Not only is it illegal in the United States, we at Bad Dragon/Dragonfruit do not condone violence or abuse of anyone, especially minors.

That being said, we understand that this is drawn art and have a mission to make sure that we bring furry-centric good-quality art to our users. If you have any questions about this, please let me know and I'll be happy to explain our stance on this.

We do apologize if this offends anyone, and we hope our Russian viewers will be able to browse the content they enjoy.

Sorry if I misunderstand you, but due to russian laws there is no difference between real CP (photos and videos) and "artistic" one (pictures, CG-anims, text, etc.) Due to some hentai-specific style features like big eyes most of hentai-like drawn porn in russia will be classified as CP. Dura lex, sed lex.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
Yeah, but artwork isn't actually child porn since it isn't an actual person and no one is harmed in the process. (Otherwise e621 would have to remove all the cub stuff too, then they'd go after the gay stuff and lesbian, ect eft.)

Russian lawers doesn't think so. And if I'm not mistake, e621 and FA had some troubles with cub arts in past.

Updated by anonymous

KaceyFox said:
Sorry if I misunderstand you, but due to russian laws there is no difference between real CP (photos and videos) and "artistic" one (pictures, CG-anims, text, etc.) Due to some hentai-specific style features like big eyes most of hentai-like drawn porn in russia will be classified as CP. Dura lex, sed lex.

The problem is exactly that: Russia believes that drawn art can constitute as child pornography. The United States (as well as a few of the other G20 countries), have all ruled opposite. Due to social taboo, it's still not as mainstream as other types of niche art, but it isn't illegal here.

As it is, we are hosted in the US, and it is by those laws that we obey.

Updated by anonymous

Esme_Belles said:
Yeah, but artwork isn't actually child porn since it isn't an actual person and no one is harmed in the process. (Otherwise e621 would have to remove all the cub stuff too, then they'd go after the gay stuff and lesbian, ect eft.)

If they want to block these types of art they would have done it in this time.
But now problem lies in russian laws where CP considered as violation, regardless of means of reproduction and in any form.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
The problem is exactly that: Russia believes that drawn art can constitute as child pornography. The United States (as well as a few of the other G20 countries), have all ruled opposite. Due to social taboo, it's still not as mainstream as other types of niche art, but it isn't illegal here.

As it is, we are hosted in the US, and it is by those laws that we obey.

Yeah, we understood together. And I clearly understand, what by US laws it's all legal. And you need to choose what to do - try to find some compromise (may be you can try to block such arts for russian IPs and add "18+" rating bage on starting page. Or just delete "illegal" pics).
Or may be you can enable adult arts at e926 for registered users? It will be nice and comfy workaround.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
Considering the recent law against gay/LGBT propanda, and their recent increased amount of blocked media and literature, I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Really large amount of gay and lesbian porn sites and porn groupes in social networks work fine before and after this law. Keyword is "propaganda". If you just have sex no one cares. But if you gonna say what "it's o'kay to be gay" - you are criminal.

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
Considering the recent law against gay/LGBT propanda, and their recent increased amount of blocked media and literature, I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Heh, not need to once again demonize our laws and our country :)
All big sites and groups in social networks devoted to gay, lesbian, hentai, shounen-ai and furry theme before the law was working, working and in this time. Closed were only a few sites with lolicon.
By law order, the site should only warn about the presence of 18+ materials or hide its content from unregistered users.

Sorry for my English.

Updated by anonymous

Serken said:
Heh, not need to once again demonize our laws and our country :)
All big sites and groups in social networks devoted to gay, lesbian, hentai, shounen-ai and furry theme before the law was working, working and in this time. Closed were only a few sites with lolicon.
By law order, the site should only warn about the presence of 18+ materials or hide its content from unregistered users.

Sorry for my English.

I don't think many Americans have any particular problem with Russia as a country.
Mostly our problem is with Putin, and the things he is doing.

If you asked most Americans if Russia was "bad" they'd generally say no.

Updated by anonymous

abadbird said:
Tor. Use Tor. Russians can use Tor. It's easy.

Why? It's slow. I use a plugin for Chrome with automatically connect proxy.

Updated by anonymous

I can say that Tor is faster for me now than it was a year ago. Almost acceptable for browsing pictures on websites like this one. Might be worth tweaking:

Firefox Tweaks.txt


Some unnecessary and old.

If your connection to your proxy is also encrypted and your proxy is not hosted in Russia, then you are probably okay. If not, then there's a reasonable chance that your connection to your proxy will give you away. I just examined a few different cases with Wireshark, and that was my conclusion; however, my tests only focused on the initial connections and not any leaked information from other sources.

Your ISPs may block your proxy if it uses a static IP address or a predictable range or list of IP addresses, but Tor's developers actively counteract government censorship programs from blocking Tor's infrastructure. On the one hand, Tor has significant development support from the security community at large whereas your plug-in may just be a one man operation with inconsistent development, if any. Who do you put more confidence in?

Also, Tor is much more than just a proxy: it is a comprehensive end-user and network approach to anonymizing traffic. It starts with your browser and ends after passing through at least three of three thousand "proxies" (assumption based on what I've read). Tor's developers are committed to closing security holes and suppressing leaked browser information, among other objectives. You would use Tor because they are your advocates and "fight" for your sake.

Tor FAQ: How is Tor different from other proxies? Alt
Tor FAQ: I want to use Chrome/IE/Opera/etc with Tor. (such link; didn't click: Firefox is the safest, most sensible browser to develop for)

Updated by anonymous

The thing is, E6 uses CDN, so (in layman's terms) images are loaded from different site. It depends on particular ISP what exactly to block as the law is vague on that part - as usual.

Updated by anonymous

Saffron said:

"Ohohoho, dat slaps me on the knee!"

Is that what russians see instead of the actual page?

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Is that what russians see instead of the actual page?

Yeah, depends on ISP to what page you'll see though. Basically it explains that the site is restricted, gives a few common reasons for sites being restricted and then says you can check the register for why it's restricted.

Updated by anonymous

The best way to circumvent Russian Blacklist is probably the one provided by RosComFreedom... It's the Proxy and VPN service that is used ONLY for the IPs from the Blacklist (that supposed to be secret, but is leaked to github every couple hours), whereas all other websites are accessed directly. And it is very fast.
I use the VPN option. It's funny to see 1700+ lines in the ROUTE PRINT output... The best thing about it is that, unlike other VPN services and anonymizers, you may keep it always on.

Updated by anonymous

Today, while opening HTTPS version of the site in Russia, browser shows warning, because of the clear Man-in-the-Middle HTTPS attack...
Instead of the valid CloudFlare SSL certificate you get the fake/substitute RosTelecom SSL certificate so that they could decrypt your traffic...


Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
This is how I picture the Russians right now.

"Sir, we've found another filthy criminal!"
"Good, what type of crime is it this time?"
"The worst one possible, Sir, Horsecock!"
"O, мой бог! Get the tanks! NOW!"

location of my sides: Saturn

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
This is how I picture the Russians right now.

"Sir, we've found another filthy criminal!"
"Good, what type of crime is it this time?"
"The worst one possible, Sir, Horsecock!"
"O, мой бог! Get the tanks! NOW!"

Why can't I upvote forum posts?

Updated by anonymous

There's also something weird going on; Danbooru currently only has a few pages properly blocked per-url and doesn't interfere with https (it was ip-blocked in november). e621 is currently blocked by domain...

A mirror that removes "uncertain" posts could be fine.

Updated by anonymous

ChaZcaTriX said:
There's also something weird going on; Danbooru currently only has a few pages properly blocked per-url and doesn't interfere with https (it was ip-blocked in november). e621 is currently blocked by domain...

A mirror that removes "uncertain" posts could be fine.

actually e621 also blocked by IP, but fact that it is cloudFlare, breaks that..
they don't block per url,actually it's not implemented yet (except few mobile \cellular providers) but they do DNS filtering and they got imposter-redirection of DNS request to well-known DNS services

Updated by anonymous

Swiftkill said:
but they do DNS filtering and they got imposter-redirection of DNS request to well-known DNS services

Yeah, that's what I wanted to say... was so dumb before sleep :)
My ISP doesn't block external DNS (and there's no requirement for it in the laws), so I'm fine. works perfectly btw.

Updated by anonymous

e621 is blocked by IP, but CloudFlare changes that IP sometimes so that e621 becomes available again...
Plus, if you accept fake SSL certificate, provided by Rostelecom, they will be able to block only certain URLs, not the whole website... ...but that also mean that they will decrypt and re-encrypt all passing traffic with their key... It is an insane practice, bit this approach to HTTPS is explained in their official proposal of "technical means of Internet censorship"...

Updated by anonymous

eliotcougar said:
e621 is blocked by IP, but CloudFlare changes that IP sometimes so that e621 becomes available again...

The most popular variant is actually DNS block (what I meant by "domain blocked"), which is easily overridden by public DNS servers.

Updated by anonymous

ChaZcaTriX said:
The most popular variant is actually DNS block (what I meant by "domain blocked"), which is easily overridden by public DNS servers.

not naymore, now ISP are either filter DNS requests on protocol level or make "fake" DNS servers - redirecting request to their resolvers first. For example, Google's DNS IP here is assigned to host within ISP's network (if looking by trace)

Updated by anonymous

Swiftkill said:
not naymore, now ISP are either filter DNS requests on protocol level or make "fake" DNS servers - redirecting request to their resolvers first. For example, Google's DNS IP here is assigned to host within ISP's network (if looking by trace)

Only if you're behind NAT.

Updated by anonymous

oh its so sad to know that my country tries to block my hobby, but nothing can stop me

Updated by anonymous

Several months have passed, and Russian RosComNadzor continues to add hundreds of drawings to their blacklist... ROTFL...

There are 105 e621 URLs already... 103 individual images, one pool with some neko themed manga and... 33rd page of search results for "young"... facepalm...

They've also added a lot of individual images on Japanese hentai websites... Yes, they send letters to Japanese hosting providers, asking them to remove websites that are totally legal there... facepalm...
In the blacklist there are many Lilo and Stitch images, ponies, neko, Inspector Gadget pr0n, HTTYD pr0n, Pokemons, and mostly anything that even slightly resembles an underage body... Sometimes the image doesn't even have a strictly human being in it... There was no child porn websites in that blacklist so far... This is hilariously stupid... They've blocked 1329 URLs by now, only several hundred millions images and internet pages left to go... Bureaucrats know how to guarantee that they'll have a job in the future... Stable full employment with no effort...

Updated by anonymous

Reminded me of that site "imperia of hentai", a Russian site whose content was 90% actual CP.

Updated by anonymous

Since this thread got necro'd, I just wanted to throw something in here.

For our Russian viewers, we at Dragonfruit truly sympathize with your situation. It is my personal belief that, without malice, you should be free to use our website to your leisure. However, this situation is entirely political and we cannot get involved. Furthermore, we cannot answer any requests to bypass your country's internet block nor force the Russian government to display our site.

As stated in an above comment, we have continued to receive requests to remove our "illegal" content and, despite our assurances that our content complies with US law, they have chosen to block their citizens from viewing the site.

This action is entirely within their right to do so, just as they have no power over American law, we do not have any power over Russian law. I understand that our Russian viewers want to view e621, and you are passionate in your support of us, but please do not contact us and ask us how to circumvent your country's laws.

You are welcome to ask your fellow viewers, but we cannot take an active role in this.

Updated by anonymous

what if we make mirror in onion? i spoke with admin and he said he is not interested.

but russian furries have right to jack off on drawn porn too!

Updated by anonymous

stranger_furry said:
what if we make mirror in onion? i spoke with admin and he said he is not interested.

but russian furries have right to jack off on drawn porn too!

Overthrow your government, that's probably easier than managing a website.

Updated by anonymous

russia had copied a lot of north korea's and china's social technologies. i really doubt russians will be ready for revolution in near future. in fact they mostly support putin. they say that politics steal their money and still they are sure same politics protect them from usa and "gayrope"

stupid fags...

Updated by anonymous

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