Topic: Tag Implication: breast_fondling -> hand_on_breast

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Kida said:
butt grab implies hand on butt even if it's a tentacle. So... technically a tentacle can be considered a hand, I guess.

>mfw I realize that anal penetration by tentacle is technically fisting by this logic

Updated by anonymous


Beanjam said:
What if it's a tentacle?

I've wondered for a while if we should have a different tag for tentacles doing this kind of stuff as they kind of bind more than grab I feel.

Updated by anonymous

DragonFox69 said:

I've wondered for a while if we should have a different tag for tentacles doing this kind of stuff as they kind of bind more than grab I feel.

Not according to Dwarf Fortress's programming, it's not. Tentacles are listed as a grasp limb. :P

Then again, anything can really be a grasp limb. Even a head.

Updated by anonymous

What if grab or a similar word becomes the new standard? That way we eliminate the type of appendage touching.

Updated by anonymous

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