Topic: Creating tags?

Posted under General

Hello, was hoping if there were any guidelines anywhere to creating new tags. Went poking around a bit, couldn't find anything. Anyone know any rules or a helpfile for this kind of stuff?

Updated by Furrin Gok

Nobody is going to wreck you for trying to create a imaginative new tag. At worst, you'll be corrected with the preferred existing tag. So, be imaginative! Get dirty!

Updated by anonymous

Here's the tag help page, if you haven't already seen it.

To create a new tag, just add it to a post as if the tag already existed. The tag will be created automatically. You can set the type with prefixes, e.g. character:my_nice_character.

EDIT: That's the mechanical how-to. In terms of etiquette, it might not hurt to mention your new tag in IRC or here on the forum.

I've also found that most times I think I need a new tag, I really don't. A good wildcard search through usually digs something up. If you find a tag that way, maybe edit the relevant wiki pages or suggest an alias so people can find it more easily in the future.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Lance_Armstrong said:
Nobody is going to wreck you for trying to create a imaginative new tag.

Happens from time to time, actually. There's been plenty of warnings for troll and joke tags, even some reds.

It's always best to discuss it first, unless it's an artist or character tag. Like Maxpizzle said, just about everything is already covered by existing general tags. So most new ones end up being either duplicates or useless.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Happens from time to time, actually. There's been plenty of warnings for troll and joke tags, even some reds.

It's always best to discuss it first, unless it's an artist or character tag. Like Maxpizzle said, just about everything is already covered by existing general tags. So most new ones end up being either duplicates or useless.

I was not sober when I wrote that.

It's my understanding that you don't need to consult anyone before using a new and serious non-joke/troll tag, although it might be better if you did.

For example, I don't think anybody was consulted about blood_writing or spotted_wings, but they both look ok and if not they can be easily replaced.

Updated by anonymous

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