Topic: Tag Alias: 瑠璃燕@コミケ3日目q38a -> ruri_tsubame

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions


Former Staff

Furrin_Gok said:
That's weird. 瑠璃燕 has already been aliased, where did people get the long @ segment?

If I'm reading that right, it says: 瑠璃燕 at Comiket, day three, booth(?) 38a. So someone mistook the whole thing as a nick, and then other users copied it.

Updated by anonymous


Genjar said:
If I'm reading that right, it says: 瑠璃燕 at Comiket, day three, booth(?) 38a. So someone mistook the whole thing as a nick, and then other users copied it.

I see that a lot on pixiv, I had no idea that the part after the @ wasn't part of the nickname. That's actually really helpful to know.

Updated by anonymous

Tuvalu said:
There's quite a few to deal with then

Those names...

アード@ちょっと忙しい - "Aado@aLittleBusy"
ヨシノオォオオオ@テスト - "YoshinOoOooo@Test"
にく@プロフ一読お願いします - "Niku@PleaseReadProfile"
パウダー@受験 - "Paudaa@takingExams"
パウダー@休止 - "Paudaa@haiatus"
Powder_@_pause - (Most likely another translation of what I translated as "Paudaa@haiatus")
あとらす@不安定 - "Atorasu@jittery"
痛飯@発情期 - "痛飯 @ in heat / mating season(?)"
リャンペー@ちょっと停滞気味 - "Ryanpee@ABitOfASlump"
浜田@活動停止 - "浜田@NoLongerInBusiness"
あくりん@プロフ更新 - "Akurin@ProfileUpdate"
青野圭太@ついったー始めました - "青野圭太@StartedTwitterAccount"

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

parasprite said:

There's more.

Japanese use both @ and @ for that. Anything with less than 5 posts can probably be manually cleaned (as long as it's not actually part of the nick), but some of the common ones might warrant an alias.

I might've even added a couple of those myself. I'm not fluent enough in Japanese to figure those all out. One example would be ねこ@るこ: ねこ (cat) is too generic to be used as an artist tag.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
There's more.

Japanese use both @ and @ for that. Anything with less than 5 posts can probably be manually cleaned (as long as it's not actually part of the nick), but some of the common ones might warrant an alias.

I might've even added a couple of those myself. I'm not fluent enough in Japanese to figure those all out. One example would be ねこ@るこ: ねこ (cat) is too generic to be used as an artist tag.

Neko @ Roko? If it were katakana I could assume they meant a Rock festival, but Roko in Hiragana is different.

...And looking at the artist's page, this one actually is part of the name. Neko@Roko is his legitimate username. His twitter username is Nac02, though, and FC2 username is nac0hibinikki0. It's possible these 0's resemble @'s, in which case it's Nac@2 and Nac@Hibinikki.

Updated by anonymous

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