Topic: Tag Alias: intoxicated -> drunk

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

You can intoxicate on more than just alcohol you know....not uh, not that I would know anything about that....

Updated by anonymous

Phylax said:
You can intoxicate on more than just alcohol you know....not uh, not that I would know anything about that....

"Intoxicating bouquet," refers to heavy scents that overpower your senses, right? You can supposedly be intoxicated by somebody's beauty.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
"Intoxicating bouquet," refers to heavy scents that overpower your senses, right? You can supposedly be intoxicated by somebody's beauty.

This is true in a literary sense, but I'm not sure how useful it would be for tagging. If someone is intoxicated by love/crush then surely it would be better off tagged with infatuation instead? And if someone was intoxicated with drugs, then a drug related tag (like stoned) would probably be preferable. Getting overpowered by the scent of a bouquet might be hard to see in a picture unless it's cartoonishly exaggerated, and then something like sniffing if they're really intensely breathing it in. Or smell if there's clouds of perfume knocking them out. So other tags would be a lot better for those rare uses of the word "intoxicated", at least from a tagging standpoint.

And the association of "intoxicated" as official-lingo for "drunk" is pretty strong, so I don't suspect the tag would be used for much else except alcohol related intoxication. Looking through it now, most would probably be tagged with drunk anyways. A couple look like drunk + drugs. So I think the alias would work fine.

Updated by anonymous

But, isn't the official-lingo actually 'inebriated'? Given that 'ebrius' is literally the element of drink/drunk, while intoxicants can refer to just about anything

One of my favorite quotes from Lord Byron elucidates it somewhat:
"In England the vices in fashion are whoring & drinking, in Turkey, Sodomy & smoking, we prefer a girl and a bottle, they a pipe and pathic."

One could argue both are intoxicating, but only one inebriates. Of course, one could also argue for just going with the more euphonic of the two and leave it at that, so, what do I know....

Updated by anonymous

Intoxication generally refers to the effects of various drugs, including alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, etc., as well as prescription drugs. One of the most common intoxicants in our society is alcohol, so "intoxicated" often refers specifically to alcohol intoxication, but the two are not synonymous.

You can check this pretty easily: Look up the definition of DWI (driving while intoxicated). It specifies intoxication due to alcohol or any other drug, including prescription drugs.

I don't think intoxicated should be aliased to drunk. I think we should keep intoxicated as a tag. Drunk should implicate intoxicated, as should stoned. Intoxicated would then be the general term for mental impairment due to drug use.

In researching this, I found that you can be charged for riding a skateboard while intoxicated. That's not relevant to the discussion at hand, but it's pretty interesting.

Updated by anonymous

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