Topic: is it possible to have larger thumbnails with chrome?

Posted under General

is there an extension or anything to make looking through images easier? like give it a lay out similar to pinterest or tumblr? can we make this a project for the website? I feel like it would really improve the experience.

thanks love the site!

Updated by Difetra

I'd love to see a similar layout. Especially from an extension (that gives people that like e621 as it is to have it remain as it is, and those that wish to see the new layout install an extension). I think Grease/Tampermonkey would be best to write the extension for (making it multi-browser with less work). I'd love to do it myself, but I don't have the knowledge to code that elaborately. +1 to the idea though!

Updated by anonymous

I could make it, and in fact, I've been thinking about doing different views besides the tile based we have right now but I've just went to thinking about it and nothing more :V

Updated by anonymous

For tagging I've used browser zoom to make the thumbnails larger, but the result isn't as nice. I think even just giving an option to bump up the size would be really nice to have natively, particularly since very high resolution displays have become increasingly common these days.

If anyone wants to play with developing an extension, I'd recommend pulling the images from .../data/sample/... instead of /data/... and resizing it from there. For instance:

The difference here isn't much, but if you are planning on displaying multiple large images on a single page, the sample size should be more than enough to get a nice result. It would also reduces the risk of using up too much memory with very high resolution images.

Updated by anonymous

can we group together and build this extension as a community?
people can contribute whatever they can, programming skills, web design, graphic design or even a few dollars. can we as a collective make this happen?

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
For tagging I've used browser zoom to make the thumbnails larger, but the result isn't as nice. I think even just giving an option to bump up the size would be really nice to have natively, particularly since very high resolution displays have become increasingly common these days.

If anyone wants to play with developing an extension, I'd recommend pulling the images from .../data/sample/... instead of /data/... and resizing it from there. For instance:

The difference here isn't much, but if you are planning on displaying multiple large images on a single page, the sample size should be more than enough to get a nice result. It would also reduces the risk of using up too much memory with very high resolution images.

I tried writing a script to increase the thumbnail size using sample images, but I've run into a couple problems with this approach. Sample images don't seem to exist for images below certain dimensions, and the thumbnail file extensions don't always match the sample file extensions(e.g. gif, png). I could use to get a sample image, but I'm hesitant to make a request for every thumbnail. Then there's the size of the sample images, they're a tad large for thumbnails using more bandwidth than needed and increasing load times, something that's quite noticeable on my sad little 1Mb connection.

I don't really feel like writing something super hacky, so I'll stop here. Here's the source for what I have: right now it tries to load the sample image as the thumbnail and if it fails goes back to the original thumbnail.

Updated by anonymous

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