Topic: Let's *wrap* things up

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I bring up "wraps" of all kinds (the cloth/action but not really the food) because it's a mess. This has been discussed before, but never seen any real improvement, so bringing it up again, see especially forum #97285. Thanks to Circeus in forum #171686 for reminding me of this but figured starting a new thread would be best.

What I want to sort out is mainly the problem with wrap as an item of clothing being confused with wrap as the action of wrapping, e.g. a tail around someone. I don't have any magic solution, but I figure the only way to really solve this would be to use another name for one of the things, e.g. bandage for clothing. One could use wraps for the clothing and wrap for the action, but would almost certainly cause continued confusion.

tail_wrap usage: forum #97285
tail_wrap (slightly related): forum #42677 (and a BUMP)
tongue_wrap -> tonguejob discussion: forum #142235 (denied)
leg_lock -> leg_wrap discussion: forum #31230 (accepted)
leg_wrap/leg_wraps issue: forum #171686
wraps implication discussion: forum #151535

These are the most wrap related tags, decided to include most of them to show recent/current usage:

Going to refer to wraps/bandages/ropes etc simply as "clothing" here.
Going to refer to a character being wrapped by another/tentacles as "action"

wrap (87): clothing and action
wraps (150): clothing
wrapped 5: 1 action, 1 gift_wrapped, 1 bondage, 1 clothing (loose mummy style), 1 mummy
wrapping (13): clothing and action
wrappings (14): clothing

tongue_wrap (38): tonguejob or macro/micro (no clothing here)

gift_wrapped (57): people dressed up as "presents"
gift_wrapping (2): people dressed up as "presents"
wrapped_up (38): people dressed up as "presents"

tail_wrap (924): clothing and action
tail-wrap (0): clothing
tail_wraps (11): clothing
tail_wrapping (0): action
wrapped_tail (1): clothing

hand_wrap (1): clothing
handwrap (1): clothing
hand_wraps (27): clothing
hands_wrapped (1): clothing
wrist_wrap (0): clothing
wrist_wraps (13): clothing
arm_wrap (1): clothing (was 1 action and 8 clothing)
arm_wraps (64): clothing
arm_wrapping (2): clothing
arms_wraps (1): action

paw_wraps (1): clothing

leg_wrap <- leg_lock (467): clothing (only a few) and action
leg_wraps (38): clothing
leg_wrapping (2): clothing
legs_wrapped (1): action
legs_wrapped_around (0): action (was 3)

knee_wraps (1): clothing

footwraps (3): clothing
foot_wraps (18): clothing
ankle_wrap (2): clothing
ankle_wraps (1): clothing

chest_wraps (21): clothing
chestwrap (1): clothing
wrapped_topwear (2): clothing
wrap_bra (2): proper clothing

head_wrapping (7): clothing
head_wrap (1): clothing
head_wrapped (1): clothing (towel)
headwrap (1): proper clothing?

mummy_wrappings (1): clothing
body_wrap (1): proper clothing
body_wraps (1): clothing

hair_wrap (1): clothing

There's also the obscure tags:
binding (40)
bindings (14)

As well as:
foot_bindings (1): clothing
chest_binding (1): clothing
tail_binding (13): clothing (probably tagged by 1 user)

One solution in forum #97285 to tail_wrap was to change the tail action to prehensile_tail, but it's not really a solution in my mind.

bound_tail was suggested as well but I would suggest against this usage as it conflicts with bound, other bound_* tags and bondage in general (tied_* vs bound_* vs *_bondage tags were also brought up as part of this).

I don't only want to define the usage (and wikis) but make the usage easy so it doesn't get mistagged, e.g. not use tail_wraps for the clothes and tail_wrapping for the action as they are not distinct enough (but might not be possible?). Not to mention the problem with the food (if any).

The best solution would probably be to start using *_bandage, or bandaged_* for the clothing no matter the reason (medical, support, aesthetic) and *_wrap for the action. Or does anyone else have a better idea?

Updated by bot2

don't know if this went anywhere but i was just searching for leg_lock, kind of hard to discover. would recommended aliasing legs_wrapped to leg_lock

Updated by anonymous

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