Topic: Tag Alias: Whip_cream -> Whipped_cream

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Hammie said:
Nothing has the tag "whip_cream"
Alias is therefor completely pointless.

it's not too difficult to cunfuse whip cream and whipped cream, when they sound similar. I'm sure some people might have tagged whip cream in the past or tag search whip cream

Updated by anonymous

We can't create tag aliases just to fix hypothetical mistakes.

If there were images being tagged incorrectly it would be worth fixing.
There aren't, so it's not.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
We can't create tag aliases just to fix hypothetical mistakes.

If there were images being tagged incorrectly it would be worth fixing.
There aren't, so it's not.

If you had spent few seconds to see OP tag edits history, you would have seen that he or she have just corrected few mistakes that looks like in this proposed alias.

Updated by anonymous

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