Topic: Two artists with the same name - what to do?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I've got permission from artist Nightshroud to post his art here (his DA is The troube is, that artist tag is already taken by some other artist:

Is there some preferred way to resolve this? The wiki says nothing about such situation.

To make the situation even more complicated, the pics from "old" Nightshroud can be found under two different artist names on


If you are either sure they aren't related, or aren't sure you can do something like nightshroud_(da). I'd say do that for the older one since they are unlikely to have more content, but there isn't really an official gallery to tag it under, unfortunately.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
If you are either sure they aren't related, or aren't sure you can do something like nightshroud_(da). I'd say do that for the older one since they are unlikely to have more content, but there isn't really an official gallery to tag it under, unfortunately.

I'm sure they're different persons, the "new" Nightshroud confirmed that via DA note yesterday. What if I renamed the "old" Nightshroud tag to nightshroud_(kondor) or nightshroud_(wereanimal)? I could also link the wereanimal site as the source and explain the reason in artist description.

Updated by anonymous

ConsciousDonkey said:
I'm sure they're different persons, the "new" Nightshroud confirmed that via DA note yesterday. What if I renamed the "old" Nightshroud tag to nightshroud_(kondor) or nightshroud_(wereanimal)? I could also link the wereanimal site as the source and explain the reason in artist description.

That would work. I've never seen a kondor tag, but I don't see why it shouldn't be used for something like this if it's the only source.

Edit: What pickle said :P

Updated by anonymous

Since the older one goes by both nightshroud and vermilion, maybe the older artist could become re-tagged as nightshroud_(vermilion) instead? I think it would work and is a little more distinctive in helping identify them as separate from the Nightshroud currently active on DA.

And yeah, a short note in the wiki explaining the difference, and linking them would probably be good. Sort of a "Please Note: there's two different artists who have gone by the name Nightshroud. This tag is used for the artist who's on DA (link). The other older artist is tagged as nightshroud_(vermilion) and link to their gallery is here (the wereanimal link)."

Something like that I think would work fine.

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
Since the older one goes by both nightshroud and vermilion, maybe the older artist could become re-tagged as nightshroud_(vermilion) instead? I think it would work and is a little more distinctive in helping identify them as separate from the Nightshroud currently active on DA.

Honestly, I'm not so sure about this. Because there is already vermilion tag (for the color) and also artist vermilion888. Well, the color tag is pretty useless, maybe you could remove it to clear this a bit?

Updated by anonymous

ConsciousDonkey said:
Honestly, I'm not so sure about this. Because there is already vermilion tag (for the color) and also artist vermilion888. Well, the color tag is pretty useless, maybe you could remove it to clear this a bit?

Well that's why I was suggesting using a combination tag name nightshroud_(vermilion) for the older artist, that way it reduces the chance it'll be tagged by accident. Since just plain nightshroud is going to be used for the current artist on Deviantart. And just plain vermilion could mean other things, like the color (which should probably be tagged as red instead) or other artists like vermilion888. (small little orphan tags like just plain vermilion tend to need manually cleaned up every now and then because they can mean several things that have other better tags.)

But I think we can have both nightshroud_(vermilion) and vermilion888 as separate tags without any serious conflict or problems. And then once the older artist is moved to the new tag, then the plain nightshroud tag can be used for the artist currently active on Deviantart that you've been talking with. Hopefully that makes more sense.

ETA: I went ahead and set up the tags and wikis, moved the older inactive artist's images over to --> nightshroud_(vermilion), added the explanations, etc. That clears the nightshroud tag and it should be ready for you to start uploading (Deviantart) Nightshroud's art whenever you're ready. =)

Updated by anonymous

Best course of action is probably to do both, and set nightshroud to a disambiguation page to explain the separation.

Updated by anonymous

Thanks for editing the artist tags and wiki. I'd do it myself, but I had to do some real world stuff first.

Updated by anonymous

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