I have a strong feeling that what I'm about to suggest has been suggested at least once before, considering that this site specializes in furry porn. If it hasn't, then I'm surprised no one's thought of it.
We NEEEEEEED to have a set of new tags to imply individuals of a specific gender within a species.
I'm sure many of you have experienced a scenario similar to the following one:
Let's say you decide you're in the mood for some porn of female foxes getting plowed, or maybe female dragons. So you enter "fox" or "dragon" into the search box along with "female".
And whaddaya get?
A mashup of various pictures, half of which feature MALE dragons/foxes plowing another species altogether-- yet those pictures still got into your search because they contained additional characters that were female. Now you have to sift through potentially hundreds of pics looking for the kind of pictures you're looking to get off from.
Blacklisting or filtering out tags in the search DO NOTHING TO REMEDY THIS, because there are no established tags to specify the particular genders of animals within given species.
Therefore, I am suggesting that we implement several new tags and set them to imply a certain species AND a certain gender. Then we can tag them onto the appropriate images to make it easier to find those certain gender/species individuals in a search.
Here are just some of the major tags we can start with (obviously there are far more than this, these are just examples of the major ones that would be implemented):
Vixen => implies "fox" and "female"
Reynard (or tod) => implies "fox" and "male"
Dragoness => implies "dragon" and "female"
Drake (or draig) => implies "dragon" and "male"; can also imply "duck" and "male";
Tomcat (or tom) => implies "cat" and "male"
Puss (or molly) => implies "cat" and "female"
Bitch => implies "dog" and "female"
Stud (or sire) => implies "dog" and "male"
Mare => implies "horse" and "female"
Stallion => implies "horse" and "male"
Doing some research, I've found that many species use the same words to denote males and females of their kind, such as 'hen' and 'cock' (primarily for birds) or 'cow'* 'heifer' and 'bull' (primarily for larger animals, including reptiles like alligators and crocs, as well as marine mammals like seals and sea lions).
*'heifer' would have to be used in place of 'cow', obviously, because 'cow' is already a species tag. The word already refers to a female, so it shouldn't be an issue.
These terms could simply be set to imply 'female' or 'male' based on their respective correlations within different species. They could then be applied where necessary (it should be an easy task to apply a gender-specific name to an image where an individual of the appropriate gender is found), and be added on with the name of a species in the search box when a person searches for them on the site.
(for example, since 'hen' and 'cock' are used to denote males/females of many bird species, you could simply add those terms to appropriate pictures where a male/female owl, chicken, eagle, or other bird was depicted, and then all you would have to do to search that image is enter "owl", "eagle", "chicken", etc. along with either "hen" or "cock" into the search box, depending on which gender of the animal you were looking for.)
A full list of terms applied to males and females of various species can be found here:
Please note that this would primarily serve as a way to make the search system capable of more specific searches. At the moment, there's no way to specify a search for images of individuals of a certain species AND gender without filtering out images that contain other species/gender combinations.
Also note that this is not meant to be a perfect suggestion for all species. I'm well aware that not all animal species have designated terms for their male and female members. However, the majority of animals depicted in images on this site DO have designated gender terms that can be applied to them.
We can address the issue of finding ways to identify genders for niche or uncommonly-depicted species (AND SPECIES WITHOUT DESIGNATED GENDER TERMS) on the site in due time. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
One last thing: To anyone who worries that this kind of tag implementation is unfeasible because it would take too long, I AM WILLING TO PERSONALLY IMPLEMENT THE NECESSARY TAGS ON ALL THE PROPER IMAGES ON THE SITE MYSELF IF THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES. YOU GUYS DON'T HAVE TO DO A DAMN THING UNLESS YOU WANT TO. But if an admin (Parasprite) gives me the go-ahead for this tag implementation, I will do it all myself, even if it takes me years to get it all put in. Yeah, I'm that committed to this.