The purpose of this tag is to be more specific for butt to butt only images where it is implied or directly stated that the action of knotting has caused two partners to become physically stuck together.
This would only apply to any images where it can be easily assumed that two partners are stuck "knotted" for an extended period of time. It seems to be the norm that in furry art knotting does not imply "tieing the knot" and has no effect on sex beyond stretching the vag/anus a little bit. Implies tags "knot" and "knotting" but is not implied by either. Search "knotting" and to just a fraction of the posts would tied_knot apply. Also does not apply to extended penetration, it has to be clear that the knot is what is keeping a couple physically together.
I have edited this tag into a few posts but there is a limit to what I can do myself.
Updated by ShylokVakarian