Topic: Naming unnamed characters

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Just checking on this. I noticed that there were tags for two apparently unnamed chars of Berseepon09: loli dragon (character) and shota deer (character). Is this a usual process?

I noticed that manmosu marimo seems to reuse certain characters a lot, in particular this rottie cub and this feline kitten. Even though I can't find any trace of a name, would it be appropriate to create tags for them (prob. something like "rottweiler cub (marimo)")?

Updated by chdgs

Just <species>_(<name/artist/char. owner>), don't need to mention extra details like loli, shota or cub.

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
Just <species>_(<name/artist/char. owner>), don't need to mention extra details like loli, shota or cub.

I think "Shota_deer" and "Loli_dragon" are their actual names. Akin to "Pedobear", I guess. If not, then that's wrong. Character tags should only be given to characters with an artist-given name. Tagging every unnamed character using some sort of formula would cause far too much clutter.

As for manmosu_marimo's characters, only give them a character tag if they have an artist-given name.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

What'd would happen if someone started tagging some other loli dragon in the same way? Those seem like trouble in the long run.

The tags should definitely be more specific than *_(character). Renaming those to loli_dragon_(berseepon09) etc might work.

chdgs said:
As for manmosu_marimo's characters, only give them a character tag if they have an artist-given name.

If they're recognizable as the same character, even if they don't have a known name, wouldn't it be useful to group them under a character tag?

Updated by anonymous

I'd be fine with placeholder names as long as they are recognizable, have a decent amount of posts, and don't cause issues/conflicts with other tags. Though, it might be a good idea to write it in the wiki for posterity (these kinds of things have a tendency to spread to other sites, so it's helpful to be able to trace it back to here as unofficial).

If it comes to it we can always just ask the artist if they have a name for that character we can use for tagging.

TheGreatWolfgang said:
Just <species>_(<name/artist/char. owner>), don't need to mention extra details like loli, shota or cub.

An adjective might actually be helpful to keep them straight later on, and might even help identify them as unofficial as long as we are consistent with it. After all a fox_(artistname) is bound to conflict with other characters sooner or later. :P

(though I do think we should avoid using genders in these tags as they are likely to cause conflict/confusion later on)

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
If they're recognizable as the same character, even if they don't have a known name, wouldn't it be useful to group them under a character tag?

I want to say "no" because you can USUALLY find most instances of that character by searching for "[species]+[artist]"

However: "Yes" because sometimes the same character is drawn by other artists or said artist has multiple characters of the same species, so a name would come in handy.

But I'm a stickler for formality, so IN MY OPINION[/b][/u][/i] a name should not be given to a character unless it is given by the artist or by mass majority naming as in cases like Doge or Mewthree (which was a handy placeholder until Mega_Mewtwo_Y's formal name was announced). If artist says nameless or hasn't given a name, then tough tits I guess.That's my two-cents on the matter. Should probably get more input from other users before taking any action._
EDIT: I think Parasprite's post above mine is the best idea.

Updated by anonymous

chdgs said:
IN MY OPINION[/b][/u][/i]

I have never seen so much red in one place..

in other words, was that necessary?

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
in other words, was that necessary?

Probably not, but I did it anyway.

Updated by anonymous

I don't really know where I stand with giving unofficial names to characters. I can see it both causing a clutter and also being able to keep unnamed characters assorted under one tag.

However, I do have a question. Has anybody ever tried asking the artists if these characters do in fact have names?

Updated by anonymous

Tuvalu said:
I don't really know where I stand with giving unofficial names to characters. I can see it both causing a clutter and also being able to keep unnamed characters assorted under one tag.

However, I do have a question. Has anybody ever tried asking the artists if these characters do in fact have names?

I wouldn't know. I've checked the tagging and picture descriptions on his tumblr and pixiv and can't find anything that looks like character names. They only speak japanese and I don't, so heavy google translate use was involved. Plus (yes I'm being somewhat selfish now) since Japanese artists are notoriously stingy about reposts, I'd rather not attract attention and see the artist puts their gallery on private of DNPs themselves.

Updated by anonymous

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